Schenk, Hans
India (Kerala, Bangalore, Delhi), Vietnam
Curriculum vitae
1937 | born in Amsterdam |
1962-1968 | studied social geography, urban planning and demography, University of Amsterdam |
1968-2002 | various positions Department of Planning & Demography (now: Faculty of Social and Environmental Sciences), University of Amsterdam |
1986 | PhD under the supervision of G.A. de Bruijne, University of Amsterdam |
2002-present | informal linkages with the Faculty |
Selected publications
Studies on Vietnam are not included.
1972 “Ahmedabad, een gewone stad in India.” De Groene 96,8.
– “Sterilisatie in India als oorlog tegen de bevolking.” De Nieuwe Linie 27,14.
– “Bestaat India wel?” De Groene 96,26.
– “Acht manieren om de landherverdeling te saboteren; een tragi-komedie over de ruggen van miljoenen Indiase paupers.” De Groene 26,29.
1973 “India: poverty and sterilisation.” Development and change 5,1: 36-53.
1975 Review of: V. Jaganadham (ed.), Family planning in India, New Delhi: the Indian Institute of Public Administration 1973. Development & Change 6,3: 107-109.
1976 “Verplichte sterilisatie, het failliet van India´s ontwikkelingsstrategie.” De Nieuwe Linie 31.
1977 Review of: J.V. Ferreira and S.S. Jha (eds), The outlook tower: essays on urbanization in memory of Patrick Geddes, Bombay: Popular Prakashan 1976. Stedebouw en Volkshuisvesting 58,12: 647-648.
1978 Stedelijk en nationaal beleid ten aanzien van urbanisatie in India, [Amsterdam] (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam [3]), 13 p.
– Bevolkingsontwikkeling en bevolkingspolitiek in India, Amsterdam (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 4), 13 p.
1979 “Patterns or regional planning in Bulsar District.” In: S.D. Pillai and C.Baks (eds), Winners and losers, styles of development and change in an Indian region, Bombay: Popular Prakashan, pp.361-380.
– Rapport over Indira Gandhi’s zoon: “Een jonge man die zich letterlijk amuseerde met het slopen van woonhuizen.” De Nieuwe Linie 34.
– “India na het uiteenvallen van de Janata-partij: een krisis van rivaliserende koninkrijkjes.” De Groene 33.
– “Geweld in India aan de orde van de dag: complexe verklaring voor golf van aanslagen.” De Nieuwe Linie 34.
1980 Alleppey: the birth of an 18th century new town in Travancore, India, Amsterdam (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 22), 18 p.
– An exploration of Alleppey: notes on the social-spatial structure af anIndian town with special reference to its centre, Amsterdam (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 30), 37 p.
– Alleppey: 1800-1900: growth and character of an Indian commercial town in a colonial economy, Amsterdam (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut Universiteit van Amsterdam 25), 44 p. – 2nd ed. 1981.
– De wereld van bovenaf gezien: maatschappijbeelden van een handelselite in Alleppey, India, Amsterdam (Interim rapport / Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antropologisch-sociologisch Centrum, Vakgroep Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië 6), 50 p.
1981 Planning voor regio’s in India, Amsterdam (Verkenningen in planologie en demografie / Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 20), iii, 177 p.
– The ‘Town Improvement Committee’ of Alleppey 1894/5 – 1920/21: description and reflections, Amsterdam (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 47), 21 p.
1982 Patronen van immobiliteit in steden van India, Amsterdam (Werkstukken 48), ii, 33 p. – Paper t.b.v. het seminar ‘Intra-urbane mobiliteit in ontwikkelingslanden’, Geografisch Instituut Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 19-02-1982.
– “On determining regions for regional policy in India.” In: Otto van den Muijzenberg, Pieter Streefland and W. Wolters (eds), Focus on the region in Asia, Rotterdam: Comparative Asian Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University, pp. 127-142. – Also published as Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 63.
1984 & Loes Schenk-Sandbergen, Poverty and survival in Central Kerala, India, Amsterdam, Antropology-Sociology Centre, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies (ZZOA working paper 49), 57 p.
1985 “Planningsprocessen in stedelijk India.” Rooilijn 1985,2: 34-41.
1986 Views on Alleppey: socio-historical and socio-spatial perspectives on an industrial port town in Kerala, South India, s.l. : s.n. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam; also publ. Amsterdam: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap: Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam 1986.
– “Residential immobility in urban India.” The geographical review 76,2: 184-195.
1987 Modernization, accomodation and dependency : reflections on housing and planning in Madras, [Amsterdam] (Werkstukken van het Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam 88), 20 p. – Paper presented to the 3rd International conference on human settlements in developing countries, Bombay, January 22-25, 1987.
1989 “Corruption … what Corruption? Notes on bribery and dependency in urban India.” In: Peter M. Ward (ed.), Corruption, development and inequality: soft touch or hard graft, London-New York: Routledge, pp. 110-123.
