
René Jan Barendse

1961 –
South Asia

Curriculum vitae

1961born in Amsterdam on March 31
education Spinoza Lyceum
studied history, University of Amsterdam and Leiden University
1991PhD under the supervision of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden University
1991-presentindependent researcher


1989  & Olga Nieuwenhuys et al., Kinderen in India: hun leven, hun werk, Utrecht: Landelijke India Werkgroep.
1991  Koningen, compagnieën en kapers: de Arabische zeeën 1640-1700, Leiden. – PhD thesis Leiden; published as The Arabian seas 1640-1700, Leiden 1998.
“Traders and port cities in the western Indian Ocean in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.” Review of Culture 13/14: 105-128.
1995  “Sources on pre-1800 Asian history in Portugal and Spain.” Itinerario 19,2: 144-160.
“Shipbuilding in seventeenth-century western India.” Itinerario 19,3: 175-195.
1998  The Arabian seas 1640-1700, Leiden: CNWS. – Revision and transl. of PhD thesis 1991; rev. and enl. ed. 2002.
2000  “Trade and state in the Arabian seas: a survey from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.” Journal of World History 11,2: 173-225.
2001  Epos van het Brits imperium 1900-2000; [red.: Bureau InterPunct … et al.] [Amsterdam].
“Reflections on the Arabian Seas in the eighteenth century.” Itinerario 25,1: 25-50.
2002  The Arabian seas: the Indian Ocean world of the seventeenth century, Armonk, N.Y., [etc.]. – Rev. and enl. ed. of Leiden 1998.
“History, law and Orientalism under Portuguese colonialism in eighteenth-century India.” Itinerario 26,1: 33-59.
2003  “To be a servant of His Catholic Majesty: Indian troops of the Estado da India in the eighteenth century.” In: Jos Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden [etc.] (Brill’s indological library 19), pp. 69-104.
Convenor of: IIAS workshop: Country trade and empire in the Arabian seas: 17th – 18th century, Leiden, 9-10 October 2003, Leiden: CNWS.
2005  “Blockade: Goa and its surroundings 1638-1654.” In: Ernst van Veen and Leonard Blussé (eds), Rivalry and conflict: European traders and Asian trading networks in the 16th and 17th centuries, Leiden (CNWS publications 142), pp. 232-266.
2007  Review of: Ashin Das Gupta, India and the Indian Ocean World: trade and politics, New Delhi 2004. JESHO 50,4: 579-581.
2009  Arabian seas 1700-1763, 4 vols, Leiden [etc.]. – vol.1: The western Indian Ocean in the eighteenth century; vol. 2: Kings, gangsters and companies; vol. 3: Men and merchandise; vol. 4: Europe in Asia; e-book available.
2013  Dekolonisatie: de val van de Europese rijken in Azi ë en Afrika, Nijmegen: Uitgeverij VanTilt.

Pedro Baretto de Resende, Descrição geral de todas as possesões Portugueses na Ásia.