Frank de Zwart
the Netherlands, India
Curriculum Vitae
1957 | born in Amsterdam on April 10 |
1983 | BA anthropology/sociology, University of Amsterdam |
1985 | MA political anthropology, University of Amsterdam |
1985-1989 | assistant professor, Department of South and Southeast Asia Studies, University of Amsterdam |
1989-1992 | research fellow, National Council for Academic Research (NWO) |
1992 | PhD under the supervision of O.D. van den Muijzenberg, University of Amsterdam |
1992-2011 | senior lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Leiden University |
1997-1998 | research fellow International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden/Amsterdam |
2011-present | senior lecturer, Department of political sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University |
- Coordinator National South Asia Program (inter-university), 1997-2003
- Board member Indo-Dutch Project for Alternative Development (IDPAD), 1998-2004
- Project director (for Leiden) of consortium Leiden University/ROI The Hague, executing the Nuffic NPT Programme: establishment of an executive MPA degree at Sana’a University, Yemen, 2005-2009
- Project director establishing Public Administration at European Humanities University, Vilnius (Minsk) partner: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2007-2009
- Member of Visitation Commission Quanu, VSNU, for development studies ISS (Erasmus University), The Hague, 2011
- Member of NVAO Accreditation Commission: accrediting internationalization, for Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University), The Hague, 2010
Selected publications on India
1990 “A constant flux of personnel: some ideas on personnel transfers in Indian bureaucracy.” In: T.K. Moulik and H. Streefkerk (eds), Managing rural development: the Indian experience in health and energy programmes, New Delhi: Sage, pp. 114-125.
1992 Mobiele bureaucratie: manipulaties met overplaatsingen van ambtenaren in India, [s.l.: s.n.]. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.
1993 “The politics of personnel transfers in Indian State bureaucracies.” The Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences 29,2: 147-64.
1994 The bureaucratic merry-go-round: manipulating the transfer of Indian civil servants; transl. [from the Dutch] by Gregor Benton, [Amsterdam]: Amsterdam University Press, 145 p.
1996 Panchayat Raj and development administration, Leiden: Universiteit Leiden for the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS.
– State and district administration in India: opportunities and constraints with respect to the Indian administrative services, Leiden, Universiteit Leiden for the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS.
1999 “Positieve discriminatie en identiteitenpolitiek in India: grenzen aan sociale constructies.” Tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij 26,4: 262-275.
– Review of: D. Vidal, Violence and truth: a Rajasthani kingdom confronts colonial authority, [transl. from the French], Delhi 1997. American Journal of Sociology 104,3: 909-910.
2000 “Practical knowledge and institutional design in India’s affirmative action.” Anthropology Today 16: 3-7.
– “The logic of affirmative action: caste, class and quotas in India.” Acta Sociologica 43,3: 235–249.
– “Practical knowledge and institutional design in India’s affirmative action policy.” Anthropology Today 16,2: 4-7.
2004 “Groepsrechten en good governance.” In: R.A. Rutten, L.C. Schenk-Sandbergen and O.D. van den Muijzenberg (red.), Andere verhalen over Azië en onderzoek, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 163-170.
2005 “The dilemma of recognition: administrative categories and ethnic diversity.” Theory and Society 34,2: 137-169.
_ “Targeted policy in multicultural societies: accommodation, denial, and replacement.” International Social Science Journal 1: 155-164.
2011 “Positieve discriminatie in India: bestuurlijke en politieke dilemma’s.” Bestuurskundige Berichten September 2011.
2012 “Politics of representative bureaucracy in India.” In: Peters Guy (ed.) The politics of representative bureaucracy, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
2013 & Bas van Gool, “Politics of representative bureaucracy in India.” In: Eckhard Schröter, B. Guy Peters and Patrick von Maravic (eds), The politics of representative bureaucracy: power, legitimacy, performance, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 204-217.
2019 “Castes, clients, and reservations in Indian politics.” In: S. Ruth-Lovell and M. Spirova (ed.), Clientelism and democratic representation in comparative perspective, London/New York: ECPR Press/ Roman and Littlefield, pp. 61-82.
– “Castes and reservations In Indian politics: some unintended but not unanticipated consequences.” Paper presented at ECPR conference: Clientelism and public policy, joint sessions of workshops, Salamanca. Salamanca, 2014.