
Carolina Margaretha (Carolien) Stolte

1983 –
South Asia

Curriculum vitae

1983born in Groningen
2002-2007studied history and languages and cultures of South and Central Asia, Leiden University
2007-2008researcher at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Genève, and with the UNHCR
2008-2012PhD researcher NWO (Toptalent program), Leiden University
2012-presentlecturer, Department of History, Leiden University
2013PhD under the supervision of H.W. van den Doel and H. Fischer-Tiné, Leiden University

Special activities and positions

  • Coordinator of Cosmopolis
  • Managing editor of Itinerario


Publications on South Asia

2008 “Transoceanic trade: the reconstruction of al-Mukha through VOC records: an interview with C.G. Brouwer.” Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History 32,2: 7-18.
& C. Morlang, “University degrees for the benefit of reconstruction.” Development and Cooperation International Journal 35,3: 103-105.
& C. Morlang, “Tertiary refugee education in Afghanistan: vital for reconstruction.” Forced Migration Review 30: 62-64.
& C. Morlang, “Hochschulabschluesse fur den Wiederaufbau.” Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 49,3: 103-105.
“India en de ILO: oude thema’s en nieuwe uitdagingen.” VN Forum 2008,2: 26-30.
Review of: C.G. Brouwer, Al-Mukhâ: the transoceanic trade of a Yemeni staple town as mapped by merchants of the VOC (1614–1640): coffee, spices & textiles, Amsterdam: D’Fluyte Rarob Press, 2006. Itinerario, European Journal of Overseas History 32,2: 167-168.
2009 Review of: Partha S. Ghosh, The politics of personal law in South Asia: identity, nationalism and the uniform civil code, New Delhi: Routledge 2007. Journal of South Asian Development 4: 305-307.
Review “Negentig jaar op de achtergrond: zichtbare en minder zichtbare momenten uit de ILO-geschiedenis” of: G. Rodgers et al., The ILO and the quest for social justice, 1919-2009, Cornell University Press 2009. VN Forum 2009,3: 60-62.
2010 & J.L. Blussé van Oud Alblas, “Studying Southeast Asia in Southeast Asia: an interview with Anthony Reid.” Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History 34,2: 7-18.
“Het jaar van Afrika: 1960 herdacht.” VN Forum 2010,2: 2-4.
“In de marge van het recht: India, UNHCR en vluchtelingen in Zuid-Azië.” VN Forum 2010,1: 55-57.
2011 “Situating Russia in Asia, past and present: an interview with David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye.” Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History 35,1: 7-14.
& Dinkel J., The Cold War and the postcolonial moment: prehistory, aims and achievements of the non-aligned movement. – Rapport.
& E. Koops, “In God we trust: de tempelschatten van Travancore.” Ars Aequi 60,11: 776-778.
& A.F. Schrikker and F.P. van der Putten, “The red-haired barbarian from Leiden: an interview with Leonard Blussé.” Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History 35,2: 7-24.
“Staatsbezoek van Obama aan India: implicaties voor de VN.” VN Forum 2011,1: 34-37.
Review “Azië van geografische aanduiding tot dynamische regio” of: A. Miller and R. Wich, Becoming Asia: change and continuity in Asian international relations since World War II, Stanford University Press 2011. VN Forum: 42-44.
2012 Dutch sources on South Asia, c. 1600-1825, vol. 5: Philip Angel’s Deex-Autaers: Vaiṣṇava mythology from manuscript to book market in the context of the Dutch East India Company, c. 1600-1672, New Delhi: Manohar, 335 p.
“Bringing Asia to the world: Indian trade unionism and the long road towards the Asiatic Labour Congress, 1919-1937.” Journal of Global History 7,2: 257-278.
“ ‘Enough of the Great Napoleons!’ Raja Mahendra Pratap’s pan-Asian projects (1929-1939).” Modern Asian Studies 46,2: 403-423.
& H. Fischer-Tiné, “Imagining Asia in India: nationalism and internationalism (ca. 1905-1940).” Comparative Studies in Society and History 54,1: 65-92.
2013 Orienting India: interwar internationalism in an Asian inflection, 1917-1937, [s.l.: s.n.]. – PhD thesis Leiden University. electronic version
“Trade unions on trial: the Meerut conspiracy case and trade union internationalism, 1929-32.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 33,3: 345-359.
“On the location of a non-event: problematizing “Encounters” at the turn of the seventeenth century.” Monde(s): Histoire, Espaces, Relations 2,1: 155-159.
& M. Louro, “The Meerut conspiracy case in comparative and international perspective.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 33,3: 310-315.
2014 “‘The Asiatic hour’: new perspectives on the Asian Relations Conference, New Delhi, 1947.” In: N. Miskovic, H. Fischer-Tine, N. Boskovska (eds), The Non-Aligned Movement and the Cold War: Delhi – Bandung – Belgrade, London: Routledge, pp. 57-75.
“Duitse steun aan Indiase ‘Islamisten’: de Niedermayer-Von Hentig expeditie, 1915-16.” Leidschrift: Historisch Tijdschrift 29,1: 93-107.
& Sanjukta Sunderason, “International conference report ‘South Asia and the Long 1930s: appropriations and afterlives,’ 6-7 December 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands.” IIAS Newsletter 67: 40.
& Sanjukta Sunderason, “South Asia and the Long 1930s: appropriations and afterlives,” report of a conference held on 6-7 December 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands. IIAS Newsletter 67: 40.
Review of: Satadru Sen, Traces of Empire: India, America, and postcolonial Ccltures, essays and criticism, Delhi: Primus Books 2013. Itinerario 38,3: 145-146.
2015 “Onbekend en onbemind: over de ‘anonimiteit’ van lokale medewerkers in zeventiende-eeuws India.” In: Lodewijk Wagenaar (red.), Aan de overkant: ontmoetingen in dienst van de VOC en WIC (1600-1800), Leiden: Sidestone Press, pp. 217-236.
“Encounters erased: tracing Indo-Dutch connected histories and their textual echoes, c.1630-1670.” In: M. Derks, M. Eickhoff, R. Ensel, F. Meens (red.), What’s left behind: the lieux de mémoire of Europe beyond Europe, Nijmegen: Vantilt.
“Compass points: four Indian cartographies of Asia, ca. 1930-1955.” In: M. Frey, N. Spakowski (red.), Asianisms: regionalist interactions & Asian integration, Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, pp.  49-74.
“Map-making in world history: an interview with Kären Wigen.” Itinerario 39,2: 203-214.
2016 “Social and political movements: experiments in anti-imperialist mobilization.” In: C. Antunes, K. Fatah-Black (eds), Explorations in history and globalization, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 94-109.
& Y. Kikuchi, “Cross-border intellectual and cultural exchange, 1900-1950.” In: C.M. Stolte and Y. Kikuchi (eds), Eurasian encounters: museums, missions, modernities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7-21.
& Y. Kikuchi (eds), Eurasian encounters: museums, missions, modernities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
2017& A.F. Schrikker, “Facing world history: inspirations, institutions, networks.” In: C.M. Stolte and A.F. Schrikker (eds), World history – a genealogy: private conversations with world historians, 1996-2016. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
& A.F. Schrikker (eds), World history – a genealogy: private conversations with world historians, 1996-2016. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
“Editorial – The archive, the subaltern, and the archive of subaltern history.” Práticas da História 3: 7-10.