Johannes Jacobus (Jan) van der Linden

1937 – 1998
geography, low-income housing, urban development

Curriculum vitae

1937born in Utrecht
studied geography, Free University of Amsterdam
1977PhD social sciences, Free University of Amsterdam
1967-1987associate professor Pakistan studies, Free University of Amsterdam
1998died in Utrecht


  • archive with the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam

Selected publications

Some general geographical studies are not included.
1975  A typology of slums of Karachi, Karachi, 157p.
1977  The bastis of Karachi, types and dynamics, s.l. : s.n. – PhD thesis Free University of Amsterdam.
1981  “The squatter’s house as a source of security in Pakistan.” Ekistics: the problems and science of Human Settlement 48,286: 44-48.
1982  & P. Nientied and E. Meijer, Karachi squatter settlement upgrading: improvement and displacement?, Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, Geografisch en Planologisch Instituut (Bijdragen tot de sociale geografie en planologie 5), 120 p.
1983  & J.W. Schoorl and K.S. Yap (eds), Between basti dwellers and bureaucrats: lessons in squatter settlement upgrading in Karachi, Oxford [etc.], xiii, 305 p.
1985  Ghousia colony: the upgrading of a stagnating Basti, Amsterdam: Free University (Urban Research Working Papers 4).
& Peter Nientied, “Legal and illegal plot development: a rationale for illegal subdivision of land in Karachi.” Nagarlok 17,1: 32-45.
& Peter Nientied, “Low cost development authorities: an alternative view.” Cities, Febr.: 77-78.
& Peter Nientied, “Approaches to low-income housing in the Third World: some comments.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 9,3: 311-329.
& Peter Nientied and E. Meijer, “Informal housing in Karachi.” Habitat International Journal 9,3/4: 289-297.
1986  “Settlement upgrading in Karachi: the role of public agencies.” In: P. Crooke (ed.), Management of sites and service and squatter upgarding areas, Dar es Salaam, pp.
1987  “Implementation and impacts of a legalization and improvement programme in Karachi: the case of Ghousia Colony.” Trialog 13/14: 57-62.
“Informal housing in Karachi and elsewhere.” Habitat Pakistan 4: 25-30.
“Habitat van de lage-inkomensgroepen in Karachi, Pakistan.” Wereld en Zending 16,1: 46-52.
& Peter Nientied, “Squatter settlement upgrading in Karachi.” In: R. Skinner et al. (eds), Shelter upgrading for the urban poor, Manila, pp. … . – Also in Landmark 1988 July: 4-13.
& M. Peltenburg, “A successful start in sites and services in Hyderabad.” Open House International 12,4: 74-76. – Also in Engineering Review 13,2 (1988): 9-10.
1988  & M.L. Kool and Dik Verboom, Squatter settlements in Pakistan: the impacts of upgrading, Lahore, 182 p.
& F.J.M. Selier (eds), Migration, housing and policy in Pakistan, Lahore.
& F.J.M. Selier, “Only the bullets make them listen.” In: P. Quarles van Ufford and M. Schoffeleers (eds), Religion and development, Amsterdam: Free University, pp. …
& Frits Selier, “Dutch research in Pakistan.” South Asia Newsletter 2: 16-20.
1989  & Maarten L. Kool and Dik Verboom, The mid-term impacts of squatter settlement upgrading: a longitudinal study of Baldia Township, Karachi, Amsterdam: Institute of Cultural Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University (Urban research working papers 21), xi, 182 p
Successful supply of plots for the poor: the case of Hyderabad, Amsterdam: Institute of Cultural Anthropology/Sociology of Development, Free University (Urban research working papers 22), vii, 71 p.
“The limits of territorial social movements: the case of housing in Karachi.” In: F.J. Schuurman and Ton van Naerssen (eds), Urban social movements in the Third World, London-New York: Routledge, pp. 91-104.
1990  & Peter Nientied, “The role of the government in the supply of legal and illegal land in Karachi.” In: Paul Baross and Jan van der Linden (eds), The transformation of land supply systems in Third World cities, Aldershot, pp. 225-242.
& Peter Nientied and Pieter Robben, “Low-income housing improvement and displacement: some comparative evidence.” In: B.C. Aldrich and R.S. Sandhu (eds), Housing in Asia: problems and perspectives, Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications, pp. 25-41.
& Peter Nientied and S.I. Kalim, “Pakistan [housing policies and practices].” In: W. van Vliet (ed.), International handbook of housing policies and practices, New York: Greenwood Press, pp. 695-717.
1991 & Jawaid Sultan, Squatment upgrading in Karachi: a review of longitudinal research on policy, implementation and impacts, Amsterdam: Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Development, Free University (Urban research working papers 27), 60 p.
& Peter Nientied and Evert Meijer, “Informal housing in Karachi.” In: Jan van der Linden and Frits Selier (eds), Karachi: migrants, housing and housing policy, Lahore, pp. 63-81.
“Squatting by organised invasion in Karachi: a new reply to a failing housing policy?” In: Ibidem, pp. 90-111.
“Ghousia colony: the upgrading of a stagnating basti.” In: Ibidem, Lahore, pp. 150-227.
& Jan van der Linden, “The government & illegal land supply for low-income groups in Karachi.” In: Ibidem, pp. 350-366.
“Dalalabad: an inquiry into illegal subdivision in Karachi.” In: Ibidem, pp. 385-419.
“Security and value: squatter dwellings in Karachi.” In: H. Donnan and P. Werbner (eds), Economy and culture in Pakistan: migrants and cities in a Muslim society, New York: Macmillan, pp. 62-76.
1994  & Jawaid Sultan, The land is pure gold: stagnation and development of a Karachi squatment 1973-1993: Usmania Mahajir Colony, Amsterdam: Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Development, Vrije Universiteit (Urban research working papers 33), 46 p.