Arnold Adriaan Bake
ethnomusicology, Indian (vocal) music
professional musical artist
Curriculum vitae
1899 | born in Hilversum on May 19 |
1913-1918 | gymnasium in Haarlem |
1918-1923 | studied Indology (in order to occupy a position in the language service in the Dutch East Indies); student of Snouck Hurgronje (Arabic) and of J. Ph. Vogel (Sanskrit), Leiden University |
1924-1925 | studied classical Sanskrit texts on the theory of music under W. Caland, Utrecht University |
1925-1929 | stay in Santiniketan (West Bengal); trained in practising (folk) music and in the Bengali language under the guidance of Rabindranath Tagore |
1930 | PhD under supervision of W. Caland at Utrecht University |
1931-1934 | field work in India, Nepal and Ceylon |
1934 | stay in London |
1935-1936 | tour with lectures on and performances of Indian music and songs through Europe and the USA |
1937-1946 | field work again in India and Nepal; in Calcutta during WWII where he was thaught in the art of singing kīrtanas |
1947 | lecturer in Sanskrit and Indian music, School of Oriental and African Studies, London |
1948-1963 | reader in Sanskrit and Indian music, School of Oriental and African Studies, London |
1955-1956 | travels through Pakistan and North-India to Kathmandu, Nepal |
1963 | died in London on October 8 |
Special activities and positions
- Co-founder of the International Folk Music Council in 1949
- Recording music performances on wax cylinders and making motion pictures and photographs of local musicians and performances; the materials are kept in the archives of SOAS (London) and of the Kern Institute (Leiden University Library)
- Correspondent of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) from 1947
- Chairman of the Committee for Ethnomusicoly of the Royal Anthropological Institute, London
- To the memory of Bake, the Dutch Society for Ethnomusicology ‘Arnold Bake’ was founded in 1984
- Obituary in The Times, 9 October 1963.
- Gonda, J., “Herdenking van Arnold Adriaan Bake (19 mei 1899 – 8 october 1963).” Jaarboek KNAW 1963-1964: 429-435.
- Brough, J., “Obituary Arnold Adriaan Bake.” BSOAS 27,1 (1964): 246-264; with a bibliography by J.R. and W. Marr, pp. 262-264.
- Marr, J.R. and Maud Karpeles, “Obituary Arnold A. Bake.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 16 (1964), 110-111.
- Nijenhuis, Emmie te, “Arnold Adriaan Bake.” In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (German encyclopedia of music), Suppl., Kassel 1970, 2 pp.
- Tingey, C., The Nepalese fieldwork of dr Arnold A. Bake: a guide to the sound recordings, London 1985. – MA thesis.
- Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali and Amy Catlin, The Bake restudy in India, 1938-1984: the preservation and transformation of performance in Tamilnadu, Kerala, and Karnataka: an ethnographic video monograph , Van Nuys, Calif. 1990.
- Jairazbhoy, N.A., “Arnold Bake and the first restudy of his fieldwork.” In: B. Nettl and P.V. Bohlman (eds), Comparative musicology and anthropology of music: essays on the history of ethnomusicology, Chicago 1991, pp. 210-227.
- Myers, Helen, Review of: Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali and Amy Catlin, The Bake restudy in India, 1938-1984, Van Nuys 1984. Ethnomusicology 1994, 565-568.
- Roon, M. van, “Ethnomusicology in the Netherlands: the pioneers.” In: W. van Zanten and M. van Roon (eds), Ethnomusicology in the Netherlands: present situation and traces of the past, Leiden 1995 (Oideion 2), pp. 1-25; Arnold Adriaan Bake: pp.5-6.
- Proosdij, L. van, “Ethnomusicological collections in the Netherlands.” In: W. van Zanten and M. van Roon (eds), Ethnomusicology in the Netherlands: present situation and traces of the past, Leiden 1995 (Oideion 2), pp. 313-319; Arnold Adriaan Bake: pp. 313-314.
- Werkhoven, Jeanette, Radio Uitzending: Arnold Bake; een Spektakel Special, 19 juni 2001, 15:02-16:00, 747 AM. – text is available in the archives A.A. Bake at the Kern Institute (Leiden University Library).
- Catlin, A., “Bake, Arnold Adriaan,” In: M.A. Mills e.a.,South Asian folklore: an encyclopedia: Afghanistan-Bangladesh-India-Nepal-Pakistan-Sri Lanka, New York-London 2003, p. 38.
