Henriëtte (Jet) van Krieken-Pieters
Afghanistan, Laos
Curriculum vitae
1961 | born in Heemstede, the Netherlands |
… | Stedelijk Gymnasium, Leiden |
… | MA history of art, Groningen University |
… | degree LLM (Masters of Law) at Groningen University |
… | lecturer at Webster University, Leiden, U.S., Thailand |
Special activities and positions
- Organizer of the International Seminar on Van Wuysthoff, Vientiane, Laos
- Organizer and maker of the exhibition on Van Wuysthoff in the National Museum in Vientiane, Laos
- Consultant in the National Museum Laos for the American Embassy in Vientiane
- Consultant for the UNDP on cultural heritage conventions Laos
- Secretary of the Society of the Preservation of Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage (SPACH)
- World wide Travel guide for SRC cultural holidays
2000 “De bescherming van Afghanistans culturele erfgoed: idealisme of werkelijkheid?” Boekmancahier 46: 374-385.
– “The Buddhas of Bamiyan: challenged witnesses of Afghanistan’s forgotten past.” Newsletter of the International Institute for Asian Studies 23, 14.
2002 “Afghanistan’s shattered cultural heritage: hope for reconstruction?” In: La tutela del patrimonio culturale in caso di conflitto, Napoli, pp. 305-316.
– “The Buddhas of Bamiyan and beyond: the quest for an effective protection of cultural property.” In: K. Warikoo (ed.), Bamiyan: challenge to world heritage, New Delhi, Bhavana Books and Prints, pp. 206-229.
2003 “Boeddhistische kunst in Afghanistan: opkomst, neergang en wedergeboorte?” Kwartaalblad Boeddhisme 31: 48-52.
2006 Editor of: Art and archaeology of Afghanistan: its fall and survival: a multi-disciplinary approach, Leiden-Boston : Brill (Handbook of Oriental Studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik Section 8, Central Asia 14).
– “Dilemmas in the cultural heritage field: the Afghan case and the lessons for the future.” In: Ibidem, pp. 201-225.
– “Afghanistan’s cultural heritage: an exceptional case?” In: Archaeology, cultural heritage, and the antiquities trade, Gainesville, FL [etc.]: University Press of Florida, pp. 227-235.
2007 & Jeroen Rikkerink, “ ‘Klippen veel hooger als de Wester Thooren’: de reis van VOC-koopman Van Wuysthoff naar Laos (1641).” Geschiedenis Magazine 42,4: 39-43.
2010 Editor of: Van Wuysthoff and the Lan Xang Kingdom: a Dutch merchant’s visit to Laos in 1641, Leiden: Ginkgo Publishers.
– “Van Wuysthoff’s ‘Journael’ in perspective: the King, Lao buddhism and the environment.” In: Ibidem, pp. 73-103.