
Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus (Frans) Kuiper

1907 – 2003
Sanskrit, Indo-European, Dravidian, Munda
comparative linguistics, Vedic mythology and cosmogony

Curriculum vitae

1907born in The Hague on July 7
attended Gymnasium A
1924-1934studied classical languages at Leiden University; Sanskrit (with J.Ph. Vogel and W. Caland), Proto-Germanic, Russian (N. van Wijk), Old Iranian, and Indo-European linguistics (C.C. Uhlenbeck)
1934MA and PhD under the supervision of F. Muller, Leiden University
1934-1939high school teacher in classical languages in Batavia; learned both Malay and Tamil
1939-1972professor of Sanskrit and Indian antiquities, Leiden University
1972-2003emeritus professor
2003died in Zeist on November 14

Special activities and positions

  • Co-founder with J.W. de Jong of the Indo-Iranian Journal in 1957
  • President of the International Association of Tamil Research


  • Yuyama, A., “Bibliography of publications by F.B.J. Kuiper (upto and including the year 1967).” In: J.C. Heesterman, G.H. Schokker and V.I. Subramoniam (eds), Pratidānam : Indian, Iranian and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper, on his sixtieth birthday, Den Haag 1968 (Janua Linguarum. Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata, Series Maior 34), pp. xv-xxiv.
  • Jong, J.W. de, “F.B.J. Kuiper: bibliography 1967-1976” [his 70th birthday]. IIJ 19,1-2 (1977): 1-4.
  • Jong, J.W. de, “F.B.J. Kuiper: bibliography 1978-1987” [his 80th birthday]. IIJ 30,3 (1987): 159-160.
  • Menon, A.G. “Kuiper, Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus (1907- ).” In: R.E. Ascher (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics vol. 4 (1993), Oxford, p. 1879.
  • Jong, J.W. de, “F.B.J. Kuiper: bibliography 1987-1996” [his 90th birthday]. IIJ 40,2 (1997): 101-102.
  • Elizarenkowa, T., “F.B.J. Kuiper: fundamental directions of his scholarly work,” transl. from the Russian by J.W. de Jong. Numen 34,2 (1987): 145-178. – Origin. publ. as introd. to: Trudy po vedijskoj mifologii (studies on Vedic mythology) by F.B.J. Kuiper.
  • Witzel, M., “Introduction [on life and work of F.B.J. Kuiper].” In: A. Lubotsky, M.S. Oort and M. Witzel (eds), Selected writings on Indian linguistics and philology, Amsterdam-Atlanta, pp. x-xii.
  • Witzel, M., “Obituary F.B.J. Kuiper 1907-2003.” IIJ 47,3/4 (2004): 173-191.
  • Mayrhofer, M., “Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper.” Almanach der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 154 (2004): 503-510.
  • Bodewitz, H.W., “Herdenking Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper, 7 juli 1907 – 14 november 2003.” Levensberichten en herdenkingen 2005, Amsterdam: KNAW, pp. 76-84.
  • Beekes,R.S.P., “Nekrolog: Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper.” Kratylos 50 (2005): 232-234.
  • wikipedia


1931  “Beiträge zur altindischen Wortforschung.” ZII 8: 241-266.
1933  “Beiträge zur griechischen Etymologie und Grammatik.” Glotta 21: 267-294.
1934  Die indogermanischen Nasalpräsentia: e in Versuch zu einer morphologischen Analyse, Amsterdam. – PhD thesis Leiden.
“Zur Geschichte der indo-iranischen s-Präsentia.” AO 12: 190-306.
1937  Die indogermanischen Nasalpräsentia: ein Versuch zu einer morphologischen Analyse, Amsterdam. – Revised and enlarged edition.
Review of: A.A.M. Scharpé, Bāṇa’s Kādambarī, vertaling van het Sanskrit in het Nederlands, van het Uttarabhāga en van gedeelten van het Pūrvabhāga, met inleiding, aantekeningen en lexicographisch appendix, Leuven 1937 (PhD thesis Utrecht). TBG 77: 661-670.
1938  “Indoiranica.” AO 16: 203-220; 295-326.
“Zur Herkunft von Lat. Iste.” MKNAW 1,9: 485-513.
Review of: R.N. Dandekar, Der vedische Mensch, Heidelberg 1938. TBG 78: 589-590.
1939  De goddelijke Moeder in de Voor-Indische religie, Groningen-Batavia. – Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleraarsambt aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden op 24 novewmber 1939.
“Indoiranica.” AO 17: 17-64. [Continued from 1938, AO 16].
“Zur Chronologie des Stimmtonverlusts im dravidischen Anlaut (skt. kuṇḍa-m, kuṭīcaka-ḥ, gola-ḥ).” BSOS 9: 987-1001.
“Altindisch abhyāsa-ḥ ‘Studium, Gewohnheit’ usw., Sṛbinda (ṚS VIII, 32.2) und Binda.” AO 17: 304-317.
