Hanns-Peter Schmidt
Curriculum vitae
1975-1978 | professor in Sanskrit, Leiden University |
Selected publications
Publications in Dutch period (1975-1978) and some early works related to Dutch Indology. For Schmidt’s complete bibliography, see Siamak Adhami (ed.), Paitimāna: essays in Iranian, Indo-European, and Indian studies in honor of Hanns-Peter Schmidt, Costa Mesa, Calif: Mazda Publishers, 2003.
1961 Review of: J. Gonda, Some observations on the relations between ‘Gods’ and ‘Powers’ in the Veda, à propos of the phrase sūnuḥ sahasaḥ, ’s-Gravenhage 1957. ZDMG 111: 227.
1963 Review of: J. Gonda, Stylistic repetition in the Veda, Amsterdam 1959 (VKNAW NR 65,3). ZDMG 113: 356.
1967 Review of: J. Gonda, The vision of Vedic poets, The Hague 1963. Oriens 20.
1968 Bṛhaspati und Indra: Untersuchungen zur vedischen Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte, Wiesbaden, 268 p. Habilitationsschrift Tübingen.
– Review of: J. Gonda, Die Savayajñas: Kauśikasūtra 60-68, transl., introd., comm., Amsterdam 1965 (VKNAW NR 71,2). ZDMG 118: 443.
1970 Review of: J. Goudriaan, Kāśyapa’s book of wisdom: (Kāsýapa-Jñānakāṇḍah̥): a ritual handbook of the Vaikhānasas, transl. and ann., The Hague 1965 (Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae 10). ZDMG 119: 405.
– Review of: J. Gonda, Ancietn Indian kingship from the religious point of view, Leiden 1966. OLZ 65: 394-395.
1973 “Vedic pāthas.” IIJ 15,1: 1–39.
1975 Zarathustra’s religion and his pastoral imagery, Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in het Sanskrit aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden op 6 juni 1975 , Leiden.
– “Is Veidc dhénu related to Avestan daēnā?”Acta Iranica 5: 165-179.
– Review of: J. Varenne [Hrsg.], Devī Upaniṣad, Paris 1971. ZDMG 125: 215.
1976 “The origin of the Vedic god Bṛhaspati.” In: German Scholars on India II, Bombay, pp. 221-234.
– Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Onomastica Persepolitana, Wien 1973. Language 52: 245-247.
– Review of: W. Sundermann, Mittelpersische und parthische kosmogonische und Parabeltexte der Manichäer, Berlin 1973. IIJ 18: 101-103.
1977“Mithras the Horseman and Revata the Lord of Horses.” In: S.K. Chatterji et al. (eds), Some aspects of Indo-Iranian literary and cultural traditions: commemoration volume of dr V.G. Paranjpe, Delhi, pp. 132-157.
1978 “Indo-Iranian Mitra studies: the state of the central problem.” Acta Iranica 17: 345-393.
– “Ṛgvedic madhyāyú and madhyamaśí.” ABORI 58-59 (Diamond Jubilee Volume) (1977-78): 309-317.