Jan B.F. Nijman
North America (Miami), South Asia (Mumbai)
Curriculum vitae
1957 | born in Heemskerk on October 15 |
1985 | MA social geography, University of Amsterdam |
1990 | PhD in geography, University of Colorado, Boulder |
…-… | professor in geography, university of Miami |
2011-present | professor of Urban Studies and director of the Centre, University of Amsterdam |
Special activities and positions
- Chairman of the Global Exploration Fund (Europe) of the National Geographic Society
- Director of the Centre for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2011-
- Member of the Committee for Research and Exploration of National Geographic, 2001-2010
Selected publications on South Asia
1994 “The VOC and the expansion of the world-system 1602-1799.” Political geography 13,3: 211-227.
2000 “Mumbai’s real estate market in the 1990s: deregulation, global money, and casino capitalism.” EPW (India) 35,7 (February 12-18): 575-582.
2002 “The effects of economic globalization: land use and land values in Mumbai, India.” In: Richard Grant and John Rennie Short (eds), Globalization and the margins, Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 150-169.
2004 & R. Grant, “The rescaling of uneven development in Ghana and India.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 95: 461-481.
– & R. Grant, “Globalization and the hyper-differentiation of space in the less developed world.” In: J. O’Loughlin, L. Staeheli and E. Greenberg (eds), Globalization and its outcomes, New York: Guilford Press, pp. 45-66.
2006 “Mumbai’s mysterious middle class.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30,4: 758–775.
2007 “Mumbai since liberalization: the space-economy of India’s gateway city.” In: A. Shaw (ed.), Indian cities in transition, New Delhi: Orient Longman, pp. 238-259.
2008 “Against the odds: slum rehabilitation in neoliberal Mumbai.” Cities 25,2: 75–87.
2010 “A study of space in Mumbai’s slums.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 101: 4-17.
2011 “Mumbai as a global city: a theoretical essay.” In: B. Derudder, M. Hoyler, P.J. Taylor & F. Witlox (eds), International handbook of globalization and world cities, Edward Elgar, pp. 447-454.
2012 “India’s urban challenge.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 53,1: 7-20. doi: 10.2747/1539-7216.53.1.7
– “India in the urban revolution.” The Indian Anthropologist 42,2: 1-17.
2013 “Cities – Mumbai.” In: J. Liu, S. Pelissery & J. Campbell (eds), China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: assessing sustainability, USA: Berkshire (Encyclopedia of Sustainability 7/10), pp. 255-258.
2014 & M. Shin, “Megacities.” In: P. Knox (ed.), Atlas of cities: mapping the origins, Development, and impacts of urbanization, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 140-157.
2015 “India’s urban future: views from the slum.” American Behavioral Scientist 59,3: 406-423. doi: 10.1177/0002764214550304
2019& R.J. van Duijne, “India’s emergent urban formations.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109,6: 1978-1998. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2019.1587285