Johanna Engelberta (Hanne) van Lohuizen-de Leeuw
South and Southeast Asia
Curriculum vitae
1919 | born in Amsterdam on October 25 |
… | lyceum in Baarn and gymnasium in Leiden |
1938-1944 | studied Indian archaeology and Sanskrit at Leiden (with J.Ph. Vogel, N.J. Krom and F.B.J. Kuiper) and Utrecht University (with J. Gonda and F.D.K. Bosch) |
1938-1944 | worked on the project of cataloguing the Indian photocollection of the Kern Institute in Leiden; librarian of the Kern Institute during WW II |
1944-1948 | research assistant for Hindu-Javanese antiquities, Museum for Ethnology (Leiden) |
1942-1951 | assistant lecturer Sanskrit at Groningen University |
1949 | PhD Utrecht University, supervisor J. Gonda |
1951-1958 | lecturer Indian art and archaeology, Cambridge University |
1959-1983 | professor of archaeology and early history of South and South-east Asia, University of Amsterdam |
1959-1976 | founder and director of the Institute of South Asian Archaeology, University of Amsterdam |
1978 | co-founder of the Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge |
1983 | died in Amsterdam on December 8 |
Special activities and positions
- Editor of the series Studies in South Asian culture (15 volumes, 1969-1993)
- Editor of the Handbuch der Orientalistik, 7. Abt. Kunst und Archäologie (14 volumes, 1970-1992)
- Co-founder of the biennial conferences of the European Association of South Asian Archaeaeology and Art (EASAA)
- Allchin, F.R., The Times 28 December 1983.
- Anonymous, “J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1919-1983).” Buddhist Studies Review 1 (1983-1984): 51-52.
- Dani, A.H., “In memoriam professor dr. J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw.” Journal of Central Asia 7,2 (1984): 181-184.
- Rosenfield, J.M. “Brief notices: Johanna Engelberta van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1919-1983).” Archives of Asian Art 37 (1984): 109-110.
- Srinivasan, D.M. “In memoriam Johanna E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1919-1983).” Artibus Asiae 46,1/2 (1985): 149-153.
- Allchin, F.R., “Obituary: Johanna Engelberta van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1919-1983).” In: J. Schotsman and M. Taddei (eds.), South Asian Archaeology 1983, Naples 1985, pp. 3-7.
- Harle, J.C. “Professor J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw.” JRAS 117,1 (1985): 65-66.
- Boisselier, J., “In memoriam Johanna E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1919-1983).” Arts Asiatiques 42 (1987): 102-104.
- Draak, M. “Hanne van Lohuizen-de Leeuw.” Aziatische Kunst, Mededelingenblad VVAK 18,5 (1988): 11-12.
- “The published works of J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw.” In: J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw, Folia Indica: a collection of essays on various South and South-East Asian subjects, some of them hitherto unpublished, with a Bibliography of the author’s printed works, ed. Maurizio Taddei, Naples 1990, pp. xiii-xxiii.
1942 “Enige miniaturen in het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde te Leiden.” Cultureel Indië 4: 12-16.
1944 “De betekenis van het Sanskrit voor de Indische archipel.” Cultureel Indië 6: 66-84.
1947 “Two notes on Mathurā sculpture.” In: The Kern Institute (ed.), India antiqua: a volume of oriental studies presented by his friends and pupils to Jean Philippe Vogel, C.I.E. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate, Leyden, pp. 231-239.
1948 “Sir William Jones 1746-1794.” In: Orientalia Neerlandica: a volume of Oriental studies, publ. under the auspices of the Netherlands’ Oriental Society (Oostersch Genootschap in Nederland) on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation (May 8th 1945), [A. de Buck … et al.], Leiden, pp. 288-297.
1949 The “Scythian” period: an approach to the history, art, epigraphy and palaeography of North India from the 1st century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D., Leiden. – Diss. Utrecht.
– “Was het optreden van Jayakatwang een usurpatie of restauratie?” In: Wegens zijn bijzondere verdienste: opgedragen aan Prof. Mr. J.Ph. Suyling door de Indologische Faculteit te Utrecht, Amsterdam, pp. 151-156.
