Isabelle Suzanne Antoinette (Isa) Baud
Curriculum vitae
1989 | PhD degree under the supervision of Professor C. Bertholet, Technical Development Studies, TU Eindhoven |
1989-2003 | associate professor, Department of Human Geography, University of Amsterdam |
2000-2003 | professor in Urban Studies in developing countries, Free University, Amsterdam |
2000-2003 | staff member of Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam |
2003-present | professor in International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam |
Special activities and positions (selection)
- President European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), 2011-
- Member editorial board of the journals Development and Change and European Journal of Development Studies
- Chair of the Board of CERES, National Research School, 2003-2010; currently memebr of the Board
- Member Nationale Adviesraad Ontwikkelingsonderzoek (NAR) , Raad voor Advies voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek in ontwikkelingslanden (RAWOO)
- Director Research Institute Amsterdam Global Issues and Development Studies (AGIDS), 2002-2004
- Director Research Institute Amsterdam Global Issues and Development Studies (AGIDS), 2002-2004
- Director Governance and Inclusive Development Programme (GID), UvA, 2007-
Studies on international development issues and on regions other than South Asia are not included.
1983 Women’s labor in the Indian textile industry: the influence of technology and organization on the gender division of labor; [forew. B. Evers], Tilburg: Tilburg University (IRIS-report, Development Research Institute 23), iv, 154 p.
1987 “Industrial subcontracting: the effects of putting-out systems on poor working women in India.” In: A.M. Singh and A. Kelles-Vittanen (eds), Invisible hands, women in home-based production, Sage.
1989 Forms of production and women’s labour: gender aspects of industrialization in India and Mexico, s.l.: s.n. – PhD thesis Eindhoven; also published New Delhi 1992, 321 p.
1991 “In all its manifestations: the impact of changing technology on the gender division of labour.” In: Nirmala Banerjee (ed.), Indian women in a changing industrial scenario, New Delhi: Sage (Indo-Dutch studies on development alternatives 5), pp. 33-132.
1992 “Gender and forms of production: labour intensive industries in India and Mexico.” EPW 27,34: 1811-1818.
1994 & Hans Schenk (eds), Solid waste management: modes, assessments, appraisals and linkages in Bangalore, New Delhi: Manohar, x, 168 p. – Papers from a workshop held at Bangalore April 1994.
– & H. Schenk, “Solid waste management in an urban context: raising the issues.” In: Ibidem, pp. 1-6.
– & M.J.B. Huysman, “Solid waste recovery, re-use and recycling: formal and informal aspects of production and employment in Indian cities.” In: Ibidem, pp. 6-23. – Also published in Urban environment in developing countries 1994: 264-273.
– & H. Schenk, “Solid waste management in Bangalore: reflections, assessments and suggestions.” In: Ibidem, pp. 146-161.
– & H. Schenk, “Perspectives on waste and waste collectors in Urban India: on green and red ‘waste oriented’ voluntary organisations.” In: Environmental movements in Asia, proceedings of a conference organised by the International Institute for Asian Studies, State University Leiden & the Nordic Institute for Asian Studies, Copenhagen, pp. 1-11.
1995 & M.J.B. Huysman and H. Schenk, Final Report: new approaches to urban solid waste management and linkages between formal and informal systems of source separation, colection and recycling in Indian cities , IDPAD, Den Haag.
1996 “Institutional support for women in the footwear industry: experiences in India.” Women’s employment in industry: the case of Indian footwear, CLRI/UvA. (Rapport).
– & H. Schenk and M.J.B. Huysman, Solid waste management in urban areas: the case of three Indian cities.” Urban habitat: the environment of tomorrow [nr.?]: 353-362.
1999 & R. Dhananlakshmi and S. Iyer, Solid waste management in Madras City (IDAPD Rapport).
2001 Et al. (eds), Re-aligning government, civil society and the market: new challenges in urban and regional development: essays in honour of G.A. de Bruijne, Amsterdam: AGIDS, University of Amsterdam, viii, 532 p. – With different title and revised, published in 2002.
– Et al., “Introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. 1-25.
– & J. Post, “New partnerships in urban solid waste management and their contribution to sustainable development: experiences in Accra (Ghana) and Chennai (India).” In: Ibidem, pp. 131-150. – Also published in Realigning actors in an urbanizing world (2002), pp. 219-239.
– & S. Grafakos, M. Hordijk, and J. Post, “Quality of life and alliances in solid waste management: contributions to urban sustainable development.” Cities, the International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning 18,1: 3-12.
2002 & J. Post (eds), Realigning actors in an urbanizing world: governance and institutions from a development perspective, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers.
2004 & Johan Post and Christine Furedy (eds), Solid waste management and recycling: actors, partnerships and policies in Hyderabad, India and Nairobi, Kenya, Dordrecht [etc.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers, viii, 303 p. – Electronic version available.
– “Markets, partnerships and sustainable development in solid waste management: asking the questions.” In: Ibidem, pp. 1-20.
– “Re-use, recovery and recycling of urban inorganic solid waste: modalities, commodity chains and sustainable development.” In: Ibidem, pp. 115-132.
– & J. Post, “Government, market and community in urban solid waste management: problems and potentials in the transition to sustainable development.” In: Ibidem, pp. 259-282.