Review of: A. Scharpé, Bāṇa’s Kādambarī, Leuven 1937. JRAS 1939: 449-450.
Review of: F. Muller Jzn. en J.H. Thiel, Beknopt Griek-Nederlands woordenboek, Groningen-Batavia 1938 (2nd ed.). Het M.O. in Ned. Indië 34: 126-128.
1940  “Prof. Dr. N. van Wijk.” NRC, Handelsblad en Leidsch Dagblad, 4 okt. 1940.
1941  “Het Austro-Aziatisch karakter der Munda-talen.” Cultureel Indië 3: 97.
“Levensbericht N. van Wijk.” Jaarboek der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden 1941, pp. 48-50.
1942  “Het Austro-Aziatisch karakter der Munda-talen.” Oostersch Instituut (Leiden), Jaarboek 1941, 5: 60-61.
“Notes on Vedic noun-inflection.” MKNAW 5,4: 161-256.
“Nachruf Nikolaas van Wijk (4.10.1880-25.3.1941).” Indogermanisches Jahrbuch 15: 390-395.
1944  “N. van Wijk.” Handelingen en Levensberichten van de MNL te Leiden 1942-1943: 156-168.
1947  “De taal: haar verschijningsvormen.” In: Eerste Nederlandse systematisch ingerichte Encyclopaedie, Vol. II, Amster­dam, pp. 21-37.
“Traces of laryngeals in Vedic Sanskrit.” In: the Kern Institute (ed.), India antiqua: a volume of oriental studies presented by his friends and pupils to Jean Philippe Vogel, C.I.E. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate, Leyden, pp. 198-212.
Review of: H. Zimmer, Myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization, New York 1946. Pacific Affairs 20: 93-95.
Review of: Leo Buschardt, Vṛtra, det rituelle daemondrab i den Vediske Somakult, Copenhagen 1945. Museum 52: 198-200.
1948  Proto-Munda words in Sanskrit, Amsterdam (VKNAW 51,3).
“Vedic sádhiṣ-: sadhástha- and the laryngal Umlaut in Sanskrit.” AO 20: 23-35.
“Note on Dravidian morphology.” AO 20: 238-252.
“Munda and Indonesian.” In: Orientalia Neerlandica : a volume of Oriental studies, published under the auspices of the Nether­lands’ Oriental Society (Oostersch Genootschap in Nederland), on the occasion of the twen­ty-fifth anni­versary of its foundation (May 8th 1945), Leiden, pp. 372-401.
Et al., “Preface.” In: Orientalia Neerlandica, pp. v-vi.
Review of: L. Renou, Grammaire sanskrite élémentaire, Paris 1946. AO 20: 165-166.
1950  “An Austro-Asiatic myth in the Rigveda.” MKNAW NR 13,7: 163-182.
1951 “Naar aanleiding van de Gouden Kiem.” BTLV 107: 67-85. – translated into English in: F.B.J. Kuiper, Ancient Indian cosmogony: essays selected and intro­duced by John Irwin, New Delhi, pp. 23-40.
“Nώροπι χαλκῷ.” MKNAW NR 14,5: 201-227.
Review of: J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Lief. 1-4. Bern-München 1948-1950. Museum 56: 81-85.
1952  Review of: H. Wagner, Zur Herkunft der ē-Verba in den indogermanischen Sprachen, Zürich 1950. Museum 57: 195-197.
1953  “The three Sanskrit roots añc-/añj-.” Vāk 2: 36-99.
“Arend Willem Mauritz Odé 3-VI-1887 ‒ 27-IX-1951.” Lingua 3: 230-232.
Review of: E. Laroche, Histoire de la racine NEM- en grec ancien (νέμω, νέμεσις, νόμος, νομίςω), Paris 1949. Museum 58: 4-6.
Review of: M. Scheller, Die Oxytonierung der griechischen Substantiva auf –ιά, Zürich 1951. Museum 58: 52-53.
Review of: A.F. Stenzler, Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache, Berlin 1952 [13th ed.]. Museum 58: 146-147.
1954  “Two Rigvedic loanwords.” In: [G. Redard, Hrsg.], Sprachgeschichte und Wortbedeutung: Festschrift Albert Debrunner gewidmet von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, Bern, pp. 241-250.
Review of: J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Lief. 5-7, Bern-München 1951-1953. Museum 59: 1-4.
Review of: K.F. Geldner, Der Rig-Veda aus dem Sanskrit ins Deutsche übersetzt, 3 Bände, Cambridge, Mass. 1951. Museum 59: 81-85.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen, Lief. 1, Heidelberg 1953. Museum 59: 116-120.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Sanskrit-Grammatik, Berlin 1953. Museum 59: 120-121.
1955  “Shortening of final vowels in the Rigveda.” MKNAW NR 18,11: 253-289.
