
Johannes Mathias Wilhelmus Gerardus (Jan) Lucassen

1947 –
history of work and labour, labour migration, labour relations
Europe, India (since 2003)

Curriculum vitae

1947born in Meijel (Limburg Province) on July 7
1966-1973studied social and economic history, Leiden University
1972-1974teacher history at the teacher training college in The Hague
1972-1984lecturer history at Utrecht University
1984-1985lecturer history at Hull University (GB)
1985-1988lecturer history and researcher at Utrecht University
1984PhD under the supervision of Th. van Tijn, Utrecht University
1988-2012staff member of the International Institute of Social History (IISG) in Amsterdam
1990-2012extraordinary professor (part-time) of international and comparative social history, Free University of Amsterdam
1993-2000director of the research department of the IISG
2000-2012senior research fellow at the IISG


  • personal page IISH
  • dbng
  • Linden, M. van der and Leo Lucassen, “Introduction.” In: Marcel van der Linden and Leo Lucassen (eds), Working on labor: essays in honor of Jan Lucassen, Leiden 2012, pp. 1-18. online edition

Publications on South Asia

For the complete list of Lucassen’s publications, click here.
1984  Naar de kusten van de Noordzee: trekarbeid in Europees perspektief, 1600-1900, Gouda. – PhD thesis Utrecht University.
2003  “La fabricación de ladrillos en Europa Occidental y la India: un intento de historia social comparada del trabajo.” Historia Social 45: 3-33. – Revised English version in 2006.
2005  & S. Bhattacharya (eds), Workers in the informal sector: studies in labour history, 1800-2000, New Delhi.
2006  “Brickmakers in Western Europe (1700-1900) and Northern India (1800-2000): some comparisons.” In: Jan Lucassen (ed.), Global labour history: a state of the art, Bern etc., pp. 513-571.
“The brickmakers’ strikes on the Ganges Canal in 1848-1849.” International Review of Social History 51, supplement 14: 47-83.
2007  & Jan Lingen, “The ‘mansúri’ or ‘munsooree paisa’ and its use: combining numismatic and social history of India, c. 1830-1900.” Numismatic Digest 31: 187-220.
“The logistics of wage payments: changing patterns in Northern India in the 1840s.” In: Jan Lucassen (ed.), Wages and currency: global comparisons from antiquity to the twentieth century, Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 349-390.
2012  “Working at the Ichapur gunpowder factory in the 1790s (part I).” Indian Historical Review 39,1: 19-56.
“Working at the Ichapur gunpowder factory in the 1790s (part II).” Indian Historical Review 39,2: 251-271.
& Jan Lingen, “Copper circulation in Northern India in 1830.” Numismatic Digest 34-35: 148-183.
2013  & Gijs Kessler, “Labour relations, efficiency and the great divergence: comparing pre-industrial brick-making across Eurasia, 1500-2000.” In: Maarten Prak and Jan Luiten van Zanden (eds), Technology, skills and the pre-modern economy in the East and the West, Leiden and Boston: Brill (Global Economic History Series 10), pp. 259-322.
2014  & Jan Lingen, “Two lacs of Bharatpur and Bindraban rupees and 15 bags of copper pyce, captured at Dig on Christmas ‘Eve 1804.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 218: 24-32.
& Jan Lingen, “Warfare and coin circulation; two lacs of Bharatpur and Bindraban rupees and 15 bags of copper pyce, captured at Dig on Christmas ‘Eve 1804.” Numismatic Digest 36-37: 157-181.
& Aad Blok and Huub Sanders (eds), A usable collection: essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on collecting Social History, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.