Nandana Chutiwongs
South (Sri Lanka) and Southeast Asia
Curriculum vitae
1942 | born in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 15 |
1959 | final examination Satrivitthaya School, Bangkok. |
1959-1963 | BA archaeology, Faculty or Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Bangkok |
1963 | scholarship South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) to finalize BA study at Silpakorn University, Bangkok |
1963-64 | study at University of Amsterdam, under professor J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw |
1964-1970 | MA Indo-Iranian languages and literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Amsterdam; |
assistant at the Institute of South Asian Archaeology, University of Amsterdam | |
1970-1988 | (senior) lecturer at Institute of South Asian Archaeology, University of Amsterdam |
1984 | PhD under supervision of J.G. de Casparis, University of Leiden |
1990-1992 | fellowship from the Netherlands Scientific Organization (NWO) |
1994-2007 | curator of the Department of South and Mainland Southeast Asia, and special curator for the Buddhist and Hindu ritual objects from Indonesia, at National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. |
2007 | official retirement from the Museum of Ethnology, Leiden |
2007-present | ongoing research on among other things the projects “Sculpture of Sri Lanka” and “Shrines in Asia” |
Special activities and positions
- President of the Foundation Library Asian Art and Archaeology (SBAKA), Amsterdam, 1988-2007
- Co-worker on research and publication project “Paintings of Sri Lanka, 1988-2007
- Co-worker in the Polonnaruva Museum Project, 1995-1998
- Co-worker in the project “Chengde-Leiden Project on the Lamaistic Temples of Chengde (Jehol)”, 1997-2003
- Curator for exhibitions on Bhutan (1998) and on Thai-Dutch relations (2004)
- Guest lecturers at many universities and institutions in Europe and Asia, 1970-2009
- Member of the Advisory Board of Thai-Dutch Committee for the VOC Project, Honorary adviser Thailand-Netherlands VOC Project at Ayutthaya, Thailand, 2004-present
- “Curriculum vitae.” In: Leelananda Prematilleke (editor-in-chief), Abhinandanamālā: Nandana Chutiwongs felicitation volume; co-editors Pisit Charoenwongsa … [et al.], Colombo 2010, pp. xiii-xiv. – In: Abhinandanamala Supplementum, Bangkok 2010, pp.xii-xiv.
- “A bibliography of the published writings of Nandana Chutiwongs.” In: Leelananda Prematilleke (editor-in-chief), Abhinandanamālā: Nandana Chutiwongs felicitation volume; co-editors Pisit Charoenwongsa … [et al.], Colombo 2010, pp. xv-xx. – In: Abhinandanamala Supplementum, Bangkok 2010, pp.xv-xxi.
1974 & U. Varasarin, “Essai d’interprétation d’une scéne du Rāmāyaṇa representée sur un linteau d’art khmer.” In: Art and archaeology in Thailand I: publication in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the National Museum Bangkok, Bangkok, pp. 201-226.
1978 “On the Jātaka reliefs at Cula Pathon Cetiya,” review article of: P. Krairiksh, Buddist folk tales depicted at Chula Pathon Cedi, Bangkok 1974. JSS 66: 133-151.
1980 “Visual expressions of Tantric Buddhism.” JSS 68: 76-85.
1984 The iconography of Avalokiteśvara in mainland Southeast Asia, [s.l.]. – PhD thesis Leiden; with chapters on India and Sri Lanka; revised reprint in 2002.
1986 “Sri Lanka and some Bodhisattva images from Southeast Asia.” In: H.I.R. Hinzler (ed.), Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology: essays offered to dr J. G. de Casparis on the occasion of his retirement presented by colleagues and former students at the archaeological conference held on 2 June 1986 in Leiden, Leiden (Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology [1]), pp. 68-82.
1988 & J.M.M. Ubaghs, “Sri Lanka voor de komst der Europeanen.” In: Het Machtige Eyland: Ceylon en de V.O.C., Handbook of exhibition at Maritime Museum, Amsterdam, pp. 7-13.