“Three lexicographical notes on the Gopālakelicandrikā.” Indian Linguistics 16 (= Chatterji Jubi­lee Volume; Madras): 86-105.
“Rigvedic loanwords.” In: Studia Indologic: Festschrift für Willibald Kirfel zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres (= Bonner Orientalische Studien, NS 3), Bonn, pp. 137-185.
Review of: W. Merlingen, Das “Vorgriechische” und die sprachwissenschaftlich-vorhistorischen Grundlagen, Wien 1955. Museum 60: 83-85.
1956  “The etymology of ἄνθρωπος.” ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ, Gedenkschrift Paul Kretschmer 2. Mai 1866-9. März 1956, I, Wien, pp. 211-226.
Herdenking van Holger Pedersen (7 april 1867-25 oktober 1953), Jaarboek KNAW 1955-1956: 262-269.
Review of: E. Boisacq, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, Heidelberg 1950. Lingua 5: 220-221.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Sanskrit Grammatik, Berlin 1953. Lingua 5: 221.
Review of: A.F. Stenzler, Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache, 13. Aufl. Berlin 1952. Lingua 5: 222-224.
Review of: W.P. Lehman, Proto-Indo-European phonology, Austin 1952. Lingua 5: 319-324.
Review of: J. Kuryłowicz, L’accentuation des langues indo-européennes, Kraków 1952. Lingua 5: 324-326.
Review of: J. Duchesne-Guillemin, Ormazd et Ahriman, Paris 1953. Museum 61: 210-211.
1957  “Avestan Mazdā-.” IIJ 1: 86-95.
“Vācārambhaṇam.” IIJ 1: 155-159.
“The Paiśācī fragment of the Kuvalayamālā.” IIJ 1: 229-240.
“Rigvedic sahasāvan-.” Annals of Oriental Research of the Univer­sity of Madras 13 (Centenary Number, Sanskrit Section): 14-18.
“On the date of the Daśakumāracarita.” Journal of the Madras University, Section A: Humani­ties 28, 2 (Centenary Num­ber): 121-125.
“Vedic sadhástha-, n. ‘seat’.” (Brief communication). IIJ 1: 309-311.
“Ucch(l)aṅkha-, m., Jaim. Br. II. 3701.” (Brief communication). IIJ 1: 311.
Review of: A. Carnoy, Dictionnaire étymologique du proto-indo-européen, Louvain 1955. Museum 62: 78-80.
Review of: C. Cappeller, Sanskrit-­Wörterbuch nach den Petersburger Wörterbüchern bearbeitet, reprint Berlin 1955. Museum 62: 81.
Review of: J. Hubschmid, Schläuche und Fässer, Bern 1955. Museum 62: 158-159.
Review of: C.R. Sankaran, Phonemics of Old Tamil, Poona 1951. Lingua 7: 99-102.
Review of: H. Penzl, A grammar of Pashto, Washington 1955. Lingua 7: 103-104.
Review of: M.B. Emeneau, Kolami: a Dravidian lan­guage, Los Angeles 1955. Lingua 7: 104-106.
1958  “Nyáñcanī- ‘refuge’ Ath.S. V. 5.2d.” (Brief communi­cation). IIJ 2: 158.
“Two problems of Old Tamil phonology, I: the old Tamil āytam (with an appendix by K. Zvelebil).” IIJ 2: 191-224.
“Rigvedic kīrín and krīḷí-.” Indian Linguistics 19 (= Sir Ralph Turner jubilee volume 1): 349-362.
“Vācārambhaṇam (2).” IIJ 2: 306-310.
Review of: J. Gonda, De Indische godsdiensten, Den Haag 1955. Museum 63: 13-14.
Review of: M.B. Emeneau, Kolami: a Dravidian language, Berkeley 1955. IIJ 2: 236-242.
1959  “Avestan ainita- ‘unharmed’.” IIJ 3: 137-140.
“Yūpayaṣṭi- (Divy. 244.11).” (Brief commu­nication). IIJ 3: 204-205.
“Skt. adṛśam: Gr. ἔδρακον?” (Brief commu­nication). IIJ 3: 205-206.
“The etymology of Greek άνῑ́η ‘grief, sorrow, distress, trouble’.” Annali Istituto Universitario Orientale, sezione linguistica I, 2, pp. 157-164.
Review of: Tamil Culture 4,1 (January 1955). Lingua 8: 101-102.
Review of: E. Abegg, Der Pretakalpa des Garuḍa-Purāṇa, 2nd ed. Berlin 1956. Museum 64: 13-14.
Review of: O. Landau, Mykenisch-Griechische Personennamen, Göteborg 1958. ΜΝΕΜΟSYNE 4,12: 80-83.
Review of: P. Thieme, Mitra and Aryaman, New Haven 1957. IIJ 3: 207-212.
Review of: U. Bianchi, Zamān i Ōhrmazd, Torino 1958. IIJ 3: 212-216.
Review of: D.J. Wijayaratne, History of the Sinhalese noun, University of Ceylon 1956. Lingua 8: 333-335.