1950 “Enige beschouwingen over de stucco’s van Noordwest Indië en Afghanistan naar aanleiding van een recente aanwinst van het Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde te Rotterdam.” Jaarverslag Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde te Rotterdam – Maritiem Museum “Prins Hendrik” 1949: 19-22.
– Review of: E.B. Vogler, De monsterkop uit het omlijstingsornament van tempeldoorgangen en -nissen in de Hindoe-Javaanse bouwkunst, Leiden 1949. Bulletin VVAK n.s. 30: 42-44.
– Review of: H.J. de Graaf, Geschiedenis van Indonesië, ‘s-Gravenhage 1949. Indonesië 4: 91-96.
– (About 50 articles on India, in Encyclopaedia of Oosthoek, Utrecht.)
1951 “A fine peace of mediaeval sculpture.” Bulletin VVAK n.s. 32: 70-72.
– “Zuid-Azië tot 1500.” In: Wereldgeschiedenis 1, 3rd ed. Utrecht, pp. 6-78. – In this 3rd ed. the original text by N.J. Krom [“Indië tot 1500”, 1939] is replaced by a complete new text written by Van Lohuizen.
– “De Indische gebieden: Voor-Indië en Achter-Indië.” In: F.W.S. van Thienen (red.), Algemene Kunstgeschiedenis vol. 6 (ook verschenen met de titel Exotische kunst), Utrecht, pp. 116-182.
– “Enige opmerkingen over het nationale epos van Tibet, in het bijzonder betreffende de stylistische vormen.” In: Handelingen van het XIXe Vlaamse filologencongres, Brussel, pp. 92-97.
– Review of: Chintamoni Kar, Classical Indian sculpture – 300 B.C. to A.D. 500, London 1950. BO 8/5: 195-199.
1953 Review of: J.J. Fahrenfort, India – land van Hindoes en Mohammedanen, Meppel 1950. BO 10: 136.
1954 “India and its cultural empire.” In: Denis Sinor (ed.), Orientalism and history, published on the occasion of the 23rd international conference of Orientalists, Cambridge, pp. 34-56.
– “Sūrya in Indonesia.” In: Proceedings of the twenty-third international congress of Orientalists, Cambridge, pp. 238-239.
– “De taak der Oriëntalisten.” Het Parool, donderdag 16.09.54, p.1.
– Review of: W.A. Braasem, Proza en poëzie om het heilige meer der Bataks, Djakarta 1951; W.A. Braasem en R. Nieuwenhuys, Volkspoëzie uit Indonesië, Groningen 1952. Art and Letters 28: 37-39.
– Review entitled “The golden germ” of: F.D.K. Bosch, De gouden kiem: inleiding in de Indische symboliek, Amsterdam 1948. Art and Letters 28: 53-60.
– Review entitled “Drama in Tibet” of: H. Harrer, Zeven jaar in Tibet, ‘s-Gravenhage 1953. Het Parool, zaterdag 09.01.54, p. 3.
– Review (entitled “Tragedie van een Maharadja”) of: E.M. Forster, The hill of Devi, London 1953. Het Parool, zaterdag 19.06.54, p. 3, 10.
1955 “Gupta sculptures after all.” Bulletin VVAK 3rd s. 4: 54-56.
– “Nature and date of the Mathurā ‘Yaksha’ in the Oudshoorn collection.” Bulletin VVAK 3rd s. 4: 57-60.
– “The Dikpālakas in ancient Java.” BTLV 111: 356-384.
– “À propos du livre de E. Gradmann sur les miniatures indiennes.” Arts Asiatiques 2: 67-71.
– “Note sur un groupe de constructions se trouvant dans la zone HR de Mohenjo-daro.” Arts Asiatiques 2: 145-149.
– “Oriental treasures in Amsterdam.” Oriental Art n.s. 1: 13-16.
– Review of: B. Rowland, The art and architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, London 1953. BO 12: 37-38.
