
Jozef Johannes Leon (Jos) Gommans

1963 –
South, Central and Southeast Asia

Curriculum vitae

1963born in Venlo on 1 April 1963
Atheneum, Sint Thomascollege Venlo
1981-1987 studied history at the Catholic University of Nijmegen and at Leiden University
1993 PhD Leiden University, supervisor J.C. Heesterman and A. Wink
1993-2010 lecturer South Asian history, Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Leiden University
2010- professor of colonial and global history, Leiden University

Special activities and positions

  • Editor (-in-chief) Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 2000-2010
  • Editor of the series Dutch Sources on South Asia, 2001-
  • Member of editorial staff of the Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum 61, 2013-


1991  Review of: Douglas E. Streusand, The formation of the Mughal empire, Delhi 1989. Studies in History 7,2: 344-347.
“Mughal India and Central Asia in the eighteenth century: an introduction to a wider perspective.” Itinerario 15,1: 51-71.
1993  Horse-traders, mercenaries and princes: the formation of the Indo-Afghan empire in the eighteenth century, [s.l.]. – PhD thesis, Leiden University.
1994  “Horse trade in eighteenth-century South Asia.” JESHO 37,3: 228-250.
“Nederlands textiel in het achttiende-eeuwse Perzië.” Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 109,4: 417-433.
1995  The rise of the Indo-Afghan empire (c.1710-1780), Leiden (Brill’s indological library 8). – Pbk reprint New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Review of: Louise Ouwerkerk, No elephants for the Maharaja: social and political change in Travancore 1921-1947, edited with an introduction by Dick Kooiman, New Delhi, 1994. Itinerario 19,2: 174-175.
“Indian warfare and Afghan innovation during the eighteenth century.” Studies in History 11,2: 261-280.
“Trade and civilization around the Bay of Bengal, c.1650-1800.” Itinerario 19,3: 82-109.
Review of: Sukumar Ray, Bairam Khan, Karachi 1992. Persica 15: 188-189.
1996  Review of: Geert Jan van Gelder and Ed de Moor (eds), Eastward bound: Dutch ventures and adventures in the Middle East, Amsterdam 1994. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 111: 221-222.
1997  Review of: S.F. Dale, Indian merchants and Eurasian trade, 1600-1750, Cambridge 1994. JESHO 40,1: 142-143.
1998  “The silent frontier of South Asia, c. A.D. 1100-1800.” Journal of World History 9,1: 1-25.
“The Eurasian frontier after the first millennium A.D.: reflections along the fringe of time and space.” The Medieval History Journal 1,1: 125-145.
Review of: A. Burton, The Bukharans: a dynastic, diplomatic and commercial history 1550-1702, Richmond 1997; and of: Cahiers d’Asie Centrale, No 1,2 (1996): l’Inde-Asie centrale: routes du commerce et des idées, Tachkent 1996. Iranian Studies 31,2: 272-274.
Review of: Christine Noelle, State and tribe in nineteenth-century Afghanistan: the reign of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan (1826-1863), Richmond 1997. IIAS Newsletter 16: 13.
Review of: J.A. de Moor and P.G.E.I.J. van der Velde (eds), De werken van Jacob Haafner, deel 3, Zutphen 1997. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 17,1: 65-66.
1999  “Warhorse and gunpowder in India c. 1000-1850.” In: J. Black (ed.), War in the early-modern world 1450-1815, London, pp. 105-129.
“The embarrassment of political violence in Europe and South Asia, c. 1100-1800.” In: J.E.M. Houben and K.R. van Kooij (eds), Violence denied: violence, non-violence and the rationalization of violence in South Asian cultural history, Leiden, pp. 287-317.
Review of: L. Blussé and F. Gaastra (eds), On the eighteenth century as a category of Asian history: Van Leur in retrospect, Aldershot 1998. Journal of Asian Studies 58,1: 1081-1083.
Review of: R.C. Foltz, Mughal India and Central Asia, Karachi 1998. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 56,5/6: 817-820.
The rise of the Indo-Afghan empire (c.1710-1780), New Delhi: Oxford University Press. – Pbk reprint van 1995.
2000  Review of: P. Jackson, The Delhi Sultanate: a political and military history, Cambridge 1999. The International History Review 22,3: 624-626.