– & Michael Dewit (eds), Shelter for the poor in India: issues in low cost housing, New Delhi: Manohar, xvii, 147 p. – Papers of the conference “The limits of self-help housing” van de Working Group on Development Studies held in in Amsterdam on 30 November and 1 December 1987.
– & C.T. Holder and R. Mulders, “Open developed plots and sites & services: experiences and lessons from Madras, India.” Indian Geographical Journal 64,2: 107-126.
1992 Armoede in de Indiase steden, Utrecht: Landelijke India Werkgroep, 37 p.
– & G.A. de Bruijne, “Where do the poor live? An analysis of residental patterns of poor inhabitants in Indian cities.” Indian Geographical Journal 67: 1-16.
1994 & Isa Baud (eds), Solid waste management: modes, assessments, appraisals and linkages in Bangalore, New Delhi: Manohar, x, 168 p.
– & Ad de Bruijne, “Development NGOs in India: between liberal policies and communalist movements.” In: Annelet Harts-Broekhuis & Otto Verkoren (eds), No easy way out: essays on Third World development in honour of Jan Hinderink, Utrecht: [Koninklijk Nederlands aardrijkskundig genootschap etc.], pp. 269-276.
– “Het recht op riolering, de longpest in India komt rechtsstreeks uit goot.” NRC Handelsblad, Zaterdag’s Bijvoegsel, 8 October.
– Review of: Amitabh Kundu, In the name of the urban poor: access to basic amenities, New Delhi 1993. Development and Change 25,3: 689.
1995 “The rurban fringe of Bangalore city, India.” The Indian Geographical Journal 68,2: 1-10.
1996 & Isa Baud and Marijk Huysmans, “Solid waste management in urban areas: the case of three Indian cities.” In: George C. van der Meulen & Peter A. Erkelens (eds), Urban Habitat, the environment of tomorrow. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, pp. 353-361.
1997 “Alleppey: from a port without a city to a city without a port.” In: Frank Broeze (ed.), Gateways of Asia: port cities of Asia in the 13th-20th centuries, London-New York: Kegan Paul International (Comparative Asian studies series 2), pp. 294-317.
– “The rurban fringe: a central area between region and city: the case of Bangalore, India.” In: M. Chatterji and K. Yang (eds), Regional science in developing countries, Houndmills-New York, pp. 212-223.
– “Industrial and urban developments in urban peripheries.” In: Veronique Benei and Loraine Kennedy (eds), Industrial decentralisation and urban development, French Institute of Pondicherry (Pondy Papers in social sciences 23), pp. 151-155.
1998 & Isa Baud and Bh. Ramaneshwar, “Perspectives in waste in urban India.” In: Arne Kalland and G. Persoon (eds), Environmental movements in Asia, Richmond: Curzon Press, pp.271-287.
2001 Editor of: Living in India’s slums: a case study of Bangalore, New Delhi: Manohar, 311 p.
– “Living in Bangalore’s slums.” In: Ibidem, pp. 17-37.
– “Bangalore: an outline.” In: Ibidem, pp. 39-49.
– & M. Dewit, “The fringe habitat of Bangalore.” In: Ibidem, pp. 113-133.
– “Slums and government authorities: the Karnataka State slum clearance board.” In: Ibidem, pp. 263-280.
– “Conclusions and policy relevancy.” In: Ibidem, pp. 281-288.
– “Urban fringes in Asia: markets versus plans.” In: I. Baud et al. (eds), Re-aligning government, civil society and the market: new challenges in urban and regional development: essays in honour of G.A. de Bruijne, Amsterdam: AGIDS, University of Amsterdam, pp. 191-207. – republished in: I. Baud and J. Post (eds), Realigning actors in an urbanizing world, Aldershot 2002, pp. 119-136.
2002 “Delhi: migrants, squatters and eviction.” IIAS Newsletter 31 (July): 14.
2004 “Towards apartheid? Policies of segregation and deprivation in Delhi.” In: K.R. Gupta (ed.), Urban development debates in the New Millenium, studies in revised theories and redefines praxes, vol. 1, New Delhi: Atlantic, pp. 96-115.
2005 Review of: F. Landy and B. Chaudhuri (eds), Globalization and local development in India, New Delhi: Manohar, 2004. IIAS Newsletter 39: 27.
2007 Editor of: Over/about Loes: essays for Loes Schenk-Sandbergen at the occasion of her departure from the University of Amsterdam, 11 mei 2007, Apeldoorn [etc.]: Het Spinhuis, 130 p.
– Review ‘Habermas in India’ of: Rajeev Bhargava and Helmut Reifeld (eds), Civil society, public sphere and citizenship: dialogues and perceptions, New Delhi-London 2005. IIAS Newsletter 43: 29.
2008 Review: Bombay on the Brink of Modernity, of Prashat Kidambi, The Making of an Indian Metropolis, Colonial government and public culture in Bombay, 1890-1920, Ashgate Aldershot, 2007. IIAS Newsletter 48: 38.
2013 “Tribal development: environmental and other constraints.”In: Michael von Hauff & Amitabh Kundu (eds), Imperatives of Sustainability and India’s Development Path, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, pp. 155-178.