1989 “Het lamaïstisch pantheon: goden en leermeesters.” In: H. Kreijger (ed.), Godenbeelden uit Tibet, lamaïstische kunst uit Nederlands particulier bezit, catalogue of an exhibition in Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde in Rotterdam, Den Haag, pp. 9-13.
– “To the sublime Lord of Phnom Rung.” Silpakorn Journal 33,2 (2532): 56-63. – In Thai.
1990 Buddha’s footprints in South and Southeast Asia, Bangkok. – In Thai.
– Indonesian bronzes in the Domela Nieuwenhuis collection, Amsterdam, Amsterdam: Christie’s.
– “The Buddha’s footprints: a preliminary study.” Ancient Ceylon 10: 59-116.
– “Auspicious symbols in the Dvaravati culture of Thailand.” Ancient Ceylon 12: 167-193.
– “Avalokiteśvara (Nātha) in Sri Lanka.” In: Perspectives in archaeology: Festschrift in honour of prof. P.L. Prematilleke, Peradeniya, pp.133-143.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Danagirigala, Paintings of Sri Lanka, Series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Gangarama, Paintings of Sri Lanka, Series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
1991-5 & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Lankatilaka, Kelaniya, Kataluwa, Telwatta, Samudragiri, Hanguranketa, Dambawa, Ridivihara, Karagampitiya, Muppane, Paramakanda, Hindagala, Paintings of Sri Lanka, Series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo, 1990-2003.
1993 & Leelananda Prematilleke, “Boeddhistische beelden en beeldentempels.” In: De glorie van Sri Lanka, tentoonstelling bronzen van de Nationale Collecties van Sri Lanka, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, 1993-1994, pp. 38-51.
– “Fundamentals for the study of Buddhist and Hindu iconography, part 1.” Silpakorn Journal 36,1: 39-58. – In Thai.
1994 & Denise Patry Leidy (eds), Buddha of the future: an early Maitreya from Thailand: catalogue of an exhibition, Asia Society Galleries, New York.
– “Southeast Asian Buddhist sculpture from the seventh to the ninth centuries.” In: N. Chutiwongs and Denise Patry Leidy (eds), Buddha of the future: an early Maitreya from Thailand: catalogue of an exhibition, Asia Society Galleries, New York, pp. 17-63.
– “An aspect of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara in ancient Indonesia.” In: M.J. Klokke and P. Scheurleer (eds), Ancient Indonesian sculpture, Leiden (Verhandelingen KITLV 165), pp. 98-114.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke, “Boeddhistische beelden en beeldentempels.” In: De wijzen en de goden, tentoonstelling bronzen van de Nationale Collecties van Sri Lanka, Brussel 1994, pp. 39-51.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke, “Buddhist Images.” In: Sacred images of Sri Lanka, exhibition bronze sculptures from the National Collections of Sri Lanka, New South Wales, pp. 16-19.
1995 & Leelananda Prematilleke, “Buddhist icons: image, shrine and ritual.” In: The heritage of Sri Lankan bronze sculpture, Exhibition National Museum Colombo, pp. 4-10.
– & R. Munneke, Polonnaruva: de middeleeuwse hoofdstad van Sri Lanka/The medieval capital of Sri Lanka, Amsterdam.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke, “The ten Buddhas of the future.” In: Studies and reflections on Asian art history and archaeology, essays in honour of H.S.H. prof. Subhadradis Diskul, Bangkok: Silpakorn University, pp. 351-364.
1996 “Trade route and the diffusion of artistic traditions in South and Southeast Asia.” In: Ancient trades and cultural contacts in Southeast Asia, Bangkok, pp. 3-43.
– & L. Prematilleke, “The ten Buddhas of the future.” In: Khaisri Sri-Aroon et al. (eds), Studies & reflections on Asian art history and archaeology: essays in honour of H.S.H Professor Subhadradis Diskul, [Bangkok], pp. 351-364.