Review of: D. Ludden, The new Cambridge history of India IV,4: An agrarian history of South Asia, Cambridge 1999; and of: S. Guha, Environment and ethnicity in India: 1200-1991, Cambridge 1999. JESHO 43,4: 586-590.
2001  & D.H.A. Kolff (eds), Warfare and weaponry in South Asia, Delhi: Oxford University Press. – Pbk reprint 2004.
“Introduction.” In: J.J.L. Gommans & D.H.A. Kolff (eds), Warfare and weaponry in South Asia, Delhi: OUP, pp. 1-30. – Pbk reprint 2004.
& L. Bes and G. Kruijtzer, Dutch sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825, vol. 1: Bibliography and archival guide to the National Archives at the Hague (The Netherlands), Delhi.
Review of: Willem van Schendel and Erik J. Zürcher (eds), Indentity politics in Central Asia and the Muslim world: nationalism, ethnicity and labour in the twentieth century, London-New York. De Internationale Spectator 55,10: 521-3.
2002  & J. Leider (eds), The maritime frontier of Burma: exploring political, cultural and commercial interaction in the Indian Ocean world, c. 1000-1800, Amsterdam: KNAW and Leiden: KITLV.
“Burma at the frontier of South, East and Southeast Asia: a geographic perspective.” In: J.J.L. Gommans & J. Leider (eds), The maritime frontier of Burma: exploring political, cultural and commercial interaction in the Indian Ocean world, c. 1000-1800, Amsterdam: KNAW and Leiden: KITLV, pp. 1-9.
Mughal warfare: Indian frontiers and highroads to empire 1500-1700, London.
“De Indiase stilte in het lawaai rondom het VOC-jubileum.” India Nu 139: 7-11.
2003  “In partibus infidelium: an interview with Jan Heesterman, emeritus Indologist of Leiden University.” Itinerario 27,1: 9-21.
& Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden.
“Introduction.” In: J.J.L. Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden, pp. 1-19.
“Slavery and Naukari among the Bangash Nawabs of Farrukhabad.” In: J.J.L. Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden, pp. 179-217.
& Pieter Koolen (red.), Hendrik Ouwerling: De onvoltooide biografie van Jac Heeren, Deurne: Heemkundekring H.N. Ouwerling.
2004  “Hendrik Ouwerling (1861-1932) tussen goede oude tijd en moderniteit: een wandeling door de Peel aan de hand van Jac Heeren en Herman Maas.” Brabants Heem 56,1: 23-34.
Editor: JESHO 47,3 (Issue dedicated to Professor Dirk H.A. Kolff).
“Between the flux and facts of Indian history: introduction to a tribute.” JESHO 47,3 ( Issue dedicated to Professor Dirk H.A. Kolff): 288-291.
& D.H.A. Kolff (eds), Warfare and weaponry in South Asia, Delhi: OUP. – Pbk reprint 2001.
2005  “Warfare on Quicksand” [Review of: Kaushik Roy, From Hydaspes to Kargil: a history of warfare in India from 326 BC to AD 1999, New Delhi 2004. Economic and Political Weekly, 40,7 (February 12-18): 627-629.
Review of: Iqtidar Alam Khan, Gunpowder and firearms: warfare in Medieval India, Delhi 2004. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 42,3: 439-442.
2006  “The Surat castle revolutions: myths of Anglo-Bania order and Dutch neutrality, c. 1740-1760.” The Journal of Early Modern History 10,4: 361-390.
2007  “War-horse and post-nomadic empire in Asia, c. 1000-1800.” Journal of Global History 2: 1-21.
“The Afghans in India.” Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd edition, vol. 1 (2007): 59-62.
& Peter Rietbergen (eds), The special issue India’s vele gezichten in Geschiedenis Magazine/Spiegel Historiael, 2 (2007): 14-33.
“India, een globale geschiedenis.” Geschiedenis Magazine/Spiegel Historiael 2 (2007): 15-20.
“Mughal India and Central Asia in the eighteenth century: an introduction to a wider perspective.” [i.e. reprint 1991] in: S. Levi (ed.), Themes in Indian History: India and Central Asia, Delhi, pp. 39-64.