– Learning from the South: placing governance in international development studies, Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA. – Inaugural lecture University of Amsterdam.
2007 & S. Raju, “Life aspirations and embedded contexts: gender and vocational training in segmented markets in Indian cities.” In: A. Shaw (ed.), Indian cities in transition, Chennai: Pub. Oriental Longman, pp. 412-445.
– & R. Dhanalakshmi, “Governance in urban environmental management: comparing accountability and performance in multi-stakeholder arrangements in South India.” Cities, the International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning 24,2: 133–147. – Also published in I.S.A. Baud and J. de Wit (eds), New forms of urban governance in India (2008), pp. 145-176.
2008 & J. de Wit (eds), New forms of urban governance in India: shifts, models, networks and contestations, New Delhi [etc.]: Sage, xiv, 402 p. – Electronic version available.
– & J. de Wit, “Shifts in urban governance: raising the questions.” In: I.S.A. Baud and J. de Wit (eds), New forms of urban governance in India: shifts, models, networks and contestations, New Delhi [etc.]: Sage, pp. 1-33.
– & N. Nainan, “Negotiating for participation: decentralization and NGOs in Mumbai, India.” In: Ibidem, pp. 115-142.
– & R. Dhanalakshmi, “Governance in urban environmental management: comparing accountability and performance in multi-stakeholder arrangements in south India.” In: Ibidem, pp. 145-176. – Also published in Cities 24,2: 133-147.
– & N. Sridharan and K. Pfeffer, “Mapping urban poverty for local governance in an Indian mega-city: the case of Delhi.” Urban Studies 45,7: 1385-1412.
– & N.M. Nainan, “‘Negotiated spaces’ for representation in Mumbai: ward committees, advanced locality management and the politics of middle- class activism.” Environment and Urbanization 20,2: 483-499.
2009 “Nieuwe vormen van stedelijk bestuur in India.” Geografie 18,9: 16-18.
– Et al., “Matching deprivation mapping to urban governance in three Indian mega-cities.” Habitat International 33,4: 365-377.
– & M. Noor, “Between hierarchies and networks in local governance: institutional arrangements in making Mumbai a ‘world class city’.” Trialog 102/103: 28-34.
2010 “Geen hopeloos bestaan: slumverbetering in Mumbai.” Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening 91,2: 44-49.
– Et al., “Understanding heterogeneity in metropolitan India: the added value of remote sensing data for analyzing sub-standard residential areas.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12,5: 359-374.
– Et al., “Sustainable urban development? An analysis of fuel innovation in the auto-rickshaw sector in Bangalore and Hyderabad.” Environment & Urbanization ASIA 1,1: 67-79.
2011 & J. van Teeffelen, “Exercising citizenship: invited and negotiated spaces in grievance redressal systems in Hubli-Dharwad.” Environment & Urbanization ASIA 2,2: 169-185.
– Et al., “Knowledge production in urban governance systems through qualitative Geographic Information Systems (GIS).” Environment & Urbanization ASIA 2,2: 235-250.
2012 & Nicky Pouw (eds), Local governance and poverty in developing nations, New York: Routledge.
– & N. Sridharan and Karin Pfeffer, “Mapping urban poverty for local governance in India.” In: Ibidem, pp. 139-172.
– & Navtej Nainan, “Negotiated spaces for representation in Mumbai.” In: Ibidem, pp. 173-193.
– Et al., Urban policies and the right to the city: focus on the right to adequate housing in India, Chance2Sustain Policy Brief 6.
2013 & Karin Pfeffer and C. Richter, “Case study Kalyan Dombivili, India: spatial information management in local e-governance systems.” In: Ibidem, pp. 98-119.
2014 Et al. (eds), “Digital and spatial knowledge management in urban governance: emerging issues in India, Brazil, South Africa, and Peru.” Habitat International 44: 501-509. doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.09.009
– Et al., Engaging with sustainability issues in metropolitan Chennai (extern rapport, Chance2Sustain city report series, no 5). Bonn: EADI/Chance2Sustain. pdf
2015 “The emerging middle classes in India: mobilizing for inclusive development?” European Journal of Development Research 27,2: 230-237. doi: 10.1057/ejdr.2015.1
– “Constructing spatialized knowledge on urban poverty: (multiple) dimensions, mapping spaces of deprivations, and claim-making processes in urban governance.” In: B. Harriss-White, C. Lutringer & E. Basile (eds), Mapping India’s capitalism: old and new regions, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
2016 & S.Jameson, “Varieties of knowledge for assembling an urban flood management governance configuration in Chennai, India.” Habitat International 54,2: 112-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.12.015
– & A.Alberts, K.Pfeffer, “Rebuilding women’s livelihoods strategies at the city fringe: agency, spatial practices, and access to transportation from Semmencherry, Chennai.” Journal of Transport Geography 55: 142-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.11.004
2017 Et al., “Capturing the diversity of deprived areas with image-based features: the case of Mumbai.” Remote Sensing 9,4: 384. DOI: 10.3390/rs9040384
2018 & T. Saharan, K. Pfeffer, “Urban livelihoods in slums of Chennai: developing a relational understanding.” European Journal of Development Research 30,2: 276–296. DOI: 10.1057/s41287-017-0095-2.