Griffiths Arlo

Arlo Griffiths

1976 –
Sanskrit, Javanese, Malay
Atharvaveda, Hinduism,  ancient history and epigraphy of Southeast Asia

Curriculum vitae

1976born in New York, USA, on June 6
1999MA in Indology, Leiden University
2000-2005lecturer Indian religions, Groningen University
2004PhD in Sanskrit under the supervision of H.W. Bodewitz, Leiden University
2005-2008professor of Sanskrit, Leiden University
2009-professor of Southeast Asian History, École française d’Extrême-Orient

Special activities and positions

  • Visiting professor École pratique des hautes études, Paris (2008)
  • Adjunct professor of Epigraphy, University of Indonesia, Jakarta (2010-present)

Publications: 1998 - c. 2009

1998 Electronic text of the Taittirīya Āraṇyaka I.
1998-9 & T. Zehnder, texte électronique de la Paippalādasaṃhitā, Kāṇḍa 1-15.
1999 & A. M. Lubotsky, “Postscript on Vedic jaṅgahe.” JAOS 119: 480-481.
2000 Electronic text of the Kauśikasūtra. – second edition 2001; third edition 2003.
2001 & A.M. Lubotsky, “Paippalāda Saṃhitā 4.15. To heal an open fracture: with a plant.” Die Sprache 42,1/2 (2000-01) [2003]: 196-210.
2002 “Aspects of the study of the Paippalāda AtharvaVedic tradition.” In: Abhijit Ghosh (ed.), Ātharvaṇá: a collection of essays on the AtharvaVeda with special reference to its Paippalāda tradition, Kolkata, pp. 35-54.
& M. Witzel, “A list of Paippalāda-AtharvaVedin settlements.” In: Abhijit Ghosh (ed.), Ātharvaṇá: a collection of essays on the AtharvaVeda with special reference to its Paippalāda tradition, Kolkata, pp. 167-179.
2003 “The Orissa manuscripts of the Paippalāda Saṃhitā.” ZDMG 153,2: 333-370.
& P. Bisschop, “The Pāśupata observance (Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa 40).” IIJ 46 [2004]: 315-348.
“The textual divisions of the Paippalāda Saṃhitā.” WZKS 47 [2004]: 5-35.
2004 The Paippalādasaṃhitā of the Atharvaveda Kāṇḍas 6 and 7 : a new edition with translation and commentary, [s.l.]. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
& Jan E.M. Houben (eds), The Vedas: texts, language & ritual: proceedings of the third international Vedic workshop, Leiden 2002, Groningen (Groningen Oriental Studies 20).
“Paippalāda mantras in the Kauśikasūtra.” In: Arlo Griffiths & Jan E.M. Houben (eds), The Vedas: texts, language & ritual: proceedings of the third international Vedic workshop, Leiden 2002, Groningen: Forten (Groningen Oriental Studies 20), pp. 49-99.
& Jan E.M. Houben, “H.W. Bodewitz: bibliography 1969-2004.” IIJ 47: 121-131.
2005 Electronic text of the Miragāvatī, a poem by Qutban in Old Avadhi, input together with Joris ter Linden.
& Martin Kümmel and Masato Kobayashi, Electronic text of the Pañcaviṃśabrāhmaṇa.
Electronic text of Harivaṃśa, Adhyāya 110-113. – input for the DICSEP-project.
& Gerdi Gerschheimer et J. C. Eade, “La stèle d’installation de Śrī Tribhuvaneśvara: une nouvelle inscription préangkorienne du musée national de Phnom Penh (K. 1214).” Journal Asiatique 293,1: 11-43.
“Tumburu: a deified tree.” BEI 22-23 (2004-05) [2007]: 249-264.
2006 Electronic text of the Gopathabrāhmaṇa.
Electronic text of the Dantyoṣṭavidhi.
Electronic text of the Kauśikapaddhati of Keśava. – Supervision of input by Ketaki Gokhale; in collaboration with Masato Kobayashi.
2007 Electronic text of the Atharvaprāyaścittas.
& Annette Schmiedchen (eds), The Atharvaveda and its Paippalādaśākhā: historical and philological papers on a Vedic tradition, Aachen (Indologica Halensis / Geisteskultur Indiens: Texte und Studien 11).
“The ancillary literature of the Paippalāda School: a preliminary survey with an edition of the Caraṇavyūhopaniṣad.” In: A. Griffths & A. Schmiedchen (eds), The Atharvaveda and its Paippalādaśākhā: historical and philological papers on a Vedic tradition, Aachen (Indologica Halensis / Geisteskultur Indiens: Texte und Studien 11), pp. 141-193.
& W.A. Southworth, “La stèle d’installation de Sri Satyadeveśvara: une nouvelle inscription sanskrite du Campā trouvée à Phước Thiện.” Journal Asiatique 295,2 [2008]: 349-381.
& P. Bisschop, “The practice involving the Ucchuṣmas (Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa 36).” SII 24 [2008]: 1-46.
2008 “Gutob,” chaptre 12 in Gregory D. S. Anderson (ed.), The Munda languages, Londres-New York (Routledge Language Family Series), pp. 633-681.
2009 The Paippalādasaṃhitā of the Atharvaveda Kāṇḍas 6 and 7: a new edition with translation and commentary, Groningen: Forsten (Groningen Oriental Studies 22). – Orig. publ. as PhD thesis Leiden 2004.
“Sūrya’s Nāgas, Candra’s square seat and the mounted bull with two guardians: iconographical notes on two Khmer illustrated stela inscriptions.” In: Gerd J. R. Mevissen & Arundhati Banerjee (eds), Prajnādhara : essays on Asian art, history, epigraphy and culture in honour of Gouriswar Bhattacharya, 2 vols, New Delhi, pp. 466-478.
& A. M. Lubotsky, “Two words for ‘sister-in-law’? Notes on Vedic yātar- and giri-.” In: E. Pirart & X. Tremblay (eds), Zarathustra entre l’Inde et l’Iran, Wiesbaden (Beiträge zur Iranistik 30), pp. 115-121.
“C.C. Uhlenbeck’s work on Sanskrit and his role in the history of Dutch Indology.” Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies 29,2/30,1 (2008-2009) (= Inge Genee & Jan Paul Hinrichs (eds), C.C. Uhlenbeck (1866–1951): a linguist revisited): 71-77.
2010 “The Go’ter ritual of the Gadabas According to Duaru from Tikrapada (1965): a Gutob text translated.” In: P. Berger et al. (eds), The anthropology of values: essays in honour of Georg Pfeffer, New-Delhi, pp. 288-293.