- McLean, M., “Arnold Adriaan Bake.” In: Pioneers of ethnomusicology, Coral Springs, Fl. 2006, pp. 101-102.
1927 “A talk on folk music.” The Visva-Bharati Quarterly 1927: 144-148.
1928 “Java and Bali.” Journal and proceedings, Asiatic Society of Bengal NS 22,6 [1928]: 351-364.
1929 “Van Bombay naar Calcutta I-IV.” Vrije Geluiden 30: 6-7, 31: 11-12, 32: 8-9, 33: 12-13.
– “Over de muziek van Tagore.” Muziek en Religie, Handelingen van het Genootschap ‘Muziek en Religie’ 5: 9-15.
– “The relation between western and eastern music, with Pythagoras as a link.” Theosophist 50: 577-585.
1930 Bijdrage tot de kennis der Voor-Indische muziek, Paris. – PhD thesis Utrecht.
– “Indische muziek en de composities van Rabindranath Tagore.” De Gids 94: 368-388.
1931 “Indian music and Rabindranath Tagore.” Indian Art and Letters NS 5: 81-102. – A lecture delivered before the India society.
– “Die Bedeutung Rabindranath Tagores für die indische Musik.” Wiener Beiträge zur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Asiens 6: 60-79.
– “Rabindranath Tagore’s music.” In: R. Chatterjee (ed.), The golden book of Tagore: a homage to Rabindranath Tagore from India and the world in celebration of his seventieth birthday, Calcutta, pp. 273-276.
1932 “Folk music.” The Ceylon causerie illustrated 4,2: 25.
1933 “The importance of the study of Indian music” and “Musical education in India”, two lectures on Indian music delivered in Baroda, Department of education, in December 1932 and January 1933.
– “Dr A. Bake’s researches in Indian music and folklore: short report on the work done in 1931-1933.” Indian Art and Letters NS 7,1: 10-13. – written by A.A. Bake himself.
1934 “Different aspects of Indian music.” Indian Art and Letters NS 8,1: 60-74.
– “Ceylon.” Buiten 47: 560-561.
1935 Chansons de Rabindranath Tagore: vingt-six chants transcrits, préc. d’une préf. de A. A. Bake et P. Stern avec traduction littérale de la poésie bengalie et trad. libre de Rabindranath Tagore = Twenty-six songs of Rabindranath Tagore / noted down; with an introd. by A. A. Bake and P. Stern, together with a literal transl. from the Bengali poems and the free transl. of the same by Rabindranath Tagore, Paris (Bibliothèque musicale du Musée Guimet 1,2).
– “The practice of Sāmaveda.” Proceedings and Transactions of the seventh All-India Oriental Conference, Baroda, December 1933, Baroda, pp. 143-155.
– “Living Nepal.” The Asiatic Review 31: 61-71. – Lecture with projection of glass slides on the occasion of the reception by the Nepalese minister in London on November 7, 1934.
1937 “Indian folk music.” Proceedings of the Musical Association 63 (1936-1937): 65-77.
– “Kathakali.” Asia 37,12: 851.
1938 “Indian music.” Journal of the Music Academy Madras 9: 24-30.
– “Some aspects of Indian and Western music.” Prabuddha Bhārata 53,2: 71-77.
– “Folk songs in India.” The Scholar 1938: 369-372.
– “Relation, affinity and contact.” The Scholar 1938: 481-487.
– “Some aspects of religious music.” Triveni 9,2: 9-13.
1939 “Some folk-dances in South India.” The Asiatic Review 35: 527-529.
1940 “A reminiscence.” In: Supplement Triwindoe-gedenkboek Mangkoe Nagoro VII, Soerakarto, pp. 166-167.
– Review of: N. de Torhout (rec.), Dix-huit chants et poèmes Mongoles, recueillis; et transcrits par Madame Humbert-Sauvageot, Paris 1937 (Bibliothèque musicale du Musée Guimet 1,4). Indian Art and Letters NS 14: 63-65
1941 “Indian music.” Music and Dancing 1941: 5-10.
1942 “The Javanese shadow play.” The Modern Review 72: 317-320.
1944 “Wanderings of songs.” Proceedings of the Asiatic Folk Literature Society 1,1: 3-5.