Review of: E. Abegg, Der Pretakalpa des Garuḍa-Purāṇa, 2nd ed. Berlin 1956. Lingua 8: 335.
Review of: J.P. Rona, El culto indoeuropeo del fuego, Montevideo 1957. Lingua 8: 336.
Review of: H. Krahe, Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft, I, Berlin 1958. Museum 64: 140-141.
Review of: J. Wackernagel, Altindische Grammatik. Nachträge zu Band I, Nachträge zu Band II, 1, von A. Debrunner, Introduc­tion générale, par L. Renou, Göttingen 1957. Kratylos 4: 159-168.
Review of: A. Thumb, Handbuch des Sanskrit, I. Teil: Grammatik, I. Einleitung und Lautlehre. 3. Auflage von R. Hauschild. Heidelberg 1958. Lingua 8: 424-441.
Review of: Th. Simenschy, Antologia sanscrită a lui Coşbuc. 1956. Lingua 8: 441.
Review of: W. Brandenstein, Antiguo Persa. Gramática, Inscripciones, Madrid 1958. Lingua 8: 442-446.
Review of: G.R. Solta, Gedanken über das -nt- Suffix, Wien 1958. Lingua 8: 446-447.
Review of: J.P. Rona, La Obra de Federico Hrozný en el dominio indoeuropeo, Montevideo 1957. Lingua 8: 448.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen, Lief. 2-13, Heidelberg 1954-1958. Museum 64: 209-213.
Review of: J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, Lief. 8-12, Bern-München 1954-1958. Museum 64: 213-214.
Review of: C.G. Diehl, Instrument and purpose: stud­ies on rites and rituals in South India, Lund 1956. Oriens 12: 239-241.
1960  “Svávṛṣṭi-, aS. I.52.5a, 14c.” IIJ 4: 59-63.
“The ancient Aryan verbal contest.” IIJ 4: 217-281.
“Three notes on Old Persian.” Istituto Universitario Orientale, Annali, sezione linguistica, II, 2 (Napoli), pp. 159-170.
Review of: A.F. Stenzler, Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache, 14. Aufl., Berlin 1960. IIJ 4: 179-182.
Review of: J. Duchesne-Guillemin, The Western re­sponse to Zoroaster, Oxford 1958. IIJ 4: 182-189.
1961  “Remarks on the Avestan hymn to Mithra.” IIJ 5: 36-60.
“Āścarya-, n. ‘marvel’.” IIJ 5: 136-145.
“Herdenking van Joseph Vendryes (13 januari 1875 – 30 januari 1960).” Jaarboek KNAW 1960-1961: 369-374.
“Zur kompositionellen Kürzung im Sanskrit.” Die Sprache 7: 14-31.
“Some observations on Dumézil’s theory (with refer­ence to prof. Frye’s article).” Numen 8: 34-45.
Review of: L. Renou, Histoire de la langue sanskrite, Paris-Lyon 1956. IIJ 5: 79-81.
Review of: Bulletin of the Philological Society of Calcutta, I,1; I,2 (Calcutta 1959-1960). IIJ 5: 81-82.
Reviews of: T. Chandrasekharan, Antādi-k-kottu, vol. 2, Madras 1958 (MGOM 59); V.S. Seshadriyacharyar and J.C.G. Rajan (eds), Saptariṣi Nāḍi, vol. 4: Kaṭaka Lagnam, Madras 1958 (MGOS 123); T. Chandrasekharan, Pativratā Caritramu, Madras 1958 (MGOM 60); Sri G. Subbaramayya (ed.), Yāmuna Vijaya Vilāsamu of Sarasakavi Chiguḷīrēvula Vēṅkaṭa-Krishnamāchāryulu, Madras 1958 (MGOS 160); Kumari M.N. Sridevi (ed.), Vetālapañcaviṃśati, Madras 1957 (MGOS 135); G. Srinivasamurthi and N. R. Bhat (eds), Abhidhānaratnamālā or Ṣaḍrasanighaṇṭu by Śrīnivāsārya, Madras 1958 (MGOS 132). IIJ 5: 165-166.
1962  Nahali : a comparative study, Amsterdam (MKNAW NR 25,5).
“Rigvedic pā́rye divī.” IIJ 5: 169-183.
“A Malay word in Tamil.” IIJ 5: 237-241.
“Atharvavedic abhvà-, n. ‘monster’.” Lingua 11: 225-230.
“The three strides of Viṣṇu.” In: E. Bender (ed.), Indological studies in honor of W. Norman Brown, New Haven, Connecticut (American Oriental Series 47), pp. 137-151.
“Note on Old Tamil and Jaffna Tamil.” IIJ 6: 52-64.
“Comment on validity of glottochronology.” Current Anthropology 3,2: 141-142.
Review of: T. Ja. Elizarenkova, Aorist v. “Rigvede”, Moskva 1960. IIJ 5: 245-246.