“Spatial and temporal continuities of merchant networks in South Asia and the Indian Ocean: c. 1500-2000.” Journal of the Economic and Social History Review 50,2: 91-105; with Bhaswati Bhattacharya and Gita Dharampal Frick.
Review of: M. Kimura and A. Tanabe (eds), The state in India: past and present, New Delhi 2006; and of: I.H. Siddiqui, An eighteenth century history of North India: an account of the rise and fall of the Rohilla Chiefs in Janbhasha by Rustam Ali Bijnori, New Delhi. Indian Economic and Social History Review 44,4: 537-40.
“Kasteel Asten: ‘l’histoire se répèate.” Historische Woonsteden en Tuinen 156: 18-21.
2008  & Harriet Zurndorfer (eds), Roots and routes of development in China and India: highlights of fifty years of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1957-2007), Leiden.
“Connecting the giants through a global perspective.” In: J.J.L. Gommans & Harriet Zurndorfer (eds), Roots and routes of development in China and India: highlights of fifty years of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1957-2007), Leiden, pp. ix-xxxix.
2009  “Weer een nieuwe stap in de ontsluiting van het VOC-archief.” [Review of: Om Prakash, The Dutch Factories in India: a collection of Dutch East India Company documents pertaining to India, vol. II: 1624-1627], Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 122,3: 414-5.
2010  Editor: Empires and emporia: the Orient in world historical space and time: jubilee issue of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 53,1/2.
“Introduction.” In: Empires and emporia: the Orient in world historical space and time: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 53,1/2: 3-19.
“Botsende beschavingen in premodern India” [Review of: F.B. Flood, Objects of translation: material culture and medieval Hindu-Muslim encounter], Princeton, NJ [etc.] 2009. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 123,3: 453-455.
“Limits of empire.” In: Meena Bhargava (ed.), Exploring medieval India, vol. 2, Delhi, pp. 509-546. – reprint from Mughal Warfare 2002.
& Jeroen Bos and Gijs Kruijtzer, Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, deel VI: Voor-Indië, Perzië en het Arabisch Schiereiland / part VI: India, Persia and the Arabian Peninsula, Voorburg: Asia Maior/Atlas Maior Publishers.
& Rob van Diessen,Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, deel VII: Oost Azië, Birma tot Japan / part VII: East Asia, Burma to Japan, Voorburg: Asia Maior/Atlas Maior Publishers.
“VOC verwierf in Oost-Azië nooit echt de macht.” Nationaal Archief Magazine 2010/4: 12-18.
2011  “Nederlandse schilders in de Oost: een hypothese.” In: Alicia Schrikker and Thomas Lindblad (eds), Het verre gezicht: politieke en culturele relaties tussen Nederland en Azië, Afrika en Amerika: opstellen aangeboden aan prof.dr. Leonard Blussé, Franeker, pp. 66-88.
Review of: V. Lieberman, Strange parallels: Southeast Asia in global context, c. 800-1830, vol 2: Mainland mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia and the Islands, Cambridge 2009. JESHO 54,1: 87-91.
“The silent frontier in South Asia, c. 1100-1800 CE.” In: Mahesh Rangarajan and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds), India’s environmental history, vol. 1: From ancient times to the colonial period, Delhi, pp. 217-245.
& Andreas Weber, “’You turn a page and then there is suddenly something on a turtle’: an interview with Jürgen Osterhammel.” Itinerario 35,3: 7-16.
2012  Stille onzichtbare streng: Oratie uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar op het gebied van de Koloniale en de Wereldgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 1 juni 2012 , Leiden.
& Piet Emmer, Rijk aan de rand van de wereld: de geschiedenis van Nederland overzee 1600-1800, Amsterdam (De Geschiedenis van Nederland, Nieuwe Reeks 8a).
2014  Review of: S. Amrith, Crossing the Bay of Bengal: the furies of nature and the fortunes of migrants, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2013. Journal of Global History 9: 497-499.
2015  “Continuity and change in the Indian Ocean basin, 1400-1800.” In: Jerry H. Bentley, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, M.E. Wiesner-Hanks M.E. (eds),The Cambridge History of the World, Vol. 6: The construction of a global world, 1400-1800 CE, Part 1: Foundations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 182-210.
& C.A.P. Antunes C.A.P. (eds), Exploring the Dutch empire: agents, networks and institutions, 1600-2000, London: Bloomsbury.