– Review of: Chintamoni Kar, Indian metal sculpture, London 1952. BO 12: 203-205.
– Review of: H. Goetz, The art and architecture of Bikaner state, ‘s-Gravenhage 1950. Artibus Asiae 18: 99-101.
– Review of: R.E.M. Wheeler, Rome beyond the imperial frontiers, London 1955. Oriental Art n.s. 1: 130.
– Review of: H.F.E. Visser, Art treasures from the East, Amsterdam 1954. Oriental Art n.s. 1: 132.
– Review of: R.E.M. Wheeler, Archaeology from the earth, Oxford 1954. Oriental Art n.s. 1: 132.
– Review of: M. Hallade, L’art de l’Asie du Sud-Est, Paris 1954. Oriental Art n.s. 1: 179-180.
– Review of: R.E.M. Wheeler, The Indus civilization, Cambridge 1953. Ars Asiatiques 2: 158-159.
1956 “The beginnings of Old-Javanese historical literature.” BTLV 112,4: 383-394.
– “The meeting between East and West.” EW 7 (1956-57): 5-11.
– “Indonesia.” In: G. Tucci (ed.), Le civiltà dell’Oriente vol. 1, Roma, pp. 859-904.
– “Penisola Malese.” In: G. Tucci (ed.), Le civiltà dell’Oriente vol. 1, Roma, pp.905-917.
– “South-East Asian architecture and the stūpa of Nandangaṛh.” Artibus Asiae 19: 279-270.
1957 “The ancient Buddhist monastery at Pahāṛpur.” Antiquity and Survival 2: 29-42.
– “The protector of the mountain of truth.” Artibus Asiae 20: 7-17.
– “Heinrich Zimmer and India art.” Arts Asiatiques 4: 221-235.
– “Exhibition of Indian miniatures.” Cambridge University Broadsheet 23.01.57, pp. 1-2.
– Review of: A. de Silva-Vigier, The life of the Buddha retold from ancient sources, London 1955. BO 14: 50-51.
– Review of: S. Kramrisch, The art of India, London 1954. BO 14: 51-53.
– Review of: P. Rambach and V. de Golish, The golden age of Indian art: Vth – XIIIth century, London 1955. BO 14: 91-93.
– Review of: P.R. Ramachandra Rao, The art of Nāgārjunikoṇḍa, Madras 1956. Artibus Asiae 20: 222-224.
1958 “Boeddhistische kunst van Voor-Indië.” Kroniek van Kunst en Kultuur 18: 196-199.
– Review of: S. Paranavitana, The shrine of Upulvan at Devundara, Colombo 1953. BO 15: 52.
– Review of: J. Finegan, The archaeology of world religions, Princeton 1952. BO 15: 90.
– Review of: G. Tucci (ed.), Le civiltà dell’Oriente vol. 2, Roma 1957. BO 15: 159-160.
– Review of: B. Rowland, Art in East and West: an introduction through comparisons, Cambridge 1954. BO 15: 218.
– Review of: J. Romein, De eeuw van Azië, Leiden 1956. International Affairs (London) 34,1: 120.
1959 “An ancient Hindu temple in eastern Afghānistān.” Oriental Art n.s. 5: 61-69.
– “Indian ivories with special reference to a mediaeval throne leg from Oṛissā.” Arts Asiatiques 6: 195-216.
– “Het Indische cultuurgebied: Voor-Indië, Ceylon, Birma, Kambodja, Campa, Thailand, Viet-nam.” In: F.W.S. van Thienen (red.), Algemene Kunstgeschiedenis 5, Zeist, pp. 1-74, 188-192.
– Review of: P.M. Lad, The way of the Buddha, Delhi [1956]. BO 16: 58-59.
1960 De protohistorische culturen van Voor-Indië en hun datering, Rede bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleraar in de archeologie en prehistorie, oude geschiedenis en kunstgeschiedenis van Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, op maandag 16 mei 1960, Leiden.
– “Die Ausstellung indischer Kunst im Zürcher Kunsthaus.” Schweizer Monatshefte 39: 1021-1023.