1946 “Religious expression in some Indian folk songs.” Perspective 1,4: 24-27.
1947 “A case of parallel symbolism.” In: India antiqua: a volume of oriental studies presented by his friends and pupils to Jean Philippe Vogel, C.I.E. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate, [ed. by] The Kern Institute, Leyden, pp. 10-14.
– “Kīrtan in Bengal.” Indian Art and Letters NS 21,1: 34-40.
1948 “Çri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: a study of Chaitanya, followed by Bengali hymns with music.” Mededelingen KNAW afd. lett. NR 11,8: 279-305.
1949 “Study circle for Oriental music.” Art and Letters NS 23,2: 92-96.
– “Indian folk dances.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 1: 47-48.
1950 “Some aspects of the development of Indian music.” Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 76 (1949-1950): 23-34.
– “Some hobby-horses in South India.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 2: 43-45.
– “Die beiden Tongeschlechter bei Bharata.” In: Kongressbericht, Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (II), Lüneburg-Kassel, pp. 158-160.
– “A Javanese musicological puzzle.” In: Bingkisan budi: een bundel opstellen aan Philippus Samuel van Ronkel door vrienden en leerlingen aangeboden op zijn tachtigste verjaardag, 1 aug. 1950, Leiden, pp. 24-26.
1951 & Maud Karpeles, Manual for folk music collectors, with a supplement on ciné-filming by Doris Plaister, London ( International Folk Music Council).
– “Der Begriff Nāda in der indischen Musik.” In: Société Internationale de Musicologie, quatrième congrès, Bâle, 29 juin au 3 juillet 1949, Compte rendu, Basel, pp. 55-59.
– Review of: Jaap Kunst, Music in Java, 2 vols, The Hague 1949. BTLV 107,4: 392-408.
– Review of: J. C. Ghosh, Bengali literature, London 1948. JRAS 83,3/4: 211-213.
1952 Review of: Jaap Kunst, Music in Java, 2 vols, second ed., The Hague 1949. Man 52: 140-141.
– Review of: Bingkisan budi: een bundel opstellen aan Philippus Samuel van Ronkel door vrienden en leerlingen aangeboden op zijn tachtigste verjaardag, 1 aug. 1950, Leiden 1950. Man 52: 141-142.
1953 “The impact of Western music on the Indian musical system.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 5: 57-60.
– “Die mystischen Volkslieder von Bengalen.” Schweizer Radio Zeitung 22: 17.
1954 “Bemerkungen zur Entstehungsgeschichte eines Modus.” In: Bericht über den internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress, Bamberg 1953, Kassel-Basel, pp. 182-185.
– “Indian music.” In: Eric Blom (ed.), Grove’s dictionary of music and musicians, vol. 4, 5th ed. London, pp. 456-460. – Revision of an article originally written by A.H. Fox Strangways.
– “Indonesian music.” In: Eric Blom (ed.), Grove’s dictionary of music and musicians, vol. 4, 5th ed. London, pp. 460-467.
– Review ‘Music of North India’ of: Alain Daniélou, Northern Indian music, 2 vols, Calcutta-London 1949-1954. The Times Literary Supplement 22 October 1954, pp. 668.
– Review of: B. de Zoete, The other mind: a study of dance and life in South India, London 1953. Man 54: 64.
1955 “The appropriation of Śiva’s attributes by Devi.” BSOAS 17,3: 519-525.
1956 “Muziekgeschiedenis: muziek en de muziekbeoefening in de oudheid: India.” In: L.M.G. Arntzenius e.a. (eds), Encyclopedie van de muziek, vol. 1, Amsterdam, pp. 52-56. – Repr. in Geschiedenis van de muziek, 1965.
– Review of: J. Cuisinier, La danse sacrée en Indochine et en Indonésie, Paris 1951. OLZ 51: 357-358.
– Review of: P. S. S. Sastri (ed.), Sangītaratnākara, Madras 1953 (Adyar Library Series 86). JRAS 88,1/2: 109.
– Review of: M.R. Rao, “The Vedic octave” and R. Sathyanarayana, “Extracts from the Sangīta Sāra in Abhinava Bharata Sāra Sangraha,” Research Board Bulletin 1 (Mysore). JRAS 88,1/2: 109-111.
1957 “Bharata’s experiment with the two vīṇās.” BSOAS 20: 61-67.