& C.A.P. Antunes, “Preface.” In: Ibidem, pp. xi-xii.
“South Asian cosmopolitanism and the Dutch microcosmos in seventeenth-century Cochin (Kerala).” In: Ibidem, pp. 3-27.
“Conclusion: globalizing empire: the Dutch case.” In: Ibidem, pp. 267-78.
For the home and the body: Dutch and Indian ways of early modern consumption, London: Palgrave.
& I. Loots, “Arguing with the heathens: the further reformation and the historical ethnography of Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666), Itinerario 39,1: 1-23.
& I. Loots, “Johannes Hoornbeecks etnohistorische methode en de Nieuwe Wereld.” In: A. van Dissel, M. Ebben, K. Fatah-Black (red.), Reizen door het maritieme verleden van Nederland: Maritiem-historische opstellen aangeboden aan Henk J. den Heijer, Zutphen: Walburg Pers, pp. 189-205.
“Merchants among kings: Dutch diplomatic encounters in Asia.” In: K.H. Corrigan, J. van Campen, F. Diercks (red.), Asia in Amsterdam: the culture of luxury in the Golden Age, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 32-40.
& Jan de Hond, “Willem Schellinks en India: tussen werkelijkheid en illusie.” In: P. Bange, J. Geurts (eds), Onbegrend perspectief: cultuurhistorische verkenningen, Amersfoort: Bekking & Blitz.
2017 Review of: Audrey Truschke (2016), Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court,New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. ? 122(5): 1584-1585.
“Laten we Global History overbodig maken: Recensie van Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History?” Princeton: Princeton University Press, [2016]. ? 113(1): 105-106.
& I. Loots, “Reconnecting Asia: the world systems of Georgius Hornius (1620-1660).” In: A. van Reeuwijk (ed.), Voyage of discovery: exploring the collections of the Asian Library at Leiden University. Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 56-66.
2018 “Java’s Mongol demon: inscribing the horse archer into the epic history of Majapahit.” In: Rafael Klöber and Manju Ludwig (eds), Her story: historical scholarship between South Asia and Europe: Festschrift in honour of Gita Dharampal-Frick. Heidelberg: CrossAsia E Publishing, pp. 249-259.
“The warband in the making of Eurasian empires.” In: Maaike van Berkel and Jeroen Duindam (eds), Prince, pen and sword: Eurasian perspectives nr. 15. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 297-384.
The Indian frontier: horse and warband in the making of empires. Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
De verborgen wereld: Nederland en India vanaf 1550, nr. 7. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum en VanTilt.
The unseen world: India and the Netherlands from 1550, nr. 7. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum and VanTilt
2019 The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire c. 1710-1780. – 3rd ed. Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
2020& A. Lopez (eds), Philippine confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic currents, c. 1500-1800, Leiden: Leiden University Press.
& A. Lopez and I. Donoso, “Introduction.” In: J.J.L. Gommans and A. Lopez (eds), Philippine confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic currents, c. 1500-1800, Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 9-23.
& P.C. Emmer, The Dutch Overseas Empire, 1600-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
“Cosmopolitanism and imagination in Nayaka South India: decoding the Brooklyn kalamkari.” Archives of Asian Art 70(1): 1-21.
2021& J. de Hond, “The unseen world of Willem Schellinks: local milieu and global circulation in the visualization of Mughal India.” In: J.G. Singh (ed.), A companion to the global Renaissance: literature and culture in the era of expansion, 1500-1700, Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 231-248.
2022“The Neoplatonic Renaissance from the Thames to the Ganges.” In: N. Bose N. (ed.), India after world history: literature, comparison, and approaches to globalization, Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 169-201.
Et al., “Histoire(s) globale(s): convergences et inégalités.” Monde(s) 21: 117-135.
& S.R. Huseini, “Neoplatonism and the Pax Mongolica in the making of sulḥ-i kull: a view from Akbar’s millennial history.” Modern Asian Studies 56(3): 870-901.
& S.R. Huseini, “Neoplatonic kingship in the Islamic world: Akbar’s millennial history.” In: Afzar Moin A. & Strathern A. (eds), Sacred kingship in world history: between immanence and transcendence, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 192-222.