– “Indische Malerei.” Schweizer Monatshefte 39: 1150-1152.
– “The preservation of archaeological remains in Indonesia.” Indologen-Tagung 1959: 200-217.
– “Facetten van geschiedenis en cultuur.” Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant (India bijvoegsel), maandag 29.02.60, p. 11.
1961 “The «Stone Buddha» of Chiengmai and its inscription.” In: A.B. Griswold and Jean Boisselier (eds), Felicitation volume presented to George Coedès on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, Special issue of: Artibus Asiae 24,3/4: 324-329.
– “An important exhibition of Indian art.” Bulletin of the Instiute of Traditional Cultures 2: 218-220.
– “Caricatures in Indian and South-East Asian art.” ALB 25 (Jubilee volume): 616-621.
– Tagore 1861-1961 (Speciale uitgave ter gelegenheid van de Tagore-herdenkingen in Nederland), Den Haag, “Voorwoord,” pp. 3-5.
– “Tagores eeuwfeest.” Het boek van Nu 14,9: 169-70.
1962 “Humor in der indischen und südostasiatischen Kunst.” ZDMG n.s. 36 (1961): 409-410.
– “Humor in Indian and Southeast Asian art.” In: E. Bender (ed.), Indological studies in honor of W. Norman Brown, New Haven, Connecticut (American Oriental Series 47), pp. 217-227.
– “Aus der Sammlung Von der Heydt im Museum Rietberg, Zürich – Das Liebespaar.” Atlantis 34,10: 528-533.
– “Arte dell’Indonesia,” in collaboration with M. Taddei. In: G. Tucci (ed.), Le Civiltà dell’Oriente, vol. 4: Arte, Roma, pp. 975-1030.
– “Indian influences on ancient Indonesian art.” Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 8,1: 118-123.
1963 “Einführung in die Kunst Thailands.” In: I. Bolz-Augenstein (Hrsg.), Schätze aus Thailand: Kunst eines buddhistischen Königreiches: eine Ausstellung im Wallraf-Richartz-Museum zu Köln, 5. Febr. bis 15. April 1963, Köln, pp. 17-47.
– “Inleiding tot de Indo-Aziatische sculptuur.” In: Indo-Aziatische sculpturen: collectie Gedon (München): van mei-oktober 1963 in het Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, pp. 5-10.
– “Zuid-Azië tot 1500.” Wereldgeschiedenis, vol. I, Zeist, pp. 7-100.
– “Inleiding tot de kunst van Thailand.” In: Kunst uit Thailand: [tentoonstelling] Haags Gemeentemuseum 1-11-’63/27-1-’64, Den Haag, pp. 9-38.
– Review of: F. D. K. Bosch, Selected studies in Indonesian archaeology, The Hague 1961. OLZ 58,5-6: 286-288.
1964 Indische Skulpturen der Sammlung Eduard von der Heydt – Beschreibender Katalog / Indian sculptures in the von der Heydt Collection – Descriptive catalogue, Museum Rietberg Zurich, Zürich.
– “Bosch’ contributions to Indian iconography and history of art.” In: Hiraṇyagarbha: a series of articles on the archaeological work and studies of F.D.K. Bosch, composed by his friends, his pupils and his colleagues to which is added the address delivered by him at his retirement from the University of Leiden, publ. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate on 14th July 1964, [introd. by P.H. Pott, e.a.], The Hague, pp. 59-63.
– “The message of Buddhist stories in literature and art.” Buddhist Annual of Ceylon 2508 (1964): 47-48.
– “A folk-art group from India.” Asian Review (Art and Letters) n.s. 1,1: 44.
– “Inleiding tot de kunst van Thailand.” In: Kunst uit Thailand: [tentoonstelling], Brussel, pp. 6-30.
1965 “The Dhyāni-Buddhas of Barabuḍur.” BTLV 121: 389-416.
– “Introduktion til Thailands Kunst.” In: Kunst fra Thailand, Nationalmuseet, København, pp. 21-53.
