
Wendy Janssens

1974 –
economics, empowerment of women, child development
Africa, India

Curriculum vitae

1974born in Turnhout (Belgium) on July 31
1992-1998studied business economics, University of Maastricht
1993-1995studies law (BA), University of Maastricht
1996University of Barcelona, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Spain
1999-2000research assistant, Free University of Amsterdam, Development Economics;
financial-economic advisor, Department of Planning and Control, Hogeschool van Amsterdam
2000-2001consultant, World Bank, Human Development Network, Washington DC
2001-2003M.Phil. in Economics, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, graduation May 2003
2002-2004consultant for the World Bank, Washington DC
2005consultant for the Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague
2006- …research fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for International Development
2007PhD under the supervision of J. van der Gaag and J.W. Gunning, Free University of Amsterdam
2008visiting scholar, World Bank Development Economics Research Group, Washington
2008-2009visiting scholar, Center for the Evaluation of Development Policies, Institute of Fiscal Studies, University College London
2010-presentpost-doctoral researcher, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Free University Amsterdam



Janssens wrote many publications on regions other than South Asia, especially Africa. These are not included.
2004  & Jacques van de Gaag and Jan Willem Gunning, “The role of social capital in early childhood development: evidence from rural India.” AIID report January 2004.
2005  Measuring externalities in program evaluation: spillover effects of a women’s empowerment programme in rural India, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper Series TI 05-017/02.
“Indiase vrouwengroepen en de effectiviteit van ontwikkelingsprogramma’s,” (= “Indian women’s groups and the effectiveness of development programmes”). Vuurwerk May 2005, VU University Amsterdam.
2007  Social capital and cooperation: an impact evaluation of a women’s empowerment programme in rural India, [Amsterdam: Thela Thesis, 2007] (Tinbergen Institute Research Series 401). – PhD thesis Free University of Amsterdam.
2010  “Women’s empowerment and the creation of social capital in Indian villages.” World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development 38,7: 974-989.