1963  “The interpretation of Chāndogya Upaniṣad III.1.2.” Bhāratīya Vidyā 20-21 (1960-1961; issued 1963) (= Munshi Indological felicitation vol­ume: a volume of Indological studies by eminent scholars of India and other countries presented to Dr. K.M. Munshi on his completion of sev­enty-five years in December 1962 ): 36-39.
“Paiśācī kaṭāpa- ‘bundle’.” (Brief commu­nication). IIJ 6: 296-297.
Review of: M.S. Andronov, Razgovornyj tamil’skij jazyk i ego dialekty, Moskva 1962. IIJ 6: 306-307.
Review of: L. Renou, Terminologie grammaticale du Sanskrit, Paris [s.d.]. IIJ 6: 307.
Review of: Lars-Ivar Ringbom, Paradisus Terrestris, Myt, Bild och Verklighet, Helsingforsiae 1958 (Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, N.S., C.I. 1), and of: Lars-Ivar Ringbom, Zur Ikonographie der Göttin Ardvi Sura Anahita, Åbo 1957 (Acta Academiae Aboensis, Humaniora 23, 2). IIJ 6: 308.
Review of: W. Norman Brown, Resources for South Asian language studies in the United States, report of a conference convened by the University of Pennsylvania for the United States Office of Education, January 15-16, 1960, Philadelphia-London 1961. IIJ 6: 308-309.
Review of: E. Drioton, G. Conteneau & J. Duchesne-Guillemin, Les religions de l’Orient ancien, Paris 1957. IIJ 6: 309-310.
Review of: W. Ruben, Kālidāsa, the human meaning of his works, Berlin 1957. IIJ 7: 76-77.
1964  “On Yasna 30.7c.” In: H.W. Bailey et al., Dr J.M. Unvala memorial volume, Bombay, pp. 80-88.
“The bliss of Aša.” IIJ 8: 96-129.
& P.H. Pott and J.W. de Jong. “Introduction.” In: Hiraṇyagarbha: a series of articles on the ar­chaeological works and studies of prof.dr. F.D.K. Bosch. The Hague 1964, p. 4.
Review of: K. Kunjunni Raja, The contribu­tion of Kerala to Sanskrit literature, Madras 1958 (Madras University Sanskrit Series 23). IIJ 7: 218-220.
Review of: J.P. de Menasce, O.P., Une encyclopédie mazdéenne, le Dēnkart, Paris 1958. IIJ 7: 220-224.
Review of: R. L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages, Fasc. 1, a-uttapti, London 1962. IIJ 7: 318-324.
Review of: Christoph Hauri, Zur Vorgeschichte des Ausgangs -Ena des Instr. Sing. der A-Stämme des Altindischen, Göttingen 1963 (Ergänzungshefte zur Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiet der indogermanischen Sprachen 17). IIJ 8: 67-70.
1965  “Consonant variation in Munda.” Lingua 14 (= Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies, Part I: Historical Linguistics, ed. by G.B. Milner and E.J.A. Henderson), pp. 54-87.
“Avestan ašasairyank-?” (Brief communica­tion). IIJ 8: 282-283.
“Kāvutevoesppiṟāñcavilē.” (Brief communi­cation). IIJ 8: 283-284.
“Postscript on ajá (ad P. Horsch, “Aja Ekapād und die Sonne”).” IIJ 9: 30-31.
Review of: S.S. Bhawe, The Soma hymns of the Ṛgveda, a fresh interpretation, part 3 (RV. 9. 51-70), Baroda 1962 (M.S. University of Baroda Research Series 6). IIJ 8: 245-247.
Review of: Avestā, the sacred scripture of the Parsees, ed. in Devanāgarī script by E.M.F. Kanga and N.S. Sontakke, Poona 1962. IIJ 8: 294-297.
Review of: Wilhelm Brandenstein and Manfred Mayrhofer, Handbuch des Altpersischen, Wiesbaden 1964. IIJ 8: 298-308.
1966  “The sources of the Nahali vocabulary.” In: Norman H. Zide (ed.), Studies in comparative Austroasiatic linguistics (= Indo-Iranian Monographs 5), London/The Hague/Paris, pp. 57-81.
“Herdenking van Jan Petrus Benjamin de Josselin de Jong (13 maart 1886 – 15 november 1964).” Jaarboek KNAW 1965-1966: 397-403.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Sanskrit-Grammatik mit sprachvergleichenden Erläuterungen (Sammlung Göschen, 1158/1158a), Berlin 1965. IIJ 9: 149-150.
Review of: R. Hiersche, Untersuchungen zur Frage der Tenues Aspiratae im Indogermanischen, Wiesbaden 1964. IIJ 9: 218-227.
1967  “The nom. sing. ahū in Avestan.” In: Sir J.J. Zarthoshti Madressa centenary volume, Bombay: The Trustees of the Parsi Punchayet Funds and Properties, pp. 123-129.