1996-7 & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Bingiriya, Dova, Kotimbulvala, Sasseruwa, Madawala, Bihalpola, Budugekanda, Padeniya, Suriyagoda, Bambaragala, Paintings of Sri Lanka, Series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
1997 “The ‘circular site’ at Panduvasnuvara, Sri Lanka.” In: Natasha Eilenberg et al. (eds), Living a life in accord with dhamma: papers in honour of professor Jean Boisselier on his eightieth birthday, Bangkok: Silpakorn University, pp. 116-126.
1998 “Some ancient Indonesian gold and silver images and other objects in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.” In: Proceedings of the 6th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Hull, pp. 215-230.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Vallalgoda, Series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
1999 “Early Buddhist sculptures of Thailand from the seevnth to the ninth centuries.” In: Robert L. Brown (ed.), Art from Thailand, New Delhi (Marg special volume), pp. 19-33.
– “Indian miniatures in National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.” In: Rubriek South Asia, CNWS Newsletter, University of Leiden, July 1999, pp.58-59.
2000 “The trade routes and the diffusion of artistic traditions in South and Southeast Asia.” In: V. Elisseff (ed.), The Silk roads, highway of culture and commerce, New York-Oxford, pp. 272-287.
– “Bronze ritual implements in the Majapahit period: meaning and function.” Arts of Asia 30,6: 69-85.
– “On the re-periodization of art-styles in Thailand.” Silpa Watthanatham (Art and Culture) 2000, pp. 50-57. – In Thai.
– “Phu Phra Bat: a remarkable archaeological site in northeastern Thailand,” paper presented at the international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Berlin 1998. JSS 88: 42-52.
2001 & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Mulgirigala, Paintings of Sri Lanka, Series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
– “A ritual object from Java.” In: Marijke J. Klokke and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), Fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of Prof. J.G. de Casparis, … on the occasion of his 85th birthday, Groningen (Gonda Indological Studies 11), pp. 57-68.
– “Ancient Indonesian sculptures in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.” CNWS Newsletter 21: 80-89.
2002 The iconography of Avalokeśvara in mainland South-East Asia, revised and expanded edition of PhD thesis 1984, New Delhi. – with chapters on India and Sri Lanka, .
2003 & Debjani Paul-Gupta, The sentiments of love / gemoedsstemmingen van de liefde: Indian miniatures in the collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, Digital publication, National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.
– & Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Devinuvara, Paintings of Sri Lanka, series of 30 volumes published by Archaeological Survey and The Central Cultural Fund of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
– & Roland Silva and Li Hai Tao, “Architecture, painting and sculpture.” In: Shili Wu and K.R. van Kooij (eds), Pule Temple Chengde, China, Beijng, pp. 58-107.
– & Roland Silva, Li Hai Tao and Li Lin Li, “Materials, techniques and style.” In: Shili Wu and K.R. van Kooij (eds), Pule Temple Chengde, China, Beijng, pp. 108-137.
– & Karel van Kooij and Li Hai Tao, “Ritual and iconography.” In: Shili Wu and K.R. van Kooij (eds), Pule Temple Chengde, China, Beijng, pp. 138-181.
– & Niu Bochen, “Aesthetics.” In: Shili Wu and K.R. van Kooij (eds), Pule Temple Chengde, China, Beijng, pp. 182-197.
– “Kingship in Thailand.” Dialogue: Astha Bharati Quarterly 5,1: 58-78.
– “Reappraising Candi Singhasari,” paper presented at the international conference of Indonesian art, at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, March 2003.
– Review of: S. Cate, Making merit, making art: a Thai temple in Wimbledon. IIAS Newsletter 31: 36.
2004 & Remco Raben, “Kalyani dagaba, Kelaniya Rajamahavihara.” In: Max de Bruijn and Remco Raben (eds), The world of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808. Drawings of a Dutch Traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa, Amsterdam, nr. 98, pp. 327-330.
