
Lourens Minnema

1960 –
religious studies, Buddhism, Hinduism

Curriculum vitae

1978-1985Christian theology in Kampen
1984-1991religious studies in Kampen (NL-Theologische Universiteit Kampen), Birmingham (UK-Selly Oak Colleges), Göttingen (D-Universität Göttingen), Kyoto (JAP-Kyoto University), Chantilly (F-Centre Culturel des Jésuites)
1990PhD in religious studies under the supervision of P.N. Holtrop (Theological University Kampen), T.E. Vetter (State University Leiden) and D.C. Mulder (VU University, Amsterdam)
1992-1994Professeur associé, Religions comparées, Faculté de la Théologie Protestante de Butare, Butare, Rwanda
1995-2004assistant professor comparative study of religions, Faculty of Theology, Amsterdam Free University
2002-2011part-time college lecturer religious studies, Academie voor Theologie en Levensbeschouwing, Hogeschool Inholland, Diemen/Amstelveen (NL)
2011-presentassociate professor world religions, Amsterdam University College (AUC)
2004-presentassociate professor, religious studies, Department of Philosophy of Religion and Comparative Study of Religions, Faculty of Theology, Amsterdam VU University

Special activities and positions

  • Member of the editorial boards of the journals Contemporary Buddhism: an Interdisciplinary Journal, and Studies in Interreligious Dialogue and of the Rodopi book series Currents of encounter: studies on the contact between Christianity and other religions, beliefs, and cultures
  • Visiting professor Henry Martin Institute (Hyderabad), Tamilnadu Theological College (Madurai) and United Theological College (Bangalore), Oct-Nov 2001
  • Visiting professor Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi), guest lecturer Gurukul Theological College (Chennai), Dec 2002-Jan 2003
  • Guest lecturer comparative study of religions and religious phenomena, Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, West Legon, Accra, Ghana, 2008, 2012-2014
  • Guest lecturer, Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 2010
  • Research fellow, Department of Theology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, May-June 2011



Studies on western theology, christianity, and general religious studies are not included.
1990 Bespiegelingen aan het venster: anthropologische bouwstenen voor een vergelijkend-godsdienstwetenschappelijke verheldering van interreligieuze dialoog, naar aanleiding van K. Nishitani’s boeddhistische en K. Rahner’s christelijke godsdienstwijsbegeerte, Kampen: Mondiss. – PhD thesis Theological University Kampen. – English title: Reflections at the window: anthropological materials for a comparative religion’s clarification of interreligious dialogue, on K.Nishitani’s Buddhist and K. Rahner’s Christian philosophy of religion.
1995 “Gelijkheid en ongelijkheid in het boeddhisme: over de verhouding tussen monniken en leken.” In: R. Kranenborg, W. Stoker (red.), Religies en (on)gelijkheid in een plurale samenleving, Leuven-Apeldoorn: Garant, pp. 99-117.
1998 “Boeddhistische aanknopingspunten voor een beroep op mensenrechten.” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 52,2: 139-152.
1999 “De grote Boeddha van Kamakura.” Prana 110 (Dec 1998/Jan 1999): 5-8.
Et al., “Mensbeelden van God.” Prana 110.
2000 & Marien van den Boom, Boeddhisme, Kampen: Kok, 144 p.
2001 “A Greek tragedy and an Indian drama on divided human families and social conflict.” In: Arun Mishra (ed.), Spirituality, science and technology: a select proceedings of Indian Philosophical Congress 2000 A.D., New Delhi: Indian Philosophical Congress, pp. 331-342.
2002 “Hinduistische und buddhistische Bewertung wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeit und ihrer Folgen.” In: Martin Cordes, Hans-Jürgen Pabst (hrsg.), Globale Welt – was tun? Beiträge zur Globalisierungsdiskussion, Hannover: Blumhardt Verlag, pp. 197-212.
“Divided families and social conflict: comparing a Greek tragedy and an Indian drama.” In: Jerald D. Gort, Henry Jansen, Hendrik M. Vroom (eds), Religion, conflict and reconciliation: multifaith ideals and realities, Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, pp. 68-84.
“The paradox of Koan.” Contemporary Buddhism: an Interdisciplinary Journal 3,1: 21-29.
“Interreligieuze dialoog? Godsdienstwetenschappelijke observaties en reflecties.” Praktische Theologie 29,1: 101-108.
“Polytheistic and monotheistic patterns for dealing with religious pluralism.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 12,1: 63-74.
2004 “Boeddhisme: liefdevolle vriendelijkheid en compassie.” In: Hub Crijns, Wielie Elhorst et al. red.), Barmhartigheid en gerechtigheid: handboek diaconiewetenschap, Kampen: Kok, pp. 229-235.
2006 “Hindu discourse and human rights discourse: traditional and modern views.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 16,2: 133-147.
2008 “The complex nature of religious sacrifice in the Mahabharata, in the Bhagavadgita, and in general: a cross-cultural comparison between Indian and Western theories of religious sacrifice.” Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 50: 196-215.
2010 “Godsbeelden wereldwijd.” In: Hanna van Dorssen (ed.), Wie is God? Een vraag van alle eeuwen, Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, pp. 65-77.
2011 “One dialogue – four relationships: the different layers of meaning in the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavadgita.” Studies in Religious Dialogue 21,1: 96-111.
2012 “A cross-cultural comparison of the issue of self-knowledge in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus, Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the Bhagavadgita.” Philosophy Study 2,7: 439-449.
“Transcendence in Hinduism as a cultural phenomenon and as a spiritual experience.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 22,1: 87-98.
2013 Tragic views of the human condition: cross-cultural comparisons between views of human nature in Greek and Shakespearean tragedy and the Mahabharata and Bhagavadgita, New York-London: Bloomsbury Academic, 572 p.