– “The Kuṣṭarajāgala image: an identification.” In: N.A. Jayawickrama (ed.), Paranavitana felicitation volume on art and architecture and Oriental studies, Colombo, pp. 253-261.
– “Beeldhouwkunst van India.” Openbaar Kunstbezit/T.V., 15.11.65, pp. 65-17A – 65-17H.
– “Java: archaeology, Indo-Javanese period.” Encyclopaedia Britannica 12: 973-974.
– Review of: A. Watson, The war of the goldsmith’s daughter, London 1964. Oriental Art n.s. 11: 274.
1966 “The Paṭṭikerā Chuṇḍā [sic] and variations of her image.” In: A.B.M. Habibullah (ed.), Nalini Kanta Bhattasali commemoration volume: essays on archaeology, art, history, literature and philosophy of the Orient, dedicated to the memory of dr. Nalini Kanta Bhattasali [1888-1947 A.D.] , Dacca, pp. 119-143.
– “An early 16th-century link between Gujarāt and Java.” In: Ba Shin e.a. (eds), Essays offered to G.H. Luce by … in honour of his seventy-fifth birthday, vol. 2, Ascona (Artibus Asiae suppl. 23, 2), pp. 89-93.
– Review: S. Sitwell, The red chapels of Banteai Srei and temples in Cambodia, India, Siam and Nepal, London 1962. Artibus Asiae 28: 86-87.
1967 Review of: J. Filliozat and P.Z. Pattabiramin, Parures divines du Sud de l’Inde, Pondichéry 1966. Oriental Art n.s. 13: 51-52.
1968 “Rājput sculpture: its relations with Rājasthānī paintings.” In: J.C. Heesterman e.a. (eds), Pratidānam : Indian, Iranian and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper, on his sixtieth birthday, The Hague [etc.], pp. 550-555.
– “Einführung in die indo-asiatische Plastik.” In: Weltkunst aus Privatbesitz, Abt. B, Sammlung Robert Gedon München, Köln, pp. BIII-BVII.
– “The date of Kaniṣka and some recently published images.” In: A. L. Basham (ed.), Papers on the date of Kaniṣka submitted to the conference on the date of Kaniṣka, London, 20-22 April, 1960, Leiden, pp. 126-133.
1969 “De herontdekking van het keizerrijk der Koesjana’s.” N.U., Maandblad van de Vereniging Nederland-USSR 23,5: 12-13.
1970 “Een Voorindische miniatuur.” Openbaar Kunstbezit/Radio, 11.11.70, pp. 33-33b.
– “India and its cultural empire.” In D. Sinor (ed.), Orientalism and history, 2nd ed. enlarged with bibliographical note, Bloomington-London, pp. 35-67. – 1st ed. 1954.
– “The rock-cut sculptures at ‘Isurumuni’.” Ceylon Today 19,7/8: 35-47.
1971 “The rock-reliefs at Isurumuṇi.” In: P.W. Pestman (ed.), Acta Orientalia Neerlandica: proceedings of the [19th] congress of the Dutch Oriental Society held in Leiden on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, 8th-9th May 1970 , Leiden, pp. 113-119.
– Review of: J. Auboyer and J. F. Enault, La vie publique et privée dans l’Inde ancienne(IIe Siècle av. J. C. – VIIe Siècle environ), fasc. I (première partie): L’architecture civile et religieuse, Paris 1969. Artibus Asiae 33: 150-151.
1972 “An Indo-Javanese representation of a bhujaṅga.” In: J. Ensink and P. Gaeffke (eds), India Maior: congratulatory volume presented to J. Gonda, Leiden, pp. 157-160.
– “Gandhāra and Mathurā: their cultural relationship.” In P. Pal (ed.), Aspects of Indian Art, Papers presented in a symposium at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art – October 1970, Leiden, pp. 27-43.
– “Zuid-Azië tot 1500.” Wereldgeschiedenis vol. 1, Bussum, pp. 7-100.
1973 “’Ride-on-your-own-back’ in the art of South-East Asia”, Indologen-Tagung 1971: 170-181.
