Meine Pieter van Dijk
1949 –
economic development, water management, urban management
Bengal, Bangladesh, Africa, China
Bengal, Bangladesh, Africa, China
Curriculum vitae
1973 | MA economics, Free University, Amsterdam |
1980 | PhD economics Free University, Amsterdam |
1999-2014 | full professor urban management in emerging areas, Institute of Social Studies and the Economic Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam |
2005-2014 | full professor UNESCO IHE water services management |
2007 | professor in entrepreneurship at Maastricht School of Management (MSM) |
2013 | associate professor Chinese economy, Leiden University |
2014-present | professor of entrepreneurship at MSM (parttime) |
Special activities and positions
- Member of the research schools CERES and SENSE
- Consultant for NGOs, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, different bilateral donors and UN agencies
The majority of Van Dijk’s publications concern China and African countries. These are not included. 1980 De informele sector van Ouagadougou en Dakar: ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden van kleine bedrijven in twee Westafrikaanse hoofdsteden, [s.l.: s.n.]. – PhD thesis Free University Amsterdam. 1991 & S.I. Cohen, “Het vierde vijfjarenplan van Bangladesh.” Economisch-statistische berichten 76 (afl. 3817): 728-730. 1996 Structural adjustment policies and their effects on the city level, the case of India, Rotterdam: Euricur, 19 p. 1997 Small entreprise clusters in India and Indonesia, an evolutionary perspective, Rotterdam: Euricur (R1997-5/P1997-1), 17 p. 1999 “Het andere India, onderzoek in Ahmedabad in de deelstaat Gujarat.” Agora 15,3: 20-22. 2000 & M. Put (eds), Government and NGO inverventions in dryland agriculture: a study of two projects in Andhra Pradesh, New Dehli: Ajay Kumar Jain for Manohar. 2001 “Challenges for urban managers in emerging economies, particularly India.” In: I.S.A. Baud, J. Post, L. de Haan & T. Dietz (eds), Re-aligning government: essays in honor of G.A. de Bruijne, Amsterdam: UVA AGIDS, pp. 39-53. 2002 “India-China, a battle of two new ICT giants, fought by different urban ICT clusters.” In: International Seminar on ICTs and Indian Development, Bangalore, India, December 9-11, 2002. – “Urban development in India with new financial institutions and instruments, incorporating environmental sustainability considerations.” In: International Conference for Sustainable Future and Human Unity, Auroville, India, February 25-27, 2002. – “Government policies with respect to an ICT cluster in Bangalore, India,” Paper for the EADI Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 19-21, 2002. 2003 “A comparative study of the ICT sector in China and India,” Presentation for the Sino-Dutch International Business Center (SD-IBC) at Business School of the Nanjing University. – “Government policies with respect to an information technology cluster in Bangalore India.” European Journal of Development Research 15,2: 93-109. 2004 & W. van Winden, “A comparison of European and Asian ICT clusters and their promotion policies.” In: Gupta, K.R. (ed.), Urban development debates in the new millenium: studies in revisited theories and redefined praxes, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, pp. 214-228. – “The role of financial institutions and markets in urban development in India, with examples from Karnataka and Gujarat.” In: Ibidem, pp. 229-240. – “Globalization in China and India: how cities, clusters and poor people benefit from it.” Nanjing business review 2004: 143-158. – “Institutional arrangements municipal wastewater and sanitation, evidence from cases studies from Argentina, India, Mexico.” In: Proceedings meeting on 17 August during World Water Week in Stockholm, August., pp 100-101. – “Financing options for drinking water, wastewater treatment and sanitation in India.” In: Contribution to EU working group on finance, meeting on 18-8, during the world water week in Stockholm, August 15-21, 14 p. 2005 “Financing water and sanitation in India, bonds, BOTs and reforms.” Waterlines 24,2: 11-14. – “India-China, a battle of two new ICT giants.” In: A. Saith and M. Vijayabaskar (eds), ICTS and Indian Economic Development, New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 440-460. 2006 & C. Sijbesma, Water and sanitation: institutional challenges in India, New Delhi: Manohar. – “Different effects of globalization for workers and poor in China and India: comparing countries, clusters and ICT clusters?” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 97,5: 501-514. 2007 The contribution of cities to economic development: an explanation based on Chinese and Indian cities, Den Haag: ISS Public lecture series. – Inaugural address ISS. 2008 “Globalization and ICT clusters in Bangalore (India) and Nanjing (China): the potential of the ICT sector and its spatial implications.” In: C. Ramachandraiah, A.C.M. van Westen and S. Prasad (eds), High-tech urban spaces: Asian and European perspectives, New Delhi: Manohar pp. 233-259. – “Public-private partnerships in basic service delivery: impact on the poor, examples from the water sector in India.” International Journal of Water 4,3/4: 216-234. 2013 “Eco-cities of the future, learning from Chinese and Indian experiences.” Artha Vikas 49,2: 1-11. |