Elisabeth Christina Louisa (Inez) During Caspers
Gulf region, Indus Valley, Bactria
Curriculum vitae
1934 | born in Amsterdam on September 1 |
1962 | MA Sumerian language and MA ‘Prehistory and Archaeology of the Near and Middle East, South and South-East Asia’ at the University of Amsterdam |
1964 | left for London with a British Council Scholarship |
1969 | PhD at the Institute of Archaeology, University of London, under the supervision of Seton Lloyd |
1969- | assistant Manuscript Room of the library of the University of Amsterdam |
1973- | lecturer at the Kern Institute, the Department of South and Central Asia, Leiden University |
1986-1995 | lecturer in the ‘Archaeology of South and Southwest Asia’, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University |
1996 | passed away on January 31st |
Special activities and positions
- photographer of sites and museum collections in India and Pakistan
- participant in excavations
- co-editor of ABIA 22-23 for the years 1967-1969, and 1970-1972, the Kern Institute, Leyden-Dordrecht
- “In memoriam E.C.L. During Caspers.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 26 (1996): viii-ix.
- Potts, D.T., “Biography of Elisabeth C.L. During Caspers.” In: Breaking Ground: women in old world archaeology.
- Olijdam, E., “Towards an integrated archaeology of South and Southwest Asia: an appreciation of E.C.L. During Caspers.” In: E. Olijdam and R.H. Spoor (eds), Intercultural relations between South and Southwest Asia: studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During-Caspers (1934-1996), Oxford 2008 (BAR International Series 1826; Society for Arabian Studies monographs 7), pp. 1-4.
- Olijdam, E. et al. (comp.), “A bibliography of E.C.L. During Caspers.” In: E. Olijdam and R.H. Spoor (eds), Intercultural relations between South and Southwest Asia: studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During-Caspers (1934-1996), Oxford 2008 (BAR International Series 1826; Society for Arabian Studies monographs 7), pp. 8-11.
1961 & W. Glasbergen, “De Neolithische nederzettingen te Vlaardingen (Z.H.): inleiding [en] Ceramiek.” In: In het voetspoor van A.E. van Giffen, Groningen, pp. 41-48.
1963 “A male head found at Dabar Kot.” Antiquity 37 (no. 148): 294.
1965 “Further evidence for cultural relations between India, Baluchistan and Iran and Mesopotamia in early dynastic times.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 24,1/2: 53-56.
1969 Archaeological evidence for maritime trade in the Persian Gulf in the third millennium B.C ., 3 vols, London. – Unpublished PhD thesis, University of London.
1970 “A note on the carved stone vases and incised grayware.” In: Beatrice de Cardi, Excavations at Bampur, a third millennium settlement in Persian Baluchistan 1966, New York (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 51,3), pp 319-326.
– “Trucial Oman in the third millennium B.C.: new evidence for contacts with Sumer, Baluchistan and the Indus Valley.” Origini 4: 205-276.
1971 “Some motifs as evidence for maritime contacts between Sumer and the Indus Valley.” Persica 5 (1970-1971): 107-118.
– “The tortoise, symbol of eternity?” Bulletin of the Asia Institute of Pahlavi University 2: 11-15.
– “New archaeological evidence for maritime trade in the Persian Gulf during the late protoliterate period.” EW 21,1/2: 21-44.
– “The bull’s head from Barbar Temple II, Bahrain: a contact with early dynastic Sumer.” EW 21,3/4: 217-223.
– Sumer and Kulli meet at Dilmun in the Arabian Gulf.” Archiv für Orientforschung 24: 128-132
1972 “The gate-post in Mesopotamian art: a short outline of its origin and development.” Jaarbericht van het vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 22 (1971-1972): 211-227.
– “Etched Cornelian beads.” Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology 10: 83-98.
– “La hachette trouée de la sépulture E de Khurāb, dans le Balouchistan persan: examen rétrospectif.” Iranica Antiqua 9: 60-64.