– “India.” In: L.M.G. Arntzenius e.a. (eds), Encyclopedie van de muziek, vol. 2, Amsterdam, pp. 171-172.
– “Pakistan.” In: L.M.G. Arntzenius e.a. (eds), Encyclopedie van de muziek, vol. 2, Amsterdam, pp. 436-437.
– “Indische Musik.” In: F. Blume (ed.), Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik, Bd. 6, Kassel-Basel, cols. 1150-1185. – Reprint in: Ausereuropäische Musik in Einzeldarstellungen, Kassel 1980, pp. 190-225.
– “The music of India.” In: E. Wellesz (ed.), Ancient and Oriental music, London (New Oxford History of Music 1), pp. 195-227, 488-489.
– Review-article ‘Krishna, the beloved’ of: W.G. Archer, The loves of Krishna: in Indian painting and poetry, London 1957. The Aryan Path 28,12: 561-562.
1958 Introduction to: Rabindranath Tagore, Verhalen, gedichten en toneel, Nederlandse vertaling [uit het Engels] van R. van Brakell Buys en uit het Bengaals van Cornelia Bake-Timmers, Haarlem, pp. 7-34.
– “Nepalese folk music.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 10: 50. – lecture illustrated by films and recordings.
– “Sir William Jones.” In: F. Blume (ed.), Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik, Bd. 7, Kassel-Basel, p. 167.
– Review of: Paul Collaer (ed.), Les colloques de Wégimont: cercle international d’études ethno-musicologiques, Brussels 1956. Man 58: 148-149.
– Review of: B. Nettl, Music in primitive culture, Cambridge Mass. 1956. Man 58: 47.
– Review of: K.M. Varma, Nātya, nṛtta and nṛtya: their meaning and relation, Bombay 1957. BSOAS 21,3: 648-649.
– Review of: Vibhukumar S. Desai (ed.), Rāgatattvavibodha: a work on Indian music by Śrīnivāsa, Baroda 1956. BSOAS 21,3: 675.
1959 “Folk traditions in Nepal: continuity and change.” Folklore 70: 313-322.
– “Rhythmischer Kontrapunkt auf einer Rahmentrommel aus Ceylon.” In: Bericht über den siebenten internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress, Köln 1958, Kassel-Basel, pp. 60-61.
1960 “Hoddu, te’atron we-riqqudh (India, theatre and dance).” Encyclopaedia Hebraica 13, 5721 (1960): cols. 518-520.
– “Ein Indradhvajotthāna in Nepal.” In: E. Waldschmidt (Hrsg.), Indologen-Tagung 1959: Verhandlungen der Indologischen Arbeitstagung in Essen-Bredeney, Villa Hügel, 13-15 Juli 1959, Göttingen, pp. 116-121.
– “La musique indienne.” In: R. Manuel (ed.), Histoire de la musique 1: Dès origines à J.S. Bach, Paris (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade 9), pp. 319-342.
– Review of: K.M. Varma, Seven words in Bharata: what do they signify? Calcutta etc. 1958. BSOAS 23,1: 159-160.
– Review of: A.M. Jones, Studies in African music, 2 vols, London 1959. BSOAS 23,2: 417-419.
– Review of: B. de Zoete, Dance and magic drama in Ceylon, London 1957. Man 60: 79.
1961 “Herdenking van Jaap Kunst.” Jaarboek KNAW 1960-1961: 327-335.
– “Jaap Kunst: August 12, 1891-December 7, 1960.” Acta Musicologica 33,2/4: 67-69.
– “Jacob Kunst: 1891-1960.” Man 61: 121-122.
– “Jaap Kunst.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 13: 2.
– “Tagore en Santiniketan.” Mens en Kosmos 3: 102-111.
– “Rabindranath Tagore.” News Digest of the International Association for Religious Freedom 46: 3-7.
– “Tagore, the musician.” EW NS 12,2/3: 172-176.
– “Indian music and Rabindranath Tagore.” In: P. Sen and K. Ray (eds), Rabindranath Tagore centenary volume 1861-1961, New Delhi, pp. 21-33. – Orig. publ. in 1931.
– “Synthesis of Indian and Western music.” The illustrated weekly of India 82,45: 51.
– “Quelques éléments religieux dans le théâtre Indien.” In: J. Jacquot (ed.), Les théâtres d’Asie, Paris, pp. 41-48.