– “Recent discoveries of the historical period in India.” In: N. Hammond (ed.), South Asian Archaeology [1971], London, pp. 257-264.
1974 South Asian Archaeology 1973 , papers from the 2nd international conference of the Association for the Promotion of South Asian Archaeology in Western Europe, held in the University of Amsterdam [from 4th- 6th July, 1973], co-editor J.M.M. Ubaghs, Leiden.
– “Mohenjo Daro: a cause of common concern.” In: J. E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw and J.M.M. Ubaghs (eds), South Asian Archaeology 1973, Leiden, pp. 1-11.
– Preface to: S. Bandaranayake, Sinhalese monastic architecture: the viháras of Anurádhapura, Leiden, pp. (Studies in South Asian culture 4).
1975 “The contribution of foreign nomads to the culture of the Indian subcontinent.” In: L.S. Leshnik and G.-D. Sontheimer (eds), Pastoralists and nomads in South Asia, Wiesbaden, pp. 16-29.
– Review of: O. Werner, Spektralanalytische und metallurgische Untersuchungen an indischen Bronzen, Leiden 1972. Mededelingenblad VVAK 5,1: 2-3.
1976 “De Oudindische beeldende kunst.” In: India, syllabus studium generale, Groningen, pp. 79-83.
– “De beeldende kunst der Mohammedaanse periode en de moderne kunst.” In: India, syllabus studium generale, Groningen, pp. 84-87.
– Langs Hollandsche oudheden in Sri Lanka (in samenwerking met J. van Lohuizen), cultureel-historische reis van 24 dagen in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) onder auspiciën van het Instituut voor Zuid-Aziatische Archeologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, wetenschappelijk begeleid, Amsterdam.
1977 “Sculpture from Cambodja and Thailand.” In: Exhibition of sculpture from Cambodia and Thailand, 1th [sic] July-28th August 1977, Gallery “De Ruimte”, Eersel, 3 pp.
– “An Indo-Javanese image of Devī-Caṇḍī with fourteen arms.” In: Beiträge zur Indienforschung, Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet, Berlin (Veröffentlichungen des Museum für Indische Kunst 4), pp. 309-313.
– “Gandhāra culture.” In: Pakistan past and present: a comprehensive study published in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of the founder of Pakistan, London, pp. 80-85.
1978 “An aspect of Sinhalese influence in Thailand.” In: L. Prematilleke, e.a. (eds), Senarat Paranavitana commemoration volume, Leiden, pp. 137-141.
– “De oude beeldhouwkunst van Bactrië-Tocharistan en Sogdië.” Nederland-USSR 31,6: 16-19. – Dutch version of an article by V.A. Meshkeris.
– Review of: S.J. O’Connor, Hindu gods of peninsular Siam, Artibus Asiae suppl. 28 (1972), pp. 3-76. Bijdragen – tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie 39: 225-226.
– Review of: A.J. Bernet Kempers, Ageless Borobudur: Buddhist mystery in stone, decay and restoration, Mendut and Pawon, folklife in ancient Java, Wassenaar 1976. BTLV 134: 494-496.
– Review of: V. Dehejia, Early Buddhist rock temples: a chronology, Ithaca, N.Y. 1972. Antiquity 52: 159-160.
1979 South Asian Archaeology 1975 , (ed.) papers from the third international conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in Paris [, July 1975]. Leiden.
– “Archäologie und Kunst.” In: H. Bechert und G. von Simson (Hrsg.), Einführung in die Indologie: Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben, Darmstadt, pp. 206-232.
– “An Indo-Javanese garden of Eden.” In: S. Simmonds and S. Digby (eds), The Royal Asiatic Society: its history and treasures, Leiden, pp. 126-144.
– “The pre-Muslim antiquities of Sind.” In: J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw, South Asian Archaeology 1975, Leiden, pp. 151-174; and in: Sindhological Studies 1979: 1-25.
– “The rock-cut sculptures at Isurumuṇi.” Ancient Ceylon 3: 321-361.