– “Harappan trade in the Arabian Gulf in the third millennium B.C.” Mesopotamia 7: 167-191.
– “A short survey of a still topical problem: the third millennium Arabian Gulf trade mechanism seen in the light of the recent discoveries in Southern Iran.” Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 3: 35-42.
– “The Baḥrain tumuli.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2: 9-19.
– Review of: A. Spycket, Les statues de culte dans les textes Mésopotamiens, des origines à la Ire dynastie de Babylone, Paris 1968. EW 22,3/4: 331-334.
1973 “Tepe Yahya: the third millennium.” Bulletin of the Asia Institute of Pahlavi University 3: 57-63.
– “De handelsbetrekkingen van de Indus beschaving in de Perzische Golf in het 3e millennium v. Chr.” Phoenix 19,1: 241-266.
– “Harappan trade in the Arabian Gulf in the third millennium B.C.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 3: 3-20.
– “Sumer and Kulli meet at Dilmun in the Arabian Gulf.” Archiv für Orientforschung 24: 128-132.
– “Dilmun and the date-tree.” EW 23,1/2: 75-78.
1974 “The Bahrain tumuli 1972-74.” Persica 6 (1972-1974): 131-156.
1976 “Cultural concepts in the Arabian Gulf and the Indian Ocean: transmissions in the third millennium and their significance.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 6: 8-39.
– “Indus Valley and Mesopotamia: contradictio in terminis?” In: The Indus Civilization: problems and issues, Simla 1977. – Manuscript; xerox distribution.
– Review of: T.G. Bibby, Preliminary survey in East Arabia 1968, Moesgaard 1973 (Jutland Archaeological Society Press 12). BO 33,3: 81-88.
– Review of: Paul Bernard (direction), Fouilles d’Aï Khanoum I: Campagnes 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 2 vols, Paris 1973 (= Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan 21). BO 33: 251-257.
– Review of: H.T. Lambrick, Sind before the Muslim conquest, Karachi (etc.) 1974 (History of Sind Series 2). BO 33: 258-259.
1977 “A Dilmunite seal cutter’s misfortune.” Antiquity 51: 54-55.
– Review of: J.E. van Lohuizen and J.M.M. Ubaghs (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1973, papers from the second international conference of the Association for the Promotion of South Asian Archaeology in Western Europe held in the University of Amsterdam , Leiden 1974. BO 34: 119-124.
1978 with A. Govindankutty, “R. Thapar’s Dravidian hypothesis for the locations of Meluhha, Dilmun and Makan: a critical reconsideration.” JESHO 21,2: 113-145.
1979 “Statuary in the round from Dilmun: further evidence for trade contact in the Gulf.” In: J.E. van Lohuizen-De Leeuw (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1975, papers from the third international conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in Paris [July 1975] , Leiden, pp. 58-75.
– “Caricatures, grotesques and glamour in Indus Valley Art.” In: M. Taddei (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1977, Naples (Seminario di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 6), pp. 345-374.
– “Sumer, coastal Arabia and the Indus Valley in protoliterate and early dynastic eras: supporting evidence for a cultural linkage.” JESHO 22,2: 121-135.
– “Westward contacts with historical India: a trio of figurines.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 9: 10-30.
1980 The Bahrain tumuli: an illustrated catalogue of two important collections, Istanbul (Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul = PIHANS 47)
– “Sumerian traders and businessmen residing in the Indus Valley cities: a critical assessment of the archaeological evidence.” American Journal of Archaeology 84: 205. – Summery of paper, cf. 1982.
– Review of: A. Sordinas, Contributions to the archaeology of Saudi Arabia III: the Zimmerman collection from the northern fringe of the Rub ‘al-Khali, Miami 1978 (Field Research Projects). BO 37: 224-228.
1981 “The Indian ivory figurine from Pompei: a reconsideration of its functional use.” In: H. Härtel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1979, Berlin, pp. 341-353.