“The genesis of a linguistic area.” IIJ 10: 81-102.
“The Sanskrit nom. sing. víṭ.” IIJ 10: 103-125.
“Herdenking van Louis Marie Joseph Renou (28 oktober 1896 – 18 augustus 1966).” Jaarboek KNAW 1966-1967: 412-417.
1968  “Comments.” Current Anthropology 9, 2/3: 137 and 141-142 [apropos of contributions by J.H. Greenberg and Mary R. Haas to the 3rd volume of Current trends in lin­guistics, ed. by T.A. Sebeok, The Hague 1966].
“Dutch students of Tamil.” In: Tamil Studies Abroad, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 15-21. – also published in Proceedings of the First Interna­tional Conference of Tamil Studies, Vol. II, Kuala Lumpur 1969, pp. 309-314.
“Herdenking van F.D.K. Bosch (17 juni 1887 – 20 juli 1967).” Jaarboek KNAW 1967-1968: 338-345.
“Pre-Hellenic labio-velars?” Lingua 21 (In honour of Anton Reichling on the occa­sion of his 70th birthday): 269-277.
Rapporten KNAW 20: 118-126.
“Textcritical notes on the Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa.” In: Mélanges d’Indianisme à la mémoire de Louis Renou (Publications de l’Institut de Civilisation Indienne 28), Paris, pp. 427-431.
“Śailūṣá- and Kuśīlava-.” In: M. Mayrhofer (Hrsg.), Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft und Kulturkunde, Gedenkschrift für Wilhelm Brandenstein, Innsbruck (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft 14), pp. 77-84.
Review of: H.C. Bhayani, Studies in Hemacandra’s Deśīnāmamālā, Varanasi 1966. IIJ 10: 305-307.
Review of: M. Molé, L’Iran ancien, Paris 1965 (Reli­gions du Monde). IIJ 11: 57-59.
Review of: J. Varenne, Zarathushtra et la tradition mazdéenne, Paris 1966 (Maîtres spirituels 35). IIJ 11: 59-60.
Review of: P. Saran, Descriptive catalogue of non-Persian sources of medieval history (Covering Rajasthan and adjacent regions), London 1966. IIJ 11: 60.
1969  Review of: Allan Dahlquist, Megasthenes and Indian religion: a study in motives and types, Stockholm-Göteborg-Uppsala 1962. IIJ 11: 142-146.
Review of: Xavier S. Thani Nayagam, A reference guide to Tamil studies: books, Kuala Lumpur 1966. IIJ 11: 150.
Review of: J. Duchesne-Guillemin, Symbols and values in Zoroastrianism: their sur­vival and renewal, New York 1966 (Reli­gious Perspec­tives 15). IIJ 11: 153-157.
Review of: G.P. Majumdar and S.C. Banerji (eds and translators), Kṛṣi-Parāśara, Calcutta 1960 (Bibliotheca Indica, Work nr. 285, issue nr. 1579). IIJ 11: 213-216.
Review of: J. Gonda, A concise elementary grammar of the Sanskrit language, with exercises, reading selec­tions and a glos­sary, translated from the German by Gordon B. Ford Jr., Leiden 1966. IIJ 12: 37-38.
1970  “Cosmogony and conception: a query.” History of Religions 10: 91-138.
Review of: D.N. Shankara Bhat, Descriptive analysis of Tulu, Poona 1967 (Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Se­ries 15). IIJ 12: 276-278.
Review of: R. Gordon Wasson, Soma, divine mushroom of immortality, New York-Bern 1968 [1969] (Ethnomycological Studies 1). IIJ 12: 279-285.
1971  “An Indian Prometheus?” ÉA/AS 25: 85-98.
“The origin of the Sanskrit drama.” (Sum­mary). In: D. Sinor (ed.), Proceedings of the XXVII International Congress of Orientalists, Ann Arbor, Mich­igan, 13th-19th Au­gust 1967, Wiesbaden, pp. 298-299.
Review of: B. Kölver, Tulu texts with glossary: Dravidian tales from the South of India, Wiesbaden 1969. Die Sprache 17: 72-73.
Review of: R.L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages, indexes compiled by Dorothy Rivers Turner, Oxford 1969. IIJ 13: 60.
Review of: W.P. Schmid, Alteuropäisch und Indogermanisch, Mainz 1968 (Abh. der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1968, 6, pp. 243-258). IIJ 13: 126-128.
1972  “The heavenly bucket.” In: J. Ensink and P. Gaeffke (eds), India Maior: congratulatory volume presented to J. Gonda, Leiden, pp. 144-157.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Die Rekonstruktion des Medischen (Sonderabdruck aus dem Anzeiger der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1968, So. 1). IIJ 13: 277-279.
Review of: H.-P. Schmidt, Bṛhaspati und Indra: Untersuchungen zur vedischen Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte, Wiesbaden 1968. IIJ 13: 279-286.
Review of: E.A.S. Butterworth, The tree at the navel of the earth, Berlin 1970. IIJ 14: 85-88.
Review of: W. Rau, Weben und Flechten im Vedischen Indien, Mainz-Wiesbaden 1971 (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1970, 11, pp. 649-684). IIJ 14: 88-89.
Review of: A. Venkatasubbiah, Vedic stud­ies, vol. 2, Madras 1968. IIJ 14: 89-91.
Review of: Bh. Krishnamurti (ed.), Studies in Indian linguistics: professor M.B. Emeneau ṣaṣṭipūrti vol­ume, Poona-Annamalainagar 1968. IIJ 14: 144-147.
Review of: T.A. Sebeok, Current trends in linguis­tics, vol. 5: Linguistics in South Asia, The Hague-Paris 1969. IIJ 14: 285-294.
1973  “Four word studies.” IIJ 15: 179-204. [Part I: “Vedic ayā́s- ‘not to be in­jured’.” also published in: Charu Deva Shastri felicitation volume, Delhi 1974, pp. 94-105].
Review of: J. Gonda, The Vedic God Mitra, Leiden 1972 (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 13). IIJ 15: 223-232.
1974  “Two notes on Sanskrit lexicography.” In: Anantapāraṁ kila śabdaśāstram, Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Eugeniusza Słuszkiewicza, Warsaw 1974, pp. 125-128.
“Vedic ayas- ‘not to be injured’.” In: Charudeva Shastri felicitation volume presented to Charudeva Shastri on the occasion of his seventy-fifth anniversary by his friends and admirers, Delhi, pp. 94-105.
“The Āytam problem.” Indian Linguistics 35,3: 205-217.
1975  “Ví dayate and vidátha-.” IT 2, 1974 (1975): 121-132.
“The basic concept of Vedic religion.” History of Religions 15: 107-120.
“The worship of the jarjara on the stage.” IIJ 16: 241-268.
“Comments.” Current Anthropology 16: 110-111 [apropos of D. McAlpin, “Elamite and Dravidian, fur­ther evidence of relation­ship,” in Current Anthro­pology 16: 105-109].
Review of: C. Hooykaas, Cosmogony and creation in Balinese tradition, The Hague 1974. JAOS 95,3: 549-550.
1976  “Ahura Mazda ‘Lord Wisdom’?” IIJ 18: 25-42.
“Old East Iranian dialects.” IIJ 18: 241-253.
Review of: Mélanges linguistiques offerts à Émile Benveniste, Paris 1975 (Collection linguistique publiée par la Société de Linguistique de Paris 70). IIJ 18: 96-100.
Reviews of: Distribution of languages in India and Union Territories (Inclusive of Mother-Tongue), Mysore 1973; M.V. Sreedhar, Naga Pidgin: a sociolinguistic study of inter-lingual communication pattern in Nagaland, Mysore 1974 (IIL Occasional Monograph Series 8); N. Ravindran, Angami phonetic reader, Mysore 1974 (CIIL Phonetic Reader Series 10); N.K. Sinha, Mundar phonetic reader, Mysore 1974 (CIIL Phonetic Reader Series 13); D.P. Pattanayak, M.S. Thirumalai & K. Rangan, Ad­vanced Tamil reader, part 1: Texts, notes and exer­cises, Mysore 1974. IIJ 18: 107-112.
Review of: Ulrich Schneider, Der Somaraub des Manu, Mythus und Ritual, Wiesbaden 1971 (Freiburger Beiträge zur Indologie 4). IIJ 18: 117-120.
1978  “On Zarathustra’s language.” MKNAW NR 41,4: 73-106.
“Sthāpaka and Sūtradhāra.” ABORI 58-59, Diamond Jubilee Volume (1977-1978): 173-185.
“Old East Iranian *nāmani ‘names’, etc.” IIJ 20: 83-94.
Review of: Georg Morgenstierne, Irano-Dardica, Wiesbaden 1973 (Beiträge zur Iranistik 5). IIJ 20: 99-102.
1979  Varuṇa and vidūṣaka: on the origin of the Sanskrit drama, Amsterdam (Verhandelingen KNAW afd. lett. NR 100).
“Avestan dušǝrǝϑrīś (Y. 49.1).” BSOAS 42: 265-267.
“The accent of vidátha-.” IIJ 21: 273-274.
1980  “Prenatale elementen in archaïsche en oosterse culturen.” In: Miel van Campenhout en Fons Baets (eds), Strategie van de (pre)natale ervaring, Antwerpen, pp. 45-61.
1981  “A Tamil ghost-word: pahtu ‘ten’.” IIJ 23: 289-292.
1982  Et al. (eds), Indological and Buddhist studies: volume in honour of professor J.W. de Jong on his sixtieth birthday, Canberra.
“Three approaches to the study of Mitra.” In: Golden Jubilee Volume in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vaidika Saṁśodhana Maṇḍala, Poona, pp. 148-155.
“Text-critical notes on the Gopālakelicandrikā.” In: L.A. Hercus, F.B.J. Kuiper e.a. (eds), Indological and Buddhist studies : volume in honour of professor J.W. de Jong on his sixtieth birthday, Canberra, pp. 287-336.
Review of: R.S. Demeter and P.S. Demeter, Obrazcy fol’klora Cygan-Kèldèrarej, Moskva 1981. IIJ 24: 328-329.
1983  Ancient Indian cosmogony : essays selected and intro­duced by John Irwin, New Delhi.
Review of: J. Moussaieff Masson, The oceanic feeling: the origins of religious sentiment in ancient India, Dordrecht-Boston-London 1980 (Studies of Classical India 3). IIJ 25: 53-58.
1984  “Was the putī́ka a mushroom?” In: S.D. Joshi (ed.), Amṛtadhārā: R.N. Dandekar felicitation volume, Delhi, pp. 219-228.
“Ahura.” In: Ehsan Yarshatar (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, fasc. 7, pp. 683-684.
1985  “Skt. bhuśuṇḍī.” MSS 44 (Festgabe für Karl Hoffmann 1), pp. 123-143.
“Note on Avestan ahū.” IIJ 28: 289-290.
1986  Trudy po vedijskoj mifologii, Moskva 1986. [Essays on Vedic mythology translated by T. Ja. Elizarenkova, A.M. Dubjanskii and V.S. Semencov. Introd. by T. Ja. Elizarenkova].
“Twice upasṛtya: a historical sketch.” In: Annemarie Etter (Hrst.), O-o-pe-ro-si: Festschrift für Ernst Risch zum 75. Geburtstag, Berlin-New York, pp. 215-219.
1987  Gopālakelicandrikā: a Kṛṣṇa play by Rāmakṛṣṇa, Am­sterdam (VKNAW NR 134).
“Rigvedic súar and tvám.” IIJ 30: 1-8.
“Avestan naēδā and māδa.” IIJ 30: 209-212.
“Herdenking van Gerard Hendrik Blanken (25 juni 1902 – 22 oktober 1986).” Jaarboek KNAW 1987, pp. 107-109.
Review of: Johanna Narten, Der Yasna Haptaŋhāiti,Wiesbaden 1986. Kratylos 32: 61-67.
1988  “Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941).” In: B.M. Groen, J.P. Hinrichs, W.R. Vermeer (eds), Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941), a collection of essays on his life and work: published on occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the chair for Balto-Slavic languages at Leiden University, Amsterdam, pp. 1-5.
Review of: M. Mittwede, Textkritische Bemerkungen zur Maitrāyaṇī Saṃhitā, Stuttgart 1986. Kratylos 33: 170-172.
1989  “Mṛcch. VI.O.124 Ajja.” IIJ 32: 45-46.
“The Padmaprābhṛtaka, notes, part 1 (0.3-18.41).” IIJ 32: 115-140.
1991  Aryans in the Rigveda, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA (Leiden Studies in Indo-European 1).
“Gopālakelicandrikā IV.100.” IIJ 34: 37.
“An Indo-Iranian isogloss?” IIJ 34: 39-41.
“The new ‘Mayrhofer’.” IIJ 34: 105-120.
Review of: M. Mittwede, Textkritische Bemerkungen zur Kāṭhaka-Saṃhitā, Stuttgart 1989. Kratylos 36: 191-192.
1992  “Nabhrā́j and the purchase of soma.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden, pp. 179-187.
“Viṣkali-, name of an accouching deity.” ABORI 72-73 (Amṛtamahotsava 1917-1992 volume) (1991/1992)[1993]: 11-14.
1995  “Gothic BAGMS and Old Icelandic YLGR.” North-Western European Language Evolution (NOWELE) 25: 63-88.
“On a hunt for ‘possible’ objections.” IIJ 38: 239-247.
“Foreign words in the Rigveda.” IIJ 38: 261.
1996  “Gandharva and Soma.” SII 20 (Festschrift Paul Thieme): 225-255.
1997  Selected writings on Indian linguistics and philology, ed. by A. Lubotsky, M.S. Oort and M. Witzel, Amsterdam 1997 (Leiden Studies in Indo-European 8, Kern Institute miscellanea 2).
“Ápaśyaṁ jāyām ámahīyamānām (RV.IV.18.13c).” IIJ 40: 103-113.
“Palinode: Avestan naēdā.” IIJ 40: 115.
2000  “Jan Willem de Jong: 15 February 1921 – 22 January 2000.” IIJ 43: xi-xii.
2001  “Paul Thieme (1905-2001) – In memoriam.” IIJ 44,2: iii.
2004  “Jan Willem de Jong (15 February 1921-22 January 2000).” In: H.W. Bodewitz and Minoru Hara (eds), Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong. Tokyo (Studia philologica buddhica Monograph series 17), pp. xi-xii.