– Review of: M. Archer, Indian popular painting in the India Office Library, New Delhi etc. 1978. BTLV 135: 487-489.
1980 “The stūpa in Indonesia.” In: A.L. Dallapiccola and S. Zingel-Avé Lallemant (eds), The stūpa: its religious, historical and architectural significance, Wiesbaden, pp. 277-300, 359.
– Review of: B.N. Goswamy, Pahari paintings of the Nala-Damayanti theme in the collection of dr. Karan Singh, New Delhi 1975. BTLV 136: 385-386.
– Review of: J. Pieper, Die Anglo-Indische Station oder die Kolonialisierung des Götterberges, Bonn 1977. JRAS 1980,2: 202-203.
– Review of: A. de Lippe, Indian mediaeval sculpture, Amsterdam 1978. EW 30: 182-183.
1981 Some Buddhist sculptures and Indian paintings, Amsterdam.
– Sri Lanka: ancient arts , catalogue of an exhibition at the Commonwealth Institute, London, 17 July-13 September 1981, London.
– “The art of ancient Sri Lanka.” In: Mededelingenblad VVAK 11,3: 17-18.
– “New evidence with regard to the origin of the Buddha image.” In: H. Härtel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1979, Berlin, pp. 377-400; and in: Tableau 4,3 (sculpture suppl.): 20-29.
– “The dvārapāla of Barabuḍur: new evidence for the date of the foundation of the monument.” In: L.O. Gómez and H.W. Woodward (eds), Barabuḍur: history and significance of a Buddhist monument, Berkeley, pp. 15-23.
– “The ancient art of Sri Lanka.” Museum 33,4: 237-246. – Repr. in: Serendib: the magazine of Air Lanka 2,3: 6-13. – Also in French and Spanish.
– “The pre-Muslim antiquities of Sind.” In: H. Khuhro (ed.), Sind through the centuries: proceedings of an international seminar held in Karachi in Spring 1975, Karachi, pp. 43-57. – Slightly modified and somewhat reduced version of 1979.
– Review of: S. Zajadacz[-Hastenrath], Chaukhandigräber: Studien zur Grabkunst in Sind und Baluchistan, Wiesbaden 1978. BO 38,3/4: 454-455.
– Review of: F.R. Allchin and N. Hammonds (eds), The archaeology of Afghanistan from earliest times to the Timurid period, London 1978. Antiquity 55: 76-77.
1982 “Which European first recorded the unique dvārapāla of Barabuḍur?” BTLV 138: 285-294.
– “Impersonations of Kṛṣṇa by ladies at the courts of Rājasthān in the eighteenth century.” EW 32: 45-47.
– Review of: M. Archer, India and British portraiture 1170-1825, London etc. 1979. Artibus Asiae 43 (1981-1982): 165-166.
– Review of : M. Archer and R. Lightbown, India observed: India as viewed by British artists 1760-186, an exhibition organised by the Library of the Victoria and Albert Museum as part of the Festival of India, 26 April-5 July 1982, London 1982. Mededelingenblad VVAK 12,3: 15.
– Review of: J. Bastin and P. Rohatgi, Prints of Southeast Asia in the India Office Library: the East India Company in Malaysia and Indonesia 1786-1824, London 1979. BTLV 138: 375-377.
– Review of: M. Shellim, Oil paintings of India and the East by Thomas Daniell R.A. 1749-1840 and William Daniell R.A. 1769-1837, London 1979. Artibus Asiae 43: 247.
– Review of: T. Falk and M. Archer, Indian miniatures in the India Office Library, London etc. 1981. Artibus Asiae 43: 321-322.
– Review of: E. Waldschmidt, Die Legende vom Leben des Buddha in Auszügen aus den heiligen Texten, Graz 1982. EW 32: 190-191.
1983 The earliest representation of Borobudur, [Jakarta].
– South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka and Nepal: sources of art and archaeology on microfiche , Zug.
– South-East Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Champa, Vietnam and Sri Lanka: sources of art and archaeology on microfiche , Zug.
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