– “Singular aspects of Indus Valley artistry.” In: V.S. Srivastava (ed.), Cultural contours of India: dr Satya Prakash felicitation volume, Delhi, pp. 35-38. – [article not found in the volume]
– Review of: B. de Cardi (ed.), Qatar archaeological report: excavations 1973, Oxford 1978. BO 38: 137-151.
– Review of: J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1975, papers from the third international conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in Paris , Leiden 1979. BO 38: 456-461.
1982 “Sumerian traders and businessmen residing in the Indus Valley cities: a critical assessment of the archaeological evidence.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 42: 337-379.
– Review of: J. Auboyer et al, Oriental art: a handbook of styles and forms, London 1979 ( The Arts of the East) and of: Handbuch der Formen- und Stilkunste Asien, Stuttgart 1980. BO 39: 428-432.
– Review of: H. Härtel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1979, papers from the fifth international conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe held in the Museum für Indische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin, Berlin 1981. BO 39: 432-455.
1983 “Triangular stamp seals from the Arabian Gulf and their Indus Valley connection.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 43,3: 661-670.
– “Corals, pearls and prehistoric Gulf trade.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 13: 21-29.
– “Northeastern Arabian archaeology in retrospect.” BO 40: 16-49.
– Review of: S. Cleuziou et al., Fouilles à Umm Jidr (Bahrein), Paris 1981 (Recherche sur les grandes civilisations, Mémoire 7). BO 40: 483-486.
– Review of: C. Hardy-Guilbert and C. Lalande, La maison de Shaykh ‘Īsā à Baḥrayn = Shaikh ‘Īsā’s house in Baḥrain, Paris 1981. BO 40: 486-488.
– Review of: S. Ratnagar, Encounters: the westerly trade of the Harappa civilization, Delhi 1981. BO 40: 494-502.
– Review of: J.G. Shaffer, Prehistoric Baluchistan: with excavation report on Said Qala Tepe, Delhi 1978 (Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quarternary Studies 3). BO 40: 749-753.
– Review of: A.L. Dallapiccola, Die “Paithan”-Malerei: Studie zu ihrer stilistischen Entwicklung und Ikonographie, Wiesbaden 1980 (Schriftenreihe des Südasien-Instituts der Universität Heidelberg 28). BO 40: 753-760.
– Review of: E. Tömöry, Fine arts in India and the West, London 1982. BO 40: 760-761.
1984 “Sumerian trading communities residing in Harappan society.” In: B.B. Lal & S.P. Gupta (eds), Frontiers of the Indus civilization: Sir Mortimer Wheeler commemoration volume, New Delhi 1984, pp. 363-370.
– “A note on glassware from Ras Al-Khaimah.” In: R. Boucharlat et J.-F. Salles (eds), Arabie Orientale, Mésopotamie et Iran méridional de l’Âge du fer au début de la période islamique, Paris (ERC Mémoire 37), pp. 217-233.
– “Dilmun: international burial ground.” JESHO 27: 1-32.
– Review of: H.E. Mathiesen, Failaka/Ikaros: the Hellenistic settlements, vol.1: the terracotta figurines, Moesgaard 1982 (Danish Archaeological Investigations of Failaka, Kuwait 1; Jutland Archaeological Society Press 16,1). BO 41: 737-740.
– Review of: M. Tosi (ed.), Prehistoric Sistan I, Roma 1983 (IsMEO Reports and Memoirs 19,1). BO 41: 741.
– Review of: P. Yule, Lothal: Stadt der Harappa-Kultur in Nord-westindien, Munchen 1982 (Materialien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie 9). BO 41: 745-747.
1985 “Hindu mythology and Harappan religion: selected aspects.” Itihas Patrika 5,3: 66-74.
– “A note on two stamp seals from the Arabian Gulf area.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 45, 2: 313-315.
– “More on the stone sculpture from Moenjo-daro.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 45,3: 409-426.
– “The “Priest King” from Moenjo-daro: an iconographic assessment.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 45,1: 19-24.