– “Buddhas Reise nach Lumbini.” In: Internationaler Kongress der Volkserzählungsforscher in Kiel und Kopenhagen (19.8-29.8.1959). Vorträge und Referate, Berlin, pp. 12-15.
– “Tagore, the man and the artist.” Art and Letters 35,1: 10-20.
– “Tagore and his songs.” In: S. Ghosh (ed.), The centenary book of Tagore, Calcutta, pp. 188-190.
– “Rabindranath Tagore, een persoonlijke herinnering.” In: Tagore 1861-1961 (speciale uitgave ter gelegenheid van de Tagore-herdenkingen in Nederland), ’s-Gravenhage, pp. 24a-24d.
– “A little-known realm of haunting songs and melodies: Tagore, a composer unshackled by tradition,” with co-author Philippe Stern. The Unesco Courier 12 (Rabindranath Tagore: a universal voice): 17, 20-21.
– “Obituary Abbasuddin Ahmed.” Journal of the International Folk Music Council 13: 93.
– Review of: Alain Daniélou, La musique du Cambodge et du Laos, Pondichéry 1957 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 9); and of: Alain Daniélou, Tableau comparatif des intervalles musicaux, Pondichéry 1958 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 8); and of: Alain Daniélou et N.R. Bhatt, Textes des Purāṇa sur la théorie musicale, Pondichéry 1959 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 11). IIJ 5: 153-160.
– Review of: Alain Daniélou et N.R. Bhatt (ed. et tr.), Le Gītālaṃkāra: l’ouvrage original de Bharata sur la musique, Pondichéry 1959 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 16). BSOAS 24,1: 150-154.
– Review of: S. Subrahmanya Sastri (ed.),The Saṃgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva, with the Kalānidhi of Kallīnātha and the Saṃgītasudhākara of Siṃhabhūpāla, vol. II –adhyāyas 2-4, revised by V. Krishnamacharya, Adyar, Madras [1959] (The Adyar Library Series 43). BSOAS 24,1: 175-176.
– Review of: Alain Daniélou, Traité de musicologie comparée, Paris 1959. Ethnomusicology 5,3: 231-237.
1962 “De Christelijke traditie in de Voorindische volksmuziek.” Vrije Geluiden 38: 5.
– “Jaap Kunst (Groningen, augustus 1891-Amsterdam, december 1960).” Jaarboek MNL 1961-1962: 121-127.
– “Rabindranath Tagore.” Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap 2 (1961-1962): 43-47.
– Review of: Jane Belo, Trance in Bali, New York 1960. Man 62: 31-32.
– Review of: E. Werner, The sacred bridge: the interdependence of liturgy and music in synagogue and church during the first millennium, London 1959; and of: E. Wellesz, A history of Byzantine music and hymnography, Oxford 1961. BSOAS 25,2: 409-410.
1963 “Charlemagne in Malabar.” Folklore 74: 450-459.
– “Dance: the Orient, India and Pakistan.” In: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
– “Gamelan.” In: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
– Review of: A. Blyau and M. Tasseel, Iepersch Oud-Liedboek, Brussel 1962. Journal of the International Folk Music Council 15: 86.
– Review of: Moh. A. Hay and Moh. Mansooruddin, Haramani 5, Dacca 1961. Journal of the International Folk Music Council 15: 92.
– Review of: Shyamparamar , Lokdharmi-Natyaparamapara: a survey of folk dance-drama, Benares 1959. Journal of the International Folk Music Council 15: 109.
– Review of: Sangeet-Shiksha-Seminar, Jodhpur 1960. Journal of the International Folk Music Council 15: 117.
– Review of: Mens en Melodie 16,9 and 12 ; Mens en Melodie 17,2 and 4, Utrecht. Journal of the International Folk Music Council 15: 131-132.
– Review of: Neerlands volksleven, The Hague 1961-62. Journal of the International Folk Music Council 15: 132.
1964 “The aesthetics of Indian music.” The British Journal of Aesthetics 4,1: 47-57.
1965 “The classical Indian dawn modes.” In: A.T. Hatto (ed.), Eos: a world-wide enquiry into the poetry of lovers’ partings and meetings at dawn, ‘s-Gravenhage, pp. 157-180.
1970 “Stick dances.” Yearbook of the international Folk Music Council 2 [1971]: 56-62.