René Jan Barendse
South Asia
Curriculum vitae
1961 | born in Amsterdam on March 31 |
… | education Spinoza Lyceum |
… | studied history, University of Amsterdam and Leiden University |
1991 | PhD under the supervision of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden University |
1991-present | independent researcher |
1989 & Olga Nieuwenhuys et al., Kinderen in India: hun leven, hun werk, Utrecht: Landelijke India Werkgroep.
1991 Koningen, compagnieën en kapers: de Arabische zeeën 1640-1700, Leiden. – PhD thesis Leiden; published as The Arabian seas 1640-1700, Leiden 1998.
– “Traders and port cities in the western Indian Ocean in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.” Review of Culture 13/14: 105-128.
1995 “Sources on pre-1800 Asian history in Portugal and Spain.” Itinerario 19,2: 144-160.
– “Shipbuilding in seventeenth-century western India.” Itinerario 19,3: 175-195.
1998 The Arabian seas 1640-1700, Leiden: CNWS. – Revision and transl. of PhD thesis 1991; rev. and enl. ed. 2002.
2000 “Trade and state in the Arabian seas: a survey from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.” Journal of World History 11,2: 173-225.
2001 Epos van het Brits imperium 1900-2000; [red.: Bureau InterPunct … et al.] [Amsterdam].
– “Reflections on the Arabian Seas in the eighteenth century.” Itinerario 25,1: 25-50.
2002 The Arabian seas: the Indian Ocean world of the seventeenth century, Armonk, N.Y., [etc.]. – Rev. and enl. ed. of Leiden 1998.
– “History, law and Orientalism under Portuguese colonialism in eighteenth-century India.” Itinerario 26,1: 33-59.
2003 “To be a servant of His Catholic Majesty: Indian troops of the Estado da India in the eighteenth century.” In: Jos Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden [etc.] (Brill’s indological library 19), pp. 69-104.
– Convenor of: IIAS workshop: Country trade and empire in the Arabian seas: 17th – 18th century, Leiden, 9-10 October 2003, Leiden: CNWS.
2005 “Blockade: Goa and its surroundings 1638-1654.” In: Ernst van Veen and Leonard Blussé (eds), Rivalry and conflict: European traders and Asian trading networks in the 16th and 17th centuries, Leiden (CNWS publications 142), pp. 232-266.
2007 Review of: Ashin Das Gupta, India and the Indian Ocean World: trade and politics, New Delhi 2004. JESHO 50,4: 579-581.
2009 Arabian seas 1700-1763, 4 vols, Leiden [etc.]. – vol.1: The western Indian Ocean in the eighteenth century; vol. 2: Kings, gangsters and companies; vol. 3: Men and merchandise; vol. 4: Europe in Asia; e-book available.
2013 Dekolonisatie: de val van de Europese rijken in Azi ë en Afrika, Nijmegen: Uitgeverij VanTilt.
Pedro Baretto de Resende, Descrição geral de todas as possesões Portugueses na Ásia.