– “Sundry technical aspects of the manufacture of Indus Valley terracotta art.” In: G. Gnoli & L. Lanciotti (eds.), Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dicata, Roma 1985 (= Serie Orientale Roma 56, 1), pp. 267-285.
– “A possible Harappan contact with the Aegean world.” In: J. Schotsmans & M. Taddei, South Asian Archaeology 1983, Naples 1985 (Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 23), pp. 435-452.
1986 “Harappan animal-art in the Arabian Gulf.” In: H.I.R. Hinzler (ed.), Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology: essays offered to Dr. J. G. de Casparis on the occasion of his retirement pres. by colleagues and former students at the archaeological conference held on 2 June 1986 in Leiden, Leiden (Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology [1]), pp. 83-95.
– “Animal designs and Gulf chronology.” In: Shaikha Haya Ali Al Khalifa and M. Rice (eds), Bahrain through the ages: the archaeology, London, pp 286-304.
– Review of: B. Allchin (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1981, Cambridge 1984. BO 43: 509-518.
– Review of: G.L. Possehl (ed.), Harappan civilization: a contemporary perspective, Warminster 1982. BO 43: 518-528.
– “Of corals and ailments in the ancient Near East.” In: Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 16: 25-31.
1987 et al., Catalogue of a collection of pottery sherds and other archeological finds from S.E. Iran, W. Pakistan and Oman, Leiden, The Kern Institute. – Typed manuscript.
– “A copper-bronze animal in Harappan style from Bahrain: evidence of mercantile interaction.” JESHO 30,1: 30-46.
– “Singular aspects of Indus valley artistry. In: B.M. Pande & B.D. Chattopadhyaya (eds), Archaeology and history: essays in memory of Shri A. Ghosh, 2 vols, Delhi, pp. 219-233.
– “In the footsteps of Gilgamesh: in search of the Prickly Rose. Persica 12: 57-95.
– “Of linga stones and gaming boards.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 47: 67-74.
– “Was the dancing girl from Moenjo-daro a Nubian?” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 47: 99-105.
– Review of: G.P.F. Van Den Boorn, Oud Iran: pre-Islamitisch kunst en voorwerpen in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden (Ancient Iran: pre-Islamic art and artefacts in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, The Netherlands), Zutphen 1983. Persica 12: 149-151.
1988 “Contacts between India and the West during early historical times.” Indian Museum Bulletin 21: 22-33.
1989 “Some remarks on Oman.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 19: 13-31.
– “Magic hunting practices in Harappan times.” In: K. Frifelt and P. Sörensen (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1985, London, pp. 227-236.
– “Mackay’s ivory figurine from tumulus 12 at ‘Ali, Bahrain.” Iranica Antiqua 24: 159-174.
– Review of: Ph. Gignoux and R. Gyselen, Bulles et sceaux Sassanides de diverses collection, Paris 1987 (Studia Iranica 4). Persica 13: 173-175.
– Review of: J.-L. Huot, M. Yon et Y. Calvet (eds), De l’Indus aux Balkans: recueil à la mémoire de Jean Deshayes, Paris 1985. BO 46: 177-183.
– Review of: Monique Maillard, Grottes et monuments d’Asie centrale: essai sur l’architecture des monuments civils et religieux dans l’Asie centrale sédentaire depuis l’ère chrétienne jusqu’à la conquête musulmane, Paris 1983. BO 46: 183-187.
– Review of: J.C. Harle, The art and architecture of the Indian subcontinent, Harmondsworth 1987 (The Pelican History of Art). BO 46: 187-188.
1990 “Harappan temples – fact or fallacy? In: M. Taddei and P. Callieri (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1987, 2 vols, Roma (Serie Orientale Roma 66), pp 245-261.
– (Ed.), The Arabian Gulf Gazetteer I,1 (1989-1990).
– Review of: P. Lombard et J.-F. Salles (eds), La nécropole de Janussan (Bahrain), Paris 1984 (Traveaux de la Maison de l’Orient 6). BO 47: 789-795.
– “… and multi-coloured birds from Meluḫḫa.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 20: 9-16.
1991 “The Indus valley “Unicorn”: a Near Eastern connection?” JESHO 34,3: 312-350.
– “A Harappan bronze found in the Jefferson tumulus on Bahrain: the Arabian Gulf and South Asia at the turn of the 3rd millennium B.C.” In: K. Schippmann, A. Herlin, J.-F. Salles (eds), Golf Archäologie, Mesopotamien, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate und Oman, Buch am Erlbach (Internationale Archäologie 6), pp 159-174.
– “The Indus script in the light of the cultural interaction with the Near East and the recent reappraisal of the dating of the Harappan culture.” In: G. Bhattacharya (ed.), Akṣayanīvī: essays presented to Dr. Debala Mitra in admiration of her scholary contributions, Delhi (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series 88), pp 1-14.
– Review of: Dilip K. Chakrabarti, A history of Indian archaeology from the beginning to 1947, New Delhi 1988. JESHO 34,3: 376-378.
– Review of: M. Rice, Search for the paradise land: an introduction to the archaeology of Bahrain and the Arabian Gulf, London 1985. BO 48: 277-279.
– Review of: J. Schotsmans and M. Taddei (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1983, Naples 1985 (Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Series Minor 23). BO 48: 285-290.
– Review of: F. Tissot, Gandhāra: la vie publique et privée dans l’Inde ancienne, 2e série, Paris 1985. BO 48: 919-920.
1992 “Rituals and belief systems in the Indus Valley civiliztion.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden, pp. 102-127.
– “Some thoughts on the Indus script.” In: K.R. van Kooij, E.M. Raven (eds), Indian art and archaeology, Leiden (Panels of the VIIth world Sanskrit conference, Kern Institute, Leiden: Augustus 23-29, 1987, vol. 10), pp 54-67.
– “The “Calendar Stones” from Moenjo-daro reconsidered,” in collaboration with P.J.M. Nieskens. In: C. Jarrige (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1989, Madison (Monographs in World Archaeology 14), pp 83-95.
– “Harappan temples: fact or fallacy?” In: A. Wezler and E. Hammerschmidt (eds), Proceedings of the XXXII international congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg, 25th-30th August 1986, Stuttgart (ZDMG-Suppl. 9), pp 64-68.
– “Intercultural/mercantile contacts between the Arabian Gulf and South Asia at the close of the third millennium B.C.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 22: 3-28.
– Review of: C.A. Bromberg et al. (eds), Bulletin of the Asia Institute NS 1, Detroit 1987. BO 49: 514-517.
– Review of: D.T. Potts, Miscellanea Hasaitica, Copenhagen 1989 (The Carsten Niebuhr Institute 9). BO 49: 517-521.
1993 “A decorated gold fillet from Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan,” Indian Museum Bulletin 26 (1991; issued 1993): 13-22.
– “Another face of the Indus Valley magico-religious system.” In: A.J. Gail and G.J.R. Mevissen (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1991, Stuttgart, pp. 65-86.
– Review of: S.G.M. Shah and A. Parpola (eds), Corpus of Indus seals and inscriptions 2: collections in Pakistan, Helsinki 1991. JESHO 36: 365-366.
– Review of: D.T. Potts, A prehistoric mound in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain, U.A.E.: excavations at Tell Abraq in 1989, Munsgaard 1990. BO 50: 728-735.
– Review of: D.T. Potts, Araby the blest: studies in Arabian archaeology, Copenhagen 1988 (The Carsten Niebuhr Institute 7). BO 50: 735-739.
– Review of: V.I. Sarianidi, Die Kunst des alten Afghanistan: Architektur, Keramik, Siegel, Kunstwerke aus Stein und Metall, Weinheim 1986. BO 50: 739-748.
– Review of: M.-H. Pottier, Matériel funéraire de la Bactriane méridionale de l’âge du bronze, Paris 1984 (Recherche sur les grandes civilisations, Mémoire 36). BO 50: 748-756.
– Review of: K. Frifelt and P. Sørensen (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1985, London 1989 (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Occasional Papers 4). BO 50: 756-760.
1994 “Widening horizons: contacts between Central Asia (the Murghabo-Bactrian culture) and the Indus Valley civilization towards the close of the third and the early centuries of the second millennium B.C.” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 54: 171-198.
– “Further evidence for ‘Central Asian’ materials from the Arabian Gulf.” JESHO 37: 33-53.
– “Triangular stamp seals from the Arabian Gulf, once again.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 24: 97-114.
– “Vanity portrayed in clay: the female terracotta figurines from Harappa.” In: A. Parpola and P. Koskikallio (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1993, Helsinki (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, sereis B, 271), pp. 183-191.
– “Non-Indus glyptics in a Harappan context.” Iranica Antiqua 29: 83-106.
– “The Harappan courtiers.” J.M. Kenoyer (ed.), From Sumer to Meluhha: contributions to the archaeology of South and West Asia in memory of George F. Dales, Jr., Madison, WI (Wisconsin Archaeological Reports 3), pp. 187-192.
– Review of: M. Casanova, La vaisselle d’albâtre de Mésopotamie, d’Iran et d’Asie centrale aux IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C., Paris 1991 (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique Française en Asie Centrale 4; Centre de Recherches d’Archéologie Orientale 9). BO 51: 698-701.
– Review of: M. Taddei with the assist. of P. Callieri (eds), South Asian archaeology 1987, Rome 1991 (Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Serie orientale Roma 66). BO 51: 704-707.
1995 “The Meluhhan cultural heritage: Indianesque stamp and cylinder seals, and their relevance for the acculturation process of the Harappans abroad.” Persica 15: 7-27.
– “A stone cultic vase in the State Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, Netherlands.” In: L.K. Srinivasan and S. Nagaraju (eds), Sri Nagabhinandanam: dr. M.S. Nagaraja Rao Festschrift, Bangalore, pp. 1-3.
– Review of: F. Pedde, Keramik aus Nord-Belutschistan: die Sammlungen Noetling und Henckmann im Museum für Indische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin 1993. BO 52: 161-162.
– Review of: C. Jarrige with the assistance of John P. Gerry and Richard H. Meadow (eds), South Asian archaeology 1989, Madison 1992 (Monographs in world archaeology 14). BO 52: 162-166.
1996 “Local MBAC materials in the Arabian Gulf and their manufacturers.” Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 26: 47-64.
– “The reliability of archaeological evidence for mercantile: intercultural contacts between Central and South Asia, the Arabian Gulf, and the Near East in the late third and early second millennium B.C.” In: D. Mitra (ed.), Explorations in art and archaeology of South Asia: essays dedicated to N.G. Majumdar, Calcutta, pp. 123-156.
– Review of: A.J. Gail and G.J.R. Mevissen with the assistance of B. Zehmka (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1991, Stuttgart 1993. BO 53: 216-220.
1997 “Bactrian elements in the Harappan glyptic repertoire.” In: F.R. Allchin and B. Allchin (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1995, New Delhi, pp. 253-263.
– “Margiana-Bactrian archaeological complex and the Harappan scripts.” Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 1997: 51-65. – In Russian, with short abstract in English.
2008 “Murghabo-Bactrian archaeological complex and the Indus script.” In: E. Olijdam and R.H. Spoor (eds), Intercultural relations between South and Southwest Asia: studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During-Caspers (1934-1996), Oxford (BAR International Series 1826; Society for Arabian Studies monographs 7), pp. 260-267.
Not found
– “Sacred marriage representations of the Arabian Gulf.” In: P.K. Agrawala and T.S. Maxwell, Festschrift for prof. dr Klaus Fischer on the occasion of hos 70th birthday, Benares.
– The religion of the Indus Valley civilization, Leiden.