– “Rock cave mosque of Kuragala.” In: Max de Bruijn and Remco Raben (eds), The world of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808. Drawings of a Dutch Traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa, Amsterdam, nr. 99, pp. 331-334.
– “Dagaba and Chapel on the summit of Mulgirigala.” In: Max de Bruijn and Remco Raben (eds), The world of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808. Drawings of a Dutch Traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa, Amsterdam nr. 100, pp. 334-337.
– “Buddhist Cave Shrines at Mulgirigala(?).” In: Max de Bruijn and Remco Raben (eds.), The world of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808. Drawings of a Dutch Traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa, Amsterdam, nr. 101, pp. 337-338.
– “Interior of a cave temple with a reclining Buddha.” In: Max de Bruijn and Remco Raben (eds.), The world of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808. Drawings of a Dutch Traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa, Amsterdam, nr. 102, pp. 338-339.
– “Reflections in Bronze.” In: Anupa Pande and Pandya Dhar (eds), Cultural interface of India with Asia, religion, art and architecture, National Museum Institute, New Delhi (Monograph Series 1), pp. 23-53.
2005 “Le Bouddhisme du Champa.” In: P. Baptiste et T. Zéphir (eds), Trésor d’art du Vietnam: le sculpture de Champa, Ve-XVe siècles, catalogue réalisé, Paris, pp. 65-87.
– “Pengkajian kembali sebuah teka-tiki tentang Borobudur.” Warisan Budaya Bersama, catalogue of an exhibition, National Museum Jakarta, Jakarta, pp. 40-48.
– “Puzzle-pieces of the Borobudur re-examined.” In: Indonesia: the discovery of the past, catalogue of an exhibition, De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp. 40-48.
– “Puzzelstukjes van Borobudur opnieuw bekeken.” In: De ontdekking van het verleden, catalogus van een tentoonstelling, De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp. 40-48.
– “Ritual deposits,” paper presented at the international conference Sanskrit in Asia: unity in diversity, Bangkok, June 2005.
2006 “Buddhist relics and relic-shrines,” In: K. Sankarnarayan, R. Panth and I. Ogawa (eds), Contribution of Buddhism to the world culture, papers presented at the international conference, K.J. Somaiya Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Mumbai, March 2004, Mumbai-New Delhi, vol.2, pp. 123-153.
– Facts and fantasies, written records from the Zoomers and Kramer collections in the Netherlands, Catalogue of an exhibition on Thai-Dutch relations, Vajiravudh Memorial Hall, National Library of Thailand, Bangkok, 1 May-20 June 2006. In Thai and English.
– “Visualizing Avalokiteśvara in the seventh to ninth century period in South and Southeast Asia.” In: Ku Cheng Mei (ed.), Buddhism and Buddhist art of the Tang, Hong Kong 2005, pp.167-182.
– “A Buddhist Bhairava.” In: Sahṛdaya: studies in Indian and South East Asian art in honour of dr R. Nagaswamy, Chennai, pp. 53-64.
– “Narrative reliefs on the pedestal at Dong-duong,” paper presented at the SACHA (Société des amis du Champa) conference 2006, Paris.
2007 Et al. (eds), Proceedings of international symposium ‘Crossroads of Thai and Dutch History’, Leiden 1984, Bangkok-Leiden.
– “Merchants pilgrims and envoys.” In: Proceedings of international symposium ‘Crossroads of Thai and Dutch History’, Leiden 1984, Bangkok-Leiden, pp. 378-402.
– In collaboration with Leelananda Prematilleke and Roland Silva, Buddha, Monograph Series Sri Lanka Sculpture, Colombo: Central Cultural Fund Sri Lanka.
– “Candi Singasari: a recent study.” In: E.C. Bacus, I.C. Glover and P.D. Sharrock (eds), Interpreting Southeast Asia’s past: monument, image and text: selected papers from the 10th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, London 2004, Singapore, vol. 2, pp. 100-121.
– “Dharma as a sacred domain.” In: K. Sankarnarayan et al. (eds), Dharma and Abhidharma, papers of an international seminar at K.J. Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Mumbai, February 2006, Mumbai-New Delhi, vol. 2, pp. 359-373.
2008 De verborgen voet van Borobudur/The hidden base of Borobudur, structure, text and information brochure, gallery exhibition in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, February-September 2008.
– “A collection of Indian miniatures in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.” In: E.M. Raven (ed.), South Asian Archaeology 1999 : proceedings of the fifteenth international conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held at the Universiteit Leiden, 5-9 July, 1999 , Groningen (Gonda Indological Studies 15), pp. 535-546.
– “Four clay tablets from Kasia in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.” Aziatische Kunst 38,4 ( Parels in een baaierd van lacunes: feestbundel voor Pauline Scheurleer): 32-38.
– “Note on the Buddha’s canine tooth-relic in Southeast Asian traditions.” In: Leelananda Prematillek and Oliver Abeynayake (eds), Vajirabhivandana: venerable Kumburugamuve Vajira felicitation volume, Colombo, pp. 141-152.
– “A reconstruction of the iconographic pattern at Prasat Muang Singh, Central Thailand.” Silpakorn Journal 51,2: 46-75. – In Thai with English summary.
– & Nimal de Silva (eds), Felicitation volume Roland Silva, Colombo: University of Kelaniya.
– “A relic shrine in paradise.” In: Nandana Chutiwongs and Nimal de Silva (eds), Felicitation volume Roland Silva, Colombo: University of Kelaniya, pp. 37-47.
– “An arhat in the other worlds,” paper presented at the international conference on Buddhism in Asia: unity in diversity, at K.J. Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Mumbai, January 2008.
– “The hidden base of Borobudur,” paper presented at the 12th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden 2008.
2009 “Le bouddhisme à Dvāravatī et à Hariphunchai.” In: P. Baptiste et T. Zéphir (eds), Dvâravatî, aux sources du bouddhisme en Thailande, établissement public du musée des Arts Antiques Guimet, Paris 10 fevrier 25 mai 2009, Paris, pp. 59-73.
– & V. Degroot and E.S. Hardiati, “Early history and archaeology of Sumatra: an overview.” In: F. Brinkgreve and R. Sulistianingsih (eds), Sumatra: crossroads of cultures, Leiden, pp. 41-50.
– & F. Wardhani and M.K. Hartanti, “Hindu-Buddhist sculptures from Sumatra I: collection of the National Museum (Jakarta).” In: F. Brinkgreve and R. Sulistianingsih (eds), Sumatra: crossroads of cultures, Leiden, pp. 53-69.
– “The miracle at Savatthi,” paper presented at the Dvaravati Conference, at Musee Guimet, Paris, 19 March 2009.
– “Documentation, archaeology and conservation – a point of view,” paper presented at the international seminar on Archaeology, museum and conservation, Thai-Malaysian Archaeology Joint Project, Fine Arts Department, Ministry of Culture, Bangkok 24-25 August 2009.
2010 “The closing chapter on Avalokitesvara: Srivijaya and maritime Southeast Asia.” L. Prematilleke et al. (eds), Abhinandanamālā: Nandana Chutiwongs felicitation volume, Bangkok, pp. 1-30.
– “A visit to Ratu Baka.” In: E.S. Hardiati, Rr. Triwurjani (penyunting), Pentas ilmu di ranah budaya: sembila windu prof. dr Edi Sedyawati, Denpasar, Bali, pp. 783-796.
When composing Chutiwongs’ publication list, “The many faces of Lokeśvara: Tantric connections in Cambodia and Campā between the tenth and thirteenth centuries” (History of Religions, 2014, 54.1: 69-93) was wrongly included by the administrator of the website. The actual author of this article is Dr Philip Green.
In preparation
– “Sri Aryamaitreya,” article for seminar on art history and archaeology Sri Lanka. Thailand. Myanmar relations, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, supplementary volume.
– Pantheon and liturgy: ancient Indonesian sculptures and